Rectifying Misconceptions about the NASC

  • Thread starter TRAD Health and Safety
  • Start date
Trad Health and Safety

Are you any relation to "Trad Recruitment" you both seem to appear good company men/women or committee

Why are you putting the views of the NASC, they are surely big enough boys to join the forum and defend their working practices first hand ?

I have no misconceptions of NASC,I have made informed judgements from my own and others dealings with this "Trade Organisation", who strut around as if the are thee Governing body of the scaffolding industry

This is some of the propaganda the NASC display on their website

"The Risks Of Not Using An NASC Member

Danger. Non members may employ a high proportion of inexperienced and unskilled labour.

Reputation. Over and above the risk to the public and employees, using non members could also endanger the reputation of your organisation.

Equipment. Some non members use inadequate equipment or even stolen plant.

Uninsured. There is a possibility that non members will be underinsured or carry no public or employers liability insurance at all for their work.

No Code. With no code of practice non members are unaccountable for their actions.

No Support. When complex problems arrive, non members do not have NASC resources at their disposal to help clients in the way an NASC member does.

No Expertise. NASC members account for a significant share of all turnover in the industry. They have the vast majority of the expertise."

So please explain where your:-

"As a body it does not, would not and cannot “rubbish” companies that are not members; perhaps some member companies may do, but do so without any authority to speak on behalf of the NASC."

Lastly please do not instruct me on what I can and cannot post to this Forum. You have laid out a few £££s to become sponsors, for your own commercial reasons, that is all,

You do not own the Forum, or maybe you do, I notice you are top of the list of sponsors ( side bar) above "Buy Brand Tools"??? :sad2:

This one.
Excellent one thousand four hundred and sixty fourth post Rigger.

I didn't join the forum to receive tool box talks from Trad
Good Morning,sorry that the post appeared to be a toolboxtalk,it is a post to open up genuine debate and raise the profile of raised issues with the NASC.
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3.48 am Can't you sleep Trad?

Answer Rigger then.

---------- Post added at 03:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 AM ----------

3.48 am Can't you sleep Trad?

Answer Rigger then.

Must be worried about something swifty....:unsure:
why would you speak on behalf of them. i can understand on there own rules. but brown nose
Good morning,we are speaking as an active Member and one that does believe that you can shape policy,we also seek to understand why the NASC is such an emotive issue for some Forum members and this post has raised many issues that we will bring up at the next opportunity at Council.
What you seem to forget Trad is that a hell of a lot of companies surpass NASC criteria and feel no need to join as the NASC has little to offer them.

And before you start mentioning all the MC's that pledged to use NASC only, it didn't happen did it?
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Civility....your being spoken to and treated with as much contempt and disdain as you have given out....we dont recognise you as representing us....we see you as a parasite, serving only yourselves at the top as the ridiculous so called safety concerns you bring to light are merely to further your own aims and not backed up by statistical gor trad deck shall we get into that...three sites I was on had accidents and I replaced the lot with look down and dismiss what im saying from a perceived higher level by saying its uncivil is just avoiding your own denial or worse.....your full of uncivilised sh1te !....

I treat you with contempt and do not recognise you at all as having anything valid to cpntribute to scaffolding in general....the arab spring showed democracies that true freedom of speech can ultimately mean not sitting around the table with people who only twist squirm and force their way into power.....your a disgrace of an organisation .! :mad:
Good morning,obviously your views are regretable but we will continue to respond positivly to any posts you may make in the future,kind regards TRAD.

---------- Post added at 04:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 AM ----------

What you seem to forget Trad is that a hell of a lot of companies surpass NASC criteria and feel no need to join as the NASC has little to offer them.

And before you start mentioning all the MC's that pledged to use NASC only, it didn't happen did it?
I agree and many of them are our Clients as I have stated before but we believe it can benifit any Company, you need to get involved to join the platform for debate and have a vote,its similiar to complaining about the Government and its policies when you didnt vote at the election for your own party !

---------- Post added at 04:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:36 AM ----------

If the nasc want to broaden their membership base,then surely it's time for them to embrace and help the small company's,instead of appearing to be an elitist club,off the top of my head,i think it's about £1800 just to apply for membership(non returnable)with a very high chance of refusal(on daft techinacality's)and I think i'm right in saying that there's a ban for twelve months before you can re'apply(with another application fee,of course!!)instead of failing these applications,why cant they point out their failings,accept them into the membership but monitor them closely to ensure compliance over say two years?then they could really claim to be the industry's uniting body instead of an elitist club,surely i'm not the only one who see's this as common sense?:wondering:
Thank you,we will raise it at Council at the next opportunity.
I agree and many of them are our Clients as I have stated before but we believe it can benifit any Company, you need to get involved to join the platform for debate and have a vote,its similiar to complaining about the Government and its policies when you didnt vote at the election for your own party !

No comparison at all, a very disappointing reply.
Your patronising,Condesending and do the politicians sh1te of pointing with your thumb not your finger.

welcome questions....change misconseptions..... do you really believe we are that guess is some half arsed pr company has given you two lessons in damage limitation and raise your profile amongst the peasants.....

