Rectifying Misconceptions about the NASC

  • Thread starter TRAD Health and Safety
  • Start date
Yep I'm all up for M.A.S.C who do I make the cheque payable to, or would yous prefer cash :blink1:?
I have been reading this thread and would like to add that some of the NASC members that sit on these so call councils should hang there heads in shame. I have wittness some shocking stuff that would make the BBC look good when it comes to covering up bad practices and causeing so much damage to the industry instead of providing good training.
Some of the NASC member have no morals or self respect for them self never mind for anyone out side the club. One last thing i would like to add is some of us london scaffolders in are early 50 s remember how some of these so called NASC members started ie it a bit like the bank robbers have now become the bank managers.
End of rant have not posted for a bit but always looking.
I have been reading this thread and would like to add that some of the NASC members that sit on these so call councils should hang there heads in shame. I have wittness some shocking stuff that would make the BBC look good when it comes to covering up bad practices and causeing so much damage to the industry instead of providing good training.
Some of the NASC member have no morals or self respect for them self never mind for anyone out side the club. One last thing i would like to add is some of us london scaffolders in are early 50 s remember how some of these so called NASC members started ie it a bit like the bank robbers have now become the bank managers.
End of rant have not posted for a bit but always looking.

You've got some cheek given some of the comments that you've made on this forum about one of your colleagues.
Just read play it safe by trad, is this forum now sponsored by a company promoting this whats become of great the comments on responsible practises, to promote snitching for monetary gain when blokes are barely scraping a living as it is is beyond reproach....this country is truely on its knees and accepting anything any company puts forward, unreal !:wondering:
You spend your life in an industry,grafting away. You have a recognised ticket that say's your competent,then the rules change and you suddenly find yourself up a creek without a paddle. The industry turns its back on you and makes no provisions to take in to account the years of knowledge experence gained. As youre now too old to retrain,too young or skint to retire,youre left with a bitter taste,no direction,no self esteem,bills to pay missus on your case. Ahh a lifeline pay several thousands of pounds to go on a course or 2 which everyone passes,to allow you to do what youve been doing all your life.,no misconception here, This is what its come to for a lot of skilled tradesmen. TBC.
Just read play it safe by trad, is this forum now sponsored by a company promoting this whats become of great the comments on responsible practises, to promote snitching for monetary gain when blokes are barely scraping a living as it is is beyond reproach....this country is truely on its knees and accepting anything any company puts forward, unreal !:wondering:

There are times when "grassing" is appropriate. I wish someone would have grassed on the mother and stepfather of poor little Daniel Pelka!
Where wee the idiot teachers? Watching a kid eat out of dustbins. Alarm bells should have been ringing. Ide like to rip the heads off those 2 horrble fkers .
RIP Little fellow
Good post Alastair, and the reasons you state for joining are the reasons i wanted membership from our company, which was started from scratch. But a new company would have to be trading at least 3 years to be able to get that information. For a trade body that produces what is perceived to be best practice, technical guidance and basic industry standards, do you not think that the sooner a new company was a member the better. Would it not be better to audit the companies policies and procedures before deciding on the financial viability of the organisation.

If i was a plumber/ gas fitter i could apply on line to the gas safe register, which has taken over from the old CORGI scheme, their industry main trade body. This is also something that you can apply for from the day you set your company up.

I see your point copperknackers and obviously everyone's opinion is dependent on where they sit. I started from scratch as well but being honest, I personally was not in a position to apply for membership during these first important 3 years anyway as my Maestro van with a roof rack would never have passed muster.:embarrest:

I can understand the frustration for new start ups of bigger concerns who face a brick wall immediately but can only sympathise as I have no real answer to the problem, sorry.

I was never one for trying to change the world, just operate as successfully as possible within it. My only advice to someone like yourself would be, manoeuvre yourself into such a position that when the 3 year accounts are available you knock their socks off. Cold comfort I know, but all I got really.
If i was a plumber/ gas fitter i could apply on line to the gas safe register, which has taken over from the old CORGI scheme, their industry main trade body. This is also something that you can apply for from the day you set your company up.

Also the Gas Safe Register isn't being run by your competitors
Trad...just as a matter of interest as you seem so knowledgeble & the percentages seem at first glance quite credable i wounder if you would be able to tell us how many members there are in the nasc & how many registered scaffold companys are trading within the uk..many thx
Hi,I read a post that you sent earlier in relation to anonymity which I do not seem able to find on todays posts now,in any event thank you for your comments and I will give what you have said some serous thought and come back to you,perhaps you would be kind enough to respond on the earlier thread if you are able to view it,kind regardsTRAD.
Hi,I read a post that you sent earlier in relation to anonymity which I do not seem able to find on todays posts now,in any event thank you for your comments and I will give what you have said some serous thought and come back to you,perhaps you would be kind enough to respond on the earlier thread if you are able to view it,kind regardsTRAD.

Many thx for the reply.unfortunatly it was missed in the large number of posts & so not giving me the chance to respond & i look forward to your reply reguarding anonymity.

With the your guesstimate of 2000 trading companies being a little on the conservative side i find it incredulous that the propergannda reguarding the nasc being the so called voice of the scaffolding industry & excepted by MCs a little disconcerting as your figures would relate to only 10% of a national membership & so therfore the 60% of trading monies are therefore serverly distorted. Certainly on paper & with the sales pitch to MCs @ least in my view anyway it seems that the nasc is not truely about the views of scaffolding as an industry but more so directley only for its membership...a membership that is not in full concensus of 80% of the industry - granted the industry has needed a shake up for many years but even today i saw a job i looked at & shook my head in disbelif at.....erected by a nasc company...many introductions made by both tg & sg guidance have much merit & i look forward to the rewrite incl the cad app .
as a company we are fully complient with both as well as being affilliates to several of the ssip companys & with a turnover of less than 1m i do not find the procedure for joining benificial to me & to pay a large non returnal fee to have my company audited by a competetor may seem cynical but allmost suicidal where the possibility of not only losing my fee but potentialy my client base as an unexceptable trading risk. In an earlier thread posted by bigfish i note ur reply along with many others was that your intentions were to bring these points up in the next GM , perhaps you could raise a question on thw fact that if the nasc truly wish for better compliency & standard why not make the SG notes that you wish everyone to follow as freedownloads readily available for everyone that would be a major starting point for everyone.or is this not financially viable. Tg could still be sold at company level - but surley it would make sence for every scaffolder in every company in every part of the uk to have the ability to check he's doing it right...& not be prosecuted for not knowing.finally i would like to thankyou for raising these point at the GM as like many other companies we have no way or invitation to do so but dont understand why the sccr/forum with its 1000s of members and with a wide range of experiance still have not been invited to a meeting with the nasc
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As an NASC Member I would like to point out that we have never been audited by a competitor. The last two audit have been carried out by a person with no ties to any scaffolding company and is employed by the NASC as an auditor. At no time do the auditors have access to our customers, lists of customers or customer databases and the notion that we or any other company in the London and South East region would be audited by competitors is in my opinion unfounded.
As a new member on here having made few posts or comments & wth no information on here about your details etc forgive me for being cynical of your comments -Whn i originally lookd into it a little over 2 years ago can assure you the infomation. I was given included who was going to come to my company which i can also assure you was another nasc member company not only from my local area but whom i would consider as a direct competetor havng priced atanst them several times over the years.
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Our audit was undertaken by a manager of a company not 20 miles from our office who looked through everything.
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