Causing Damage - taking responsbility

thats the difference if i wasnt a scaff i probably would stick the cant in but because im a scaff,and maybe the glesga bit i find it beyond me to be a grass;)
Hasnt anybody worked out this is a wind up yet......trampledgarden is a fkin good fisherman...................
Listen, all I came here for was a little advice and, with a few notable exceptions, all I've found is a lot of people with big chips on their shoulders. Daftscaff, I really am glad I'm not you. You have good health so you have nothing else to worry about. When you're a sickly old man, you'll understand what that means and you'll regret the time you spent being bitter, angry and resentful towards those you deem undeserving.


PS. And I want you to know that next time you're dangling on top of a sixty foot building carring a really heavy pole, I really appreciate the hard work you do and the taxes you pay to fund the existence of the likes of me.
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ill health a couple of posts ago you were phoning up that mccloud guy and the grand design team.
tatty bye old bean take care and care and watch out for the social security,one of those lovely polish guys might stick you in for the reward
trampled garden you camden town mug why dont u fcuk off dude
and why would foreigh workers be doing up a council flat and not the council if i wanted to lison to a arse hole mate i would of farted, you are full of it your ceiling comeing down in kitchen cause of the water, how the f--k you have eletric then like someone said no roof on your house you are a sad f--ker with no one to talk to, this is not dear derie from the sun, so go talk to someone who gives a f--k even the council do not give a s--t that is why you are still in a burn out water dameged building
and why would foreigh workers be doing up a council flat and not the council if i wanted to lison to a arse hole mate i would of farted, you are full of it your ceiling comeing down in kitchen cause of the water, how the f--k you have eletric then like someone said no roof on your house you are a sad f--ker with no one to talk to, this is not dear derie from the sun, so go talk to someone who gives a f--k even the council do not give a s--t that is why you are still in a burn out water dameged building

I have only come back to this thread out of kindness to suggest you take adult literacy classes. It's never to late to better yourself.
r u benflynnscaff in disguise?????
sounds like another wind up!!!
I have only come back to this thread out of kindness to suggest you take adult literacy classes. It's never to late to better yourself.

pmsl the lowest of the low resorting to bitching about other posters spelling and grammar fook off back to your looting,watch your roof dont come in tonight the weathers rain all night,tit.
i no fik peepel wat fink ima wiz,cos theys so fekkin fik an'al. so stik it in yur pype an puff on it. yuo pare a posh smug norvenas.
Well, I have to say, the attitude I've found here and with the scaffolders who did the damage is very similar to that of these ferral kids who go around mugging and vandalizing things. "You can't prove it was us what done it!" You, and they, seem to enjoy the thrill of doing damage and getting away with it.

You obviously have serious mental issues, do you have someone you can speak to with your issues , if not try contacting care in the community they specialise in looking after "tards/window lickers " :D


Sorry about the grama , hope she gets well soon :eek:
All us wots on 'ere r in

A.ssociation :cool:
I came to this forum looking for some advice, and I have to say I am shocked at the vitriol aimed at me simply because I have health issues, claim disability benefits and live in a council flat. For all you know I could be where I am because I stepped on a mine in Afghanistan or something.

Celticbhoy, how would you like it if I said you were nothing more than a potato eating terrorist sympathizer? It would make me ignorant to do so, and I wouldn't do such a thing.

Before I go, I'd love to know one thing. I've always wondered whether, as it's such a macho male environment, whether there is such a thing as the 100ft high buggering club in the scaffolding fraternity? Not that way inclined myself, just curious to know if the rumors are true.
Before I go, I'd love to know one thing. I've always wondered whether, as it's such a macho male environment, whether there is such a thing as the 100ft high buggering club in the scaffolding fraternity? Not that way inclined myself, just curious to know if the rumors are true.

I've heard these rumours too , so I stuck to house bashing never got near 100ft the dirty barstewards .
On a different note Feck off :rolleyes:
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