Your are not fit for are self serving and your aims are not to improve safety or working practise amongst scaffs otherwise these methods you put forward would be welcomed and understood by a lot more of the blokes on here....we see right through you...and in this climate your a dying entity.....thats what happens when the blood runs dry you parasite !!!!!!
Two joiners brickie....a fookin site agent went thtough trad deck....why because they beefed up the kn rating and had brickies loading up the party walls with block not thermalites....

Strangely enough the zip ties and cloth straps that held this 2kn rated platform together gave way and luckily for the site agent the boards put across the gap in the stairwell by moi saved his proping underneath either to transfer the load through.....answer that clegg!
Fair play to Trad for being the only large company to come on this forum and have a voice. We've all made daft posts on this forum and I think Trad may regret this one. Trying to convince this forum that the NASC is beneficial to the industry and is a misunderstood organisation is like trying to convince us that Ian Brady is actually an all round good egg, and is misunderstood. Lets not drive them away as they will be useful and potentially an important part of this forum.
Fair play to Trad for being the only large company to come on this forum and have a voice. We've all made daft posts on this forum and I think Trad may regret this one. Trying to convince this forum that the NASC is beneficial to the industry and is a misunderstood organisation is like trying to convince us that Ian Brady is actually an all round good egg, and is misunderstood. Lets not drive them away as they will be useful and potentially an important part of this forum.
Thank you for your support,we have no regret in this post as it has raised genuine issues that we will seek to address with the NASC,we may be successful and we may not but at least Forum Members have been given a voice,there are obviously a lot of Companies that would be welcomed as members but would not apply given the points made and grievances held so hopefully some good will come of it.
No one is driving anyone away Mr Lard. But Trad are being selective with their replies.
No one is driving anyone away Mr Lard. But Trad are being selective with their replies.
Hi Swifty,we will respond to all relevant to unanswered posts very shortly as I stated this morning,once these have gone there is probably little else we may add on what is obviously a very contentious subject for the Forum members.

---------- Post added at 12:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 AM ----------

Interesting post from Trads.

This would be the same NASC that pushed the use of "scaff Steps " when in fact they cause more problems then they solve.
The same NASC that recommended that virtually all scaffolds are designed , then change their mind 5 years later.
The same NASC who has members that regularly flout there own rules , we have all seen it and i for a fact no lads that are encouraged to do so to " get the job done "

So what makes a NASC member better or worse then a non member company ?

Good morning in response to your post we reply as follows

A) Scaffstep our Health and Safety Dept will post our view on how we operate with the Step and not the Advanced Guardrail.

B) The NASC would probably be the first to accept now that TG20/08 caused many issues for their own members and the industry in general but the European standard EN 12811 posed many difficult challenges on interpretation. As you are no doubt aware TG20/13 is due to be published shortly and we have studied a draft copy, both our Contract staff and Health & Safety Dept consider it an excellent document and it has addressed many of the issues that TG20/08 created, you will not be disappointed.

C) With regard to flouting of rules we cannot speak for all members but assure you that TRAD does not.

---------- Post added at 12:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 PM ----------

That's been copied from the International Association of Scaffolding Contractors website.

Good afternoon, the statistics you refer to are from the NASC itself and are available in various formats.

As you are aware we have been members of the NASC for many years but not active in the various committees or council until some eighteen months ago.

Given that TRAD Scaffolding is based and trades for the most part in London the ECITB issue would not have been debated in the London region and therefore we are not informed enough to respond independently.

We will raise this issue at the next NASC council meeting to be held in October along with other matters that forum members have raised and either the NASC will respond directly or we will if they elect otherwise.

---------- Post added at 12:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:57 PM ----------

Trad...just as a matter of interest as you seem so knowledgeble & the percentages seem at first glance quite credable i wounder if you would be able to tell us how many members there are in the nasc & how many registered scaffold companys are trading within the uk..many thx

Good afternoon, there are approximately 215 companies that are members of the NASC representing somewhere in the region of 60 to 70% of the access spend in the UK. There is no data available to establish how many registered companies there are but an educated guess based on our own client base would suggest somewhere in the region of 1500 to 2000 combining both registered Companies and sole traders.

The NASC expel member companies that do not comply with the rules following an audit but they are first given an opportunity to address the non-conformances over typically a 6 month period.

In 2012, 4 companies were expelled.

---------- Post added at 01:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 PM ----------

33% turn over less than 1mil that say that 67 % turn over more than that with the majority of ember been in the £££££££ club do you not think this is a bad representation of nasc? work for a firm that work by the book i mean works by the book sometimes it can jsut be a fekign baw ake doign it that way but thats they way it needs to be done. not a nasc member. but again nasc are making reg that we all ave to follow shoudl every company not have a say in this ???????

Good Afternoon, yes probably on balance when you view the T/O ratio of the membership to the number of companies in and those non-members it can be seen as poor representation, hence why more companies should apply to join.

