better tax

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Educate me aom what that mean in english ?

Boaby = penis

Sooked = Sucked

Surely you can work out the rest.:confused:

---------- Post added at 06:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:36 PM ----------

He speaks Scottish Scaffy, It doesn't translate into English :laugh:

FFS, I didn't think you would have trouble understanding typed Scottish.:eek:
Don't give us that, I would call that your Birthday.:toung:
Best accountant ever was Ivor Argent. Little jewish man who lived in Swiss Cottage. Didnt have a computer just a calculator and pen and paper. Got you loads back year after year. He would whisper as if he was scared the revenue had bugged his place lol
i have been paye for about 22yrs out of 27 and never really had a tax rebate so 30% may have been a wee bit much but at the end of the day it was money i never had and it is better off in my hand than the tax mans paid my offshore
Hi Rigger,

It’s clear from your posts that you only have other scaffolder’s best interests at heart, and whilst there may not be total parity in our views I do admit that your advice on the subject of tax is usually fairly spot on (and I always post to confirm it too). I just though I should bring to your attention some info on the (potential alternative) company you posted about: -
<snip>This is a page of one company that undertakes this kind of work, I pulled off the web, (I have omitted the name of the company and any links) they are quoting a fee of 10.5% (min £55-00) based on any re-payment.<snip>
The records for this outfit @ ‘Companies House’ state that this company has ‘Liabilities’ that are almost equivalent to their ‘Assets’ which are identical to their ‘Cash at Bank’ and are a Ltd Company.

In this business the ‘Cash at Bank’ and ‘Assets’ are usually one and the same thing and are largely money in transit on it’s way to customers (to whom it actually belongs to) and in this case it seems the company has over-reached, as client’s refund money looks as if it is helping to keep the ‘Liabilities’ passive.

However (and you will know this) if the Liabilities (Creditors, Overdraft etc) call their debts in...This company will probably have to immediately collapse due to its liabilities.

But that also means that any & all the customers refunds at the bank and coming into the bank will disappear with it. :eek:

Also, as a limited company the Director/Owner of the company is virtually not accountable and very well protected... and in this case cannot be brought to account as he is registered as living in Bulgaria.
Bettertax are not in that situation,
all are British and UK resident,
we have no ‘Liabilities’,
but more importantly
our clients refund money comes into a protected account that cannot be touched by creditors, cannot get used or demanded in any way even if (god forbid) the company suffered a catastrophe and most importantly it has clear identification of how much and to whom each payment belongs to ( even if perhaps everyone that works here perished at our xmas shin-dig). :idea:

But I just want to reiterate that whilst I may feel a little put out about posts advising guys to hunt around for other services and perhaps a cheaper alternative to us I, can still understand and appreciate the value in it as I do believe you are a genuine guy who only has everyone’s best interests at heart.


Hi Rigger,

"It’s clear from your posts that you only have other scaffolder’s best interests at heart, and whilst there may not be total parity in our views I do admit that your advice on the subject of tax is usually fairly spot on (and I always post to confirm it too). I just though I should bring to your attention some info on the (potential alternative) company you posted about: -

But I just want to reiterate that whilst I may feel a little put out about posts advising guys to hunt around for other services and perhaps a cheaper alternative to us I, can still understand and appreciate the value in it as I do believe you are a genuine guy who only has everyone’s best interests at heart.


Thanks Bettertax for those kind comments

As to the liquidity of the company you quote, or the criteria you use to come to your conclusions as per its financial position. I can only say the company was incorperated in February 2005 and assume it has been trading from that date.

I only used this companies web page, to illustrate that there is a wide range of charges,services and companies offering this kind of financial service.I did not endorse nor recommend it, on the contrary I removed it's name and all links within the page.
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Hi Rigger,

I just though I should bring to your attention some info on the (potential alternative) company you posted about: -
The records for this outfit @ ‘Companies House’ state that this company has ‘Liabilities’ that are almost equivalent to their ‘Assets’ which are identical to their ‘Cash at Bank’ and are a Ltd Company.

In this business the ‘Cash at Bank’ and ‘Assets’ are usually one and the same thing and are largely money in transit on it’s way to customers (to whom it actually belongs to) and in this case it seems the company has over-reached, as client’s refund money looks as if it is helping to keep the ‘Liabilities’ passive.

However (and you will know this) if the Liabilities (Creditors, Overdraft etc) call their debts in...This company will probably have to immediately collapse due to its liabilities.

