Causing Damage - taking responsbility

I do sympathise TG especially if you are genuine with ill health and what have you, but for the love of god will you please speak to the main contractor on the job and leave the scaffs alone.

The whole horrible truth is you would be lucky to get more than a tenner for a security painted ladder and maybe a visit from the old bill and yes the fittings may well be bombed. A sheet of ply will protect your lawn.
I'm a council tenant, an impoverished and ill one. I can understand scaffolders going to rich people's homes and trampling on their gardens, but it's not fair to do that to a poor person with health problems, whose left living in the basement flat of a burnt out Victorian terraced house.

They've left a ladder in my garden and I'm going to chain it to something and sell it on ebay, how much would one of these big orange ladders get?

And when they come to dismantle it, I'm going to film the whole thing so I have proof of all the damage they do.

Get a life mate, selling a ladder is going to get you a police record [and i dont mean a hit by Sting]. As all the lads on the forum say have a word with the main contractor and the demolition team on site, you may then find out it wasnt the scaffolders that did it.
why you in the bottom of a burnt out victorian building???woudnt you be flooded with the extinguishing water???and re-flooded by having no roof due to the fire,i would imagine the council would deem it unsafe to live in such dwellings esp with your stated illness???that big ladder you speak of liberating from the scaffold company i think you should go ram it where the sun dont shine you crank pmsl.
I don't like having my integrity questioned:
eh, are you for real. Welcome to my world.:D
If thats a garden to be proud of i`d fxxking give up, let me tell you straight you will never be a major threat to gardeners world :embarrest::embarrest:


Is all this because that wee bush got cut. Get a grip man you have a neighbour with no home and good men on site trying to rectify that. I don't know what the law says in England but here you are fully entitled to access your neighbours property to repair or maintain your home and if that means thinning a tree so be it.
The photo I posted was my back garden to prove my honesty. I'm not concerned about that being damaged as it's the front I've spent all summer trying to fix up into a beautiful zen inspired work of art. Probably 50 people have commented while walking past on how much it's improved the whole street, lots of woman have asked me if I'd come and do their garden for them, and I have to resist the urge of offering to come around and trim their bush for them.

If you're telling me it's going to be bombed, I'd rather save what I can and take it into my back garden.

I don't see why working on the building and not destroying the garden are mutually exclusive.
lots of woman have asked me if I'd come and do their garden for them, and I have to resist the urge of offering to come around and trim their bush for them.

Says it all hey what old boy
Why not ask the scaffolders to go round and trim the women`s bush I`m certain they would be glad to help.
OK TG, fair enough but as I've said many times now sympathies will not solve the problem. Unfortunately your garden has now become a building site and I know that can be a shock in itself but it's still the way it is and no amount of moaning will change it. There has been an unfortunate set of circumstances which has left your neighbour without a home and if it was my neighbour I wouldn't be on hear moaning about scaffolding but over on their property trying to help out. It probably mean putting some kind of scaffold up so you would still be ,moaning.
The photo I posted was my back garden to prove my honesty. I'm not concerned about that being damaged as it's the front I've spent all summer trying to fix up into a beautiful zen inspired work of art. Probably 50 people have commented while walking past on how much it's improved the whole street, lots of woman have asked me if I'd come and do their garden for them, and I have to resist the urge of offering to come around and trim their bush for them.

If you're telling me it's going to be bombed, I'd rather save what I can and take it into my back garden.

I don't see why working on the building and not destroying the garden are mutually exclusive.

Contrary to popular belief, Scaffolders are not animals.
Yes they are 'rougher' then most others, but so would you if you actually worked for a living.
(Not saying you dont, but theres a difference between pressing figures into a calculator/stacking shelves/driving a Bus/paining a brick wall, then there is in Scaffolding...)

We dont go to work looking to destroy an garden, most of us (99.9%) aint that fukking petty.
But Scaffolding equipment is heavy. Its awkward, some tubes are long and certain situations they are difficult to handle, if you have shrubs, bushes, plants, benches, ornaments, bird baths and all other stuff in your way.

Accidents DO HAPPEN.

See that picture?
Im guessing that its in your neighbours garden?
So your little tree was overgrowing into HIS property...?

So whats the difference if the Scaffolders cut the tree back or if your neighbour did?

Is the 'damage' unrepairable?
No... its a tree - IT WILL GROW BACK.

Is it the end of the world?
No... theres worse things going on in the world, then some little tree having its overhanging branches trimmed back.

Am i right or am i missing something here? :huh:
Cutting the tree branches was not a problem - I gave them free licence to do whatever they needed to do in that regard - in fact the whole tree needs to come down as it's growing too close to the wall and damaging it.
See, things are looking up already. If you asked them they probably would have taken the whole thing down. Are you starting to think things aren't as bad as you thought yesterday?
I still think a lot of the lads on here would still prefer to trim your neighbours bush LOL:D:D
Only if between 20-30 yr old non ginger between size 8 and 12
, then if u need any help gimne a shout dab hand at it  trimmin the bacon sarnie
Only if between 20-30 yr old non ginger between size 8 and 12
, then if u need any help gimne a shout dab hand at it  trimmin the bacon sarnie

Result scaffy, mine is safe then???????????
This thread is going on longer than Lady Chatterleys Lover, i think he was a gardener and very adept at trimming bushes so i have been told
Probably I'm being a bit unfair on the scaffolders. The main contractor and the council themselves have left me as the guy at the bottom of the burnt out building, out of the loop, left to suffer constant building noise for 8 hours plus a day, unable to leave my home sometimes because there's rubble falling down outside my door. Left with a hole in his hallway ceiling from the a leak from the fire damaged water tank that took them two and half month to stop, despite me calling them every other day, telling them there's something leaking upstairs, only to be told not to worry as it's just residue water from putting out the fire. Left with a kitchen ceiling damaged from the water that came down from the firemen's hoses, which is being pushed closer and closer to collapse because of crashing and banging going on above it.

I'm gonna change my name by deed poll to the guy at the bottom of the burnt out building. GABOBOB for short.
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