---------- Post added at 01:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 PM ----------

Trad Health and Safety

Are you any relation to "Trad Recruitment" you both seem to appear good company men/women or committee

Why are you putting the views of the NASC, they are surely big enough boys to join the forum and defend their working practices first hand ?

I have no misconceptions of NASC,I have made informed judgements from my own and others dealings with this "Trade Organisation", who strut around as if the are thee Governing body of the scaffolding industry

This is some of the propaganda the NASC display on their website

"The Risks Of Not Using An NASC Member

Danger. Non members may employ a high proportion of inexperienced and unskilled labour.

Reputation. Over and above the risk to the public and employees, using non members could also endanger the reputation of your organisation.

Equipment. Some non members use inadequate equipment or even stolen plant.

Uninsured. There is a possibility that non members will be underinsured or carry no public or employers liability insurance at all for their work.

No Code. With no code of practice non members are unaccountable for their actions.

No Support. When complex problems arrive, non members do not have NASC resources at their disposal to help clients in the way an NASC member does.

No Expertise. NASC members account for a significant share of all turnover in the industry. They have the vast majority of the expertise."

So please explain where your:-

"As a body it does not, would not and cannot “rubbish” companies that are not members; perhaps some member companies may do, but do so without any authority to speak on behalf of the NASC."

Lastly please do not instruct me on what I can and cannot post to this Forum. You have laid out a few £££s to become sponsors, for your own commercial reasons, that is all,

You do not own the Forum, or maybe you do, I notice you are top of the list of sponsors ( side bar) above "Buy Brand Tools"??? :sad2:

Good Afternoon Rigger
In reply to why are we expressing the views of the NASC as you are no doubt aware TRAD has been a member for many years and has probably questioned on a regular basis if being members was of any benefit to us given as it was for many years an old boys club controlled by the Nationals as rightly perceived by others.

However, in the last 10 years and the last 5 in particular there have been significant changes in relation to policy and the make-up of the governing council and members who now represent a much wider section of the industry.

As a result of this we have adopted a more involved role with the Committees and the Council and we do sincerely believe that we have a voice in shaping policy for the industry as a whole.

Whether we like it or not the UKCG and the HSE perceive the NASC as being the regulatory body for the Scaffolding industry and the greater the number of members will make it more representative of the industry as a whole, which is why we believe being a member is beneficial.

In relation to the propaganda you refer to we accept that a number of the points perhaps particularly in relation to but not exclusively.
  • Reputation
  • No Code
  • No Support
  • No Expertise
Are points that may do a disservice to many reputable non-member companies both large and small and possible have the opposite effect when viewed by a company wishing to join, the issue will be raised at the next Council meeting.

With respect we have not told you or any forum member what they may or not post, it was not and is not our intention we expect to be seen as an equal voice. We do not expect any special privileges because we are a Sponsor.
We have sponsored the forum because we wish to raise the profile of our organisation, to assist in recruitment and to share Health & Safety best practice and we hope to achieve this by assisting the forum membership wherever we can.

My apologies for taking so long to reply but a quick of the cuff reply would not have been appropriate should you wish us to raise any further issues with the NASC please let us know.

Kind regards

I don't know whether this is possible or has been asked previously, but, i will ask it anyway.....

Would it be possible for a member company of the NASC who's based on the committee to liaise with the SCCR or similar or has this already happened?

I understand it may be frowned upon by NASC, but, I feel that if NASC is to be the trade body, us at the work end could do with some direction/guidance and to sit down and have a reasonable chat about what scaffolding needs.

---------- Post added at 12:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 PM ----------

I know this is where people say we should join, but at present, our company is not in a position to join and I don't believe we will be for approx. 3 years,
This thread is superb. What have I missed???

A classic example of how to dig yourself a hole on the forum.
This thread is superb. What have I missed???

A classic example of how to dig yourself a hole on the forum.
Thank you, its is not a hole but it is a window that has highlighted much that needs to be considered by the NASC Officers and Council and lets not forget that TRAD is one of 215 Member Companies not the NASC itself ! but we are happy to take these views forward on behalf of the Forum members.

---------- Post added at 02:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 PM ----------


I don't know whether this is possible or has been asked previously, but, i will ask it anyway.....

Would it be possible for a member company of the NASC who's based on the committee to liaise with the SCCR or similar or has this already happened?

I understand it may be frowned upon by NASC, but, I feel that if NASC is to be the trade body, us at the work end could do with some direction/guidance and to sit down and have a reasonable chat about what scaffolding needs.

---------- Post added at 12:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 PM ----------

I know this is where people say we should join, but at present, our company is not in a position to join and I don't believe we will be for approx. 3 years,
I am not aware if the matter has been considered or not but I will raise it at the next Council meeting,what particular advice do you need ? we could possibly help or at least point you in the right direction,regards TRAD
This forum is a great source for feedback that the nasc would do well to heed,it's a shame they wont elect a member to join(or have they taken that step already Trad?)us non members are still part of the industry and as such it's only logical that the nasc embrace the industry as a whole,then again the cynics amongst us might think that if everyone was under the nasc banner,prices for nasc registered company's would be driven down by market forces..........mmm,food for thought:unsure:
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