better tax

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I cant see what the problem is here.

Better Tax are THEE MOST helpful, honest and fair Accountants is have ever used.
They know what your on about and know about what we do and why we claim for things and such.

They smash EVERY other accountants out there, imo. :)
Just spoke to betterTAX on the phone and i aint even registered and have gave me lots of useful information, so im going with bettertax as my accountants from now on

thanks BetterTAX
if you can get it cheaper better service then id say thats great as this is what the forums for giving each other the heads up,personally im quite happy with service bt are giving me seem very proficient at what they do,id love to do my own tax return but am too thick for that so iv got the next best people to do it yes they charge but i know im in good hands.
i dont use betertax as iam paye but hee hoo what a load of bitter people that use this forum!! as some say if you dont wana use betertax go with what floats your kite!! jesus your either earning to much or your tight lol!!
We thought we’d set a few myths straight. We also see that SF Admin has now amalgamated the other thread regarding seafarers tax and here was our answer, just to make things very clear on that score:

If the pamphlet being referred to is the recent RMT one about claiming/not claiming tax back, I can tell you that we are in full agreement with them. We've read it and it is specifically in relation to sea-farers tax.

This is in no way related to what we do, and does not describe our work, less than 1% of all clients that come to us actually qualify for it and we have never claimed it on behalf of a client only to see it clawed back by HMRC.

Not sure if we've spoken to anyone on here about it but if we have, they'll be well aware that we're very clear about the rules regarding this relief. For those in any doubt here are the rules for claiming sea-farers tax & If you don’t tick ALL of these boxes, you DO NOT qualify.

1. You must be located a minimum of 12 miles from the British coastline (i.e. on the Continental shelf)

2. You must be directly involved with a) the exploration or the transportation of a mineral or oil (basically, working directly with the drill head).

3. You must be offshore for a minimum of 183 days ‘consecutively’ (Unite are currently disputing this in European Court but as yet NO decision has been made.

To put things in perspective, we have several offshore scaffolder clients and only one single client has qualified for it to date.

I'm picking out a few key points in this thread:

If the 30% is tax deductible as a fee then I can't see a problem.

Quite right, Simian, the fee paid is a tax deductible.

that's all well an good but look at the bigger picture. if they are on a % then they are more willin to get you more money. for a 120 quid i reckon your forms are completed within seconds.

Again, quite right, PROPBUSTER03. Unless a direct comparison is made, NO ONE will know for sure whether the tax refund was the best that was due. Incidentally, we have had people come to ask to see if we could have done better, and if we come up with a similar figure, we tell them to stick with who they are with as they are clearly doing a good job.

i seen some rumours on face book about better tax claims coming back to bite people . dont know the details but apparently someone not only had to pay what they were paid but the 30% bettertax had took too . i dont know if theres any truth in it and always defend better tax on here when people slate them because of how many of my friends they got rebates. i hope its not true but i m just telling the scaffs what i read on face book written by another scaff

Your fears are unfounded Allan666, this is absolutely not true (and we'd love to know who said it) . I have seen nothing about it on my Facebook wall, so whoever it is I hope they figure which company they really mean because it certainly isn’t Bettertax - Apart of course from the one absolute liar of a client we had, who did get caught out (remember, we don't pick our clients), not one of our clients has had to repay all their tax claim in fact of the majority of investigations into Bettertax claims by HMRC the refund has remained in tact and sometimes has been increased (most notably the last time this accusation was made – we post the conclusion of the very last investigation where HMRC wrote to inform us that we were quite right and that a £900(approx) was owed to our client. Moreover, if indeed there is some percentage or other that HMRC do demand back, we pay back our fee equally and proportionately.

Part of our service includes that If any clients are investigated, we undertake to liaise with HMRC on their behalf to get the best possible solution, free of charge!

It should also be noted, that when clients come to us owing money from previous years', we end up footing some of those early years' bills for the client too.


"(Oh and as for Freedomaccountancy - nice bit of advertising for you, eh, on our back tsk tsk ;)) "

What you whinging about, I remember that you were all over the site before you decided to become a sponser.

We have worked hard to build a relationship within this community and at the time there were no tax agents offering free advice as we were (and still do). We were under scrutiny by Admin too and had no links allowed until we became sponsors.

