Rectifying Misconceptions about the NASC

  • Thread starter TRAD Health and Safety
  • Start date
Sorry, I didn't mean me but scaffolding in general, there are companies which have no idea of the guidance published or even the Work at Height Regs. Would it not be better to try to involve these companies at a lower level and bring them on; kind of a badgers, cubs and scouts thing?

The guidance costs which I understand as it has to be written, published and then sent out.

With regard to joining, it's a considerable fee which if you fail a couple of times in my eyes becomes un-realistic, no body wants to keep shelling out money.

It's the scaffold firms like ours which try but can't afford to join or at present implement all the requirements needed because we just don't have the funds to put everything right, as I'm sure you agree, these things take time.

It's all or nothing with the lower end of the scaffold companies not being consulted or even being able to give their opinion, It will be hard to change smaller companies minds about NASC when they will have no input.
This forum is a great source for feedback that the nasc would do well to heed,it's a shame they wont elect a member to join(or have they taken that step already Trad?)us non members are still part of the industry and as such it's only logical that the nasc embrace the industry as a whole,then again the cynics amongst us might think that if everyone was under the nasc banner,prices for nasc registered company's would be driven down by market forces..........mmm,food for thought:unsure:
Thank you but the NASC have not taken that step we speak as a Member Company only,yes the Forum is a great source of feedback and this has obviously been a challenging post for us to respond to but we now know the depth of resentment felt towards the NASC and the reasons why which we will make them aware of,as you say policies need to be in the interests of the Industry as a whole.
this also explains how individual Branches of the Nationals may appear to have a high concentration of self employed or Agency labour as the formula to calculate compliance of the 90% Direct 10% CIS is taken on the Group as whole and is an avarage of the previous years payroll and is as not some believe taken as a snapshot of the ratio at the time of reaudit.

My understanding of the 90% ratio was that it had to be 90% on a month-by-month basis over a 12 month period and not just 90% over the year?
and your reply to the increase use of agencys is
Sorry you got lost amongst the numerous posts,my apologies,I don't know what information you base this view on but I can assure you that the 90%/10% rule is enforced by the NASC,the ratio of which we did not agree with when changed from 75%/25%,for us that has proved a real challenge given the peaks and troughs we experience as a business and the need to recruit a significant number of men at short notice,the way in which the NASC audits this is that they look at the payroll of the Company as a whole including all the various Branches in the case of the Nationals and go back one year to assess the ratio, so it is entirely possible that a particular Branch could be for instance 10%/90% and still conform when the payroll is looked at a whole,it is not a snapshot of the payroll that exists at the time of the audit.

From our own view point we always prefer to employ men direct but there are still a significant number of very good men that will only work on a self employed basis,in this regard for the purpose of Training we do not treat them any differently,Agency labour as we all know is very unreliable and extremely difficult to plan around, hope this adequately answers your question,kind regards TRAD.
And me lol

How can you send uncarded lads out to put up trad deck as a working platform yet then say your a member of nasc to make a more professional industry ?

Danger-non members may employ a high proportion of inexperienced or unskilled should class yourselves as dangerous as also when your lads are erecting trad deck on a second floor they do it consistently over ,and pass gear through, a stairwell with no handrail....answer that clegg !
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Your doing quite well so far trad, tho I think the forums just warming up. How many members are in the nasc?? 240 or so. That leaves 16000 companies most whom I suspect never heard of the nasc or care not for their attempt at laying down the rules.
Now Indian and rumanian companies starting up all over the place. Who regulates them??
The question of auditing new applicants by member companies was never answered. The sccr has tried on numerous occasions to meet nasc and hse to resolve issues,but so far not even polite enough to say fuk off,you will do as we say.
The NASC aint for my firm ,
Iam well happy just the way iam thank you very much.

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Thanks VLLB

A picture is really worth a thousand words :D

Trad Recruitment/Health & Safety,ect...Sir, Madam, or Chairperson

I believe that if you post for your own company, It,s customs and practices and it's policy on any topic raised within this Forum you could given time, become a useful contributor to this SCAFFOLDERS Forum.

Collectively the Forum members have thousands of years experience in the scaffolding sector of the Construction Industry,have members working all over the UK and in many locations around the world. We have members that are just starting their training, others holding senior management positions within large Companies and all the other positions from the Bottom to the top of the scaffolding sector,We also have a large number of owner/operators that run their own Businesses. We have Self employed,directly employed and agency workers

The above covers the "Scaffolding Experts" We also have highly valued members from Design, Engineering, logistics, Insurance, Hire, Health& Safety,Equipment sales.Apologies if I missed any sectors

Trad please desist from pumping out all the usual codswallop we have grown to expect from some of the larger companies.WE ARE SCAFFOLDERS WITH YEARS OF EXPERIENCE.

So with respect I ask you now to stop digging your hole.Step back and start again, Post for "Trad" and not by proxy for other Companies,Organisations or Associations.

Treat this Forum and its members with Respect and you will in turn be treated with respect.
The above covers the "Scaffolding Experts" We also have highly valued members from Design, Engineering, logistics, Insurance, Hire, Health& Safety,Equipment sales.Apologies if I missed any sectors


cooeee!!! Over here!!! memememe ;)
haw de haw!!! Yeah I expected some bright spark (ooops wrong forum) to pop along and say something... not you though, HSWT!! :D
No pearls of wisdom from trad today.:sad2:
Must be recovering from the Monday Club.:D
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