Rectifying Misconceptions about the NASC

  • Thread starter TRAD Health and Safety
  • Start date
Hello Trad.

Firstly, a few years ago I was doing a job and we ran out a gear. Thankfully a quick phonecall later from the boss and a lorry load of gear was on it's way from you. While at the time I appreciated the gear, as I was getting fat and bored in the cafe, you sent out gear that was still covered in wet paint.

Pink, wet paint.

By the end of that shift I looked like I'd been painting a babies bedroom. Or as another scaff put it, "Been on a gay pride parade".

So thanks for that. Anyway moving on....

What are your views on the Scaff Step Trad? The NASC safety report from 2011-12 shows a huge increase in falls from height (68%, despite the NASC workforce dropping 7%) just as the step is forced on the vast majority of us, if this was something the NASC did not approve of I'm sure these things would have been thrown out based on this (As I've seen other things thrown out on less evidence, Impact Wrenches for example)

As you are members of NASC but not NASC itself I'm sure you can give your honest opinion?
The arrogance of starting this thread with a title like that was your first mistake trad!

Secondly the hypocrisy of your company to hold others to account when you produce trad deck , a crash deck which for your own monetary gain you increased its kn rating , knowing full well the safety aspects and dangers involved let alone the untrained, un harnessed lads you send out to erect this' working platform', is making your own argument unsustainable!

You are putting yourself forward as a leading light in the darkness of scaffolding wheras in reality your own self produced product is causing injuries and safety issues that are a huge problem of your own making.

Answer me why your lads arent trained to put this up and put on here your rams for the erection and dismantle of a second story trad deck, with no stair access,,,,,, knowing full well your lads arent harnessed up, they cant erect handrails around stairwell or climb down from a scaffold into the area because its not up to height until the birdcage is in,,,,as sure as theirs a hole in my arse the only answer is

' we cut corners as theirs money involved'

Well dont come on here making out your any different than anyone else Hypocrite .!!!!!!!
I would have thought the nasc and hse would have welcomed a meeting with the sccr.
A bit of input from the troops on the front line, before implementing changes.
The intended meetings never happened.
I could only surmise that the nasc,having convinced certain changes were neccessary,(bought hook line and sinker by the Hse). Now couldnt open itself to critisism or a cross examination with the HSE in attendance.
A committee of working scaffs would have torn to shreds any debate a bunch of suits could offer.
Theres the cynic in me again. Nasc didnt want to face a barrage of questions in front of the Hse lawmen:rolleyes::rolleyes:
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