But that also means that any & all the customers refunds at the bank and coming into the bank will disappear with it. :eek:

Also, as a limited company the Director/Owner of the company is virtually not accountable and very well protected... and in this case cannot be brought to account as he is registered as living in Bulgaria.
Bettertax are not in that situation,
all are British and UK resident,
we have no ‘Liabilities’,
but more importantly
our clients refund money comes into a protected account that cannot be touched by creditors, cannot get used or demanded in any way even if (god forbid) the company suffered a catastrophe and most importantly it has clear identification of how much and to whom each payment belongs to ( even if perhaps everyone that works here perished at our xmas shin-dig). :idea:

But I just want to reiterate that whilst I may feel a little put out about posts advising guys to hunt around for other services and perhaps a cheaper alternative to us I, can still understand and appreciate the value in it as I do believe you are a genuine guy who only has everyone’s best interests at heart.



Big wow Bettertax, that's one company that he pulled up from Google, maybe that was a wrong choice he made but I see from your comments you are still trying to justify the 30%. Well my friend you are not the be all and end all of accountants (i have said this already) I cannot see why people are so blinkered on this site as they can get this service much cheaper but are either too dumb or too lazy to look into it. I can't be ar5ed with this debate anymore, although you have been nothing but courteous about the whole situation it's p1ssing me off as i feel the lads are been exploited.
I'm Out!
Big wow Bettertax, that's one company that he pulled up from Google, maybe that was a wrong choice he made but I see from your comments you are still trying to justify the 30%.
You can “see” it whatever way you like, ...But just because you may perceive that it needs justifying - don’t assume I do too!

Well my friend you are not the be all and end all of accountants (i have said this already)
Yes, seem to have a very clued-up, professional and yet rock bottom priced accountant that gives a top service... :blink1:

I cannot see why people are so
blinkered on this site as they can get this service much cheaper but are
either too dumb or too lazy to look into it.
I dunno; maybe it’s OK in your world to keep calling your fellow colleagues & tradesmen “dumb” (with the implication therefore being that you must be more intelligent) and yet bizarrely you will be surprised to learn that most of our clients come across as a tad smarter than you... strange eh!

I can't be ar5ed with this debate anymore,
Then don’t!

although you have been nothing but courteous about the whole situation
If only I could say the same about you, however (and except for the one time you thanked us for giving you advice that you were seeking) the rest of your bitter outbursts have been nothing but rude, insulting and spiteful

Didn’t you already say that a few posts ago?
Maybe you really mean it this time... and perhaps it’s a good thing because frankly I find it hard to stomach that someone would just make sh*t up with the sole purpose of being malicious and trying to damage somebody else’s good business.

is better tax the new popeye,this ones building up to be bigger than the poacher V borospanner weres the meet up give me time to travel down ;)
Ahh so I'm making sh1t up now then am i? I will post my accountants details tomorrow on here then, hopefully they can take some of your work away from you!
FFS, it wasn't so long ago that one of our members was moderated because one of our sponsors found his use of the word feck to be offensive (which I still say was a disgrace) now we are trying to get work away from our sponsors, is this the way we want this to go?
Perhaps Vllb can find and post alternatives to all our sponsers.:confused:Yay,way to go Vllb.:evil:
No not at all Frederick but they are ripping the ar5e out of the lads and I don't agree with it. It's a shame a lot of you are blinkered to it. Accountants details to follow when I get home.
Ahh so I'm making sh1t up now then am i? I will post my accountants details tomorrow on here then, hopefully they can take some of your work away from you!
There you go making assumptions about me again.
Why in the world would I doubt that you have ‘an’ accountant?... and what purpose did you even imagine would it serve? Jeez!

To make it plain, what I’m saying is that your tedious and relentless desire to discredit us has become so strong that yes, I’m reiterating that you have even resorted to posting untruths with the sole purpose of adding credibility to your desperate need to damaging this company’s business and good work.

Bettertax is not a machine, there are a number of ordinary people (flesh and blood real people just like you and me) working for this company who work hard, often put in 12 hour days and weekends, provide their time and advice and are very proud of the service they have had a hand in creating. But your relentless insults and jibes have proved quite upsetting to them... & Now they have found out that the veracity of your whole argument is actually based on a falsehood?.... Why would you do that?

That is sad mate.:sad2:

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