Buy Brand Tools I beleive are owners of the site (please correct me if this wrong) They do not winge or bemoan others "advertising" their products. The other sponsers of the site take no umbridge at similar companies also putting forward their services or product's

So I suppose what you are saying is that could join up, go on some of Buy Brand Tools’ threads where ‘which is the best spanner to buy’ is being discussed and Buy Brand say, we have nice titanium ones and say, we find our steel ones do just as great a job, in our experience... and that this is deemed acceptable by Buy Brand Tools & any of the other sponsors?

This is after all the "SCAFFOLDERSFORUM" set up to assist scaffolders and ancilary trades to make contact,solve problems and generally converse on matters affecting our lives and business

And we’d like to think we do a good job of doing just that in our own little way.

This thread is very similar to one posted last week

Yes it is and they've now been put together.

But if you feel you cannot make your return without help please shop around a little, Before committing to any deal

Good advice.

I googled “cis tax returns” and it returned 592,000 hits, so there is a lot companies undertaking this kind of work. I have placed link to one of them I thought of value to anyone who was unsure whether they wanted to do their own return or use an agent. There is a lot of information on the site including calculators to work out your tax.

Very similar to the refund estimator on our site.

They appear to be charging a £99 fee to compile your tax return ,for each year you require plus a 20% agents fee of any refund .It is an online service and may not suit all

Unlike the company you’re quoting ... we actually do the work (not expect our client to do it), and even if our service wasn’t superior, just look at the numbers... The majority of our clients are PAYE Scaffolders (in fact the majority of scaffolders are PAYE) and their average legitimate refund is less than £1000 in any given do the math (not so sure you thought this one through).

We just say thanks to all you guys who have spoken up in support of us. As our clients you speak with an authority of the service we provide. Interestingly the negative comments come from those who have never engaged us (apart from on threads like this) and more importantly, never experienced what we do actually do.
I have no commercial interest in any company that offers this kind of financial service. I neither endorse nor oppose any company that I may quote, mention, or relate too in any way, whilst taking part in this debate on an open forum.

I post my own views and opinions to the Scaffolders Forum, without fear or favour

I believe it is not beyond the capabilities of the average man/woman to complete their personal tax return. Millions do it every year. (If you feel, you cannot make out your own return, for any reason, contact your local H.M. Revenue & Customs office for help & advice)

I believe that a 30% fixed fee, of any money you are entitled too by way of a tax refund or re-payment. Is too great a percentage for this service.

I advise anyone that is considering employing a third party to complete your tax returns, to bear in mind that you are still responsible for your Tax affairs.

Lastly if you are convinced that a company that offers this type of service, is your preferred choice. Please shop around a little, before committing, there are thousands of companies that undertake this work and like most businesses they vary in price, service and quality.

You make your choice and Pay the money, Better still do your own

This is a page of one company that undertakes this kind of work, I pulled off the web, (I have omitted the name of the company and any links) they are quoting a fee of 10.5% (min £55-00) based on any re-payment.

“Any tax, any case - we refund more!

We cover the full scope of personal income tax in UK. XXXXXXXX Ltd will get the maximum possible refund (often 100%) for any of the following categories:
  • PAYE tax (employment)
  • Self-employment tax (including CIS)
  • Seafarers tax (Seafarers Earnings Deduction - SED claims)
  • Non-residents tax (working overseas for a UK employer)
  • Oil & Gas industry tax
  • Student tax (seasonal, part-time, agency work), etc
FREE Support - Tax advice, calculations, forms.

You can get free tax support without any commitment to become our customer. XXXXXXX Ltd will provide the following free services without any conditions:
  • Free advice on general income tax issues
  • Free Tax Calculation
  • Free support and downloads of UK tax forms
No upfront charge, free tax calculation in 24 hours!
You do not pay any upfront charges whatsoever! Simply (link removed) get a free tax calculation in 24 hours. If there is a rebate due it will be entirely your decision if you wish to chase it through our company or not.

No refund - no fee

A fee of 10.5% (min £55.00) will apply only after your money has been effectively reclaimed, no refund - no fee.
The fee will be automatically deducted so you pay nothing from your pocket. There are no hidden charges and no extra VAT.

No hassle - we deal with all the forms and papers

Getting your tax back has never been easier: You just sign a few forms and post them back - we deal with all the papers and contacts with the tax office so there will be no mistakes/delays and you will get the highest possible amount.

Secure Payment

Our standard payment is by bank transfer - straight into your bank account. If a bank transfer is unacceptable for you, we can also pay by cheque posted to your private address. There are NO extra fees for domestic bank transfers. For your own security cheques are sent by recorded mail only, so if you want a cheque, a fee of £5 will apply to cover postage and handling. For international bank transfers you will have to cover the relevant bank charges - usually within £15-£25.”
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i just repeated something i read , i did say i didnt believe and have backed you up a few times . the post on facebook i read was by someone who had done his own tax return and got a good rebate . he had said some one he knew had to pay back . sorry to have posted it now as all the other replies to this thread have been good as usual . im sure if it had happened someone else on here would of heard about it and posted as every scaff in the country must at least be mates with someone on here .


'Normal' Accountants.

Need i say more...? :noworry:
30% is alot to charge.
But, ill give my reasons why id happily pay it.

If you pay a normal Accounts Firm the usual £250 to do your Tax Return, then their heart aint gonna be 100% in it, as if you get £5000... they get £250, if you get 1000, they get £250.
Either way, they ONLY get their fixed fee...

But, with BetterTax: If they charge 30% then id would bet all the tea in China that they are gonna smash every last penny out of the Taxman, so they earn as much as possible - Meaning that YOU get as much as possible too.

Id rather pay 30% of £1000 and know that BetterTax have squeezed everything they can back and get my cash back from them very very fast, then pay another Accountants a small fee and have to wait weeks and weeks, maybe even months to get back what they could be bothered to claim for.

As well as that BetterTax are easy to speak to and are always easy to contact.

Those are my reasons. :)

What a load of sh1te Jason, how can you say any other accountant wouldn't get you back the best possible returns? That is just a ridiculous statement to make when there are hundreds if not thousands of other accountants in the country. I feel you' re just trying to blow smoke up BT's ar5e mate.

I have said how much i pay myself and there will be loads of other people reading this who agree with me, 30% is a joke simple as. My accountant DOES get me the best possible return I can wish for, anything and everything I am legally entitled to is put into my return. I know all 4 members of staff by name now in their office and have spoken to them all face to face, they have such a professional service that I would never see myself going anywhere else.

The point I am trying to make is BT are not the be all and end all regarding accounting services, do a search, Google is your friend and find somebody that is not exploiting workers who are not savvy with all things financial.
Its like anything.

You get offered a job, the boss offered you £250 to get that job done, on a price if you want but you wont earn any more then £250, no matter what you do... how much effort are you going to put in?
Not much... you'll ONLY do enough to cover your wages, because i know thats what i would do - your not gonna bust your balls for nothing, are you.

Then, instead he offers you 30% of what the job is, making you get potentially £750 for the same job, are you gonna smash it? - Ofcourse you are... your gonna wanna get that £750 as fast as possible and earn a right nice days money.

Makes sense dont it?

I feel BetterTax would be the same and they offer a very good service... Just stop being a tight arse, lol.
My accountant DOES get me the best possible return I can wish for, anything and everything I am legally entitled to is put into my return. I know all 4 members of staff by name now in their office and have spoken to them all face to face, they have such a professional service that I would never see myself going anywhere else
That's a very compelling statement, I'd be interested in knowing how long you have been their client??

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I cant see how BetterTax price structure should be a topic of debate. Their clients seem to be happy with the service provided, and if not they move on. Theres always someone willing to provide cheaper rates across the board. If we all posted our rates on the forum,you will find others will undercut. I wouldnt like anyone discussing my business on an open forum let alone some awful comments made.
My accountant does it for free so top that
Mine sooks ma boaby whilst filling in the forms.:love:
That's a very compelling statement, I'd be interested in knowing how long you have been their client??


I have been a client a whole 2 years, so i'm not trying to blow smoke up their ar5e like people are doing to yourselves on here, i take it that was a flippant comment about the time i have been with them!!!
Educate me aom what that mean in english ?
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