better tax

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I think its about time you two agreed to disagree, there is no more mileage left in this thread
To be fair GM, they do have a right to defend themselves when questions are asked although I take your point.
Ahh so I'm making sh1t up now then am i? I will post my accountants details tomorrow on here then, hopefully they can take some of your work away from you!
<font color="Blue">There you go making assumptions about me again.<br />
Why in the world would I doubt that you have &#145;an&#146; accountant?... and what purpose did you even imagine would it serve? Jeez!<br />
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To make it plain, what I&#146;m saying is that your tedious and relentless desire to discredit us has become so strong that yes, I&#146;m reiterating that you have even resorted to posting untruths with the sole purpose of adding credibility to your desperate need to damaging this company&#146;s business and good work. <br />
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Bettertax is not a machine, there are a number of ordinary people (flesh and blood real people just like you and me) working for this company who work hard, often put in 12 hour days and weekends, provide their time and advice and are very proud of the service they have had a hand in creating. But your relentless insults and jibes have proved quite upsetting to them... & Now they have found out that the veracity of your whole argument is actually based on a falsehood?.... Why would you do that?<br />
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That is sad mate.:sad2: </font><br />
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<font color="white">.</font>
Enlighten me on this falsehood that you speak of as I have no idea what you are inscinuating.
Ok, ok... i think this thread has run its course, dont you all agree?

Some people chose to use BetterTax and some dont.
Unfortunately not everyone is going to agree with everything, are they?

Some people support Celtic, some support Rangers... same thing.

This thread is not going anywhere and is only going to turn into a slagging match.
i seen some rumours on face book about better tax claims coming back to bite people . dont know the details but apparently someone not only had to pay what they were paid but the 30% bettertax had took too . i dont know if theres any truth in it and always defend better tax on here when people slate them because of how many of my friends they got rebates. i hope its not true but i m just telling the scaffs what i read on face book written by another scaff
i retract this comment , just someone blowing there trumpet because they did there own tax return and got a good rebate . i know lots of lads have got good money back and i wish i hadnt posted it now as it was just a sh1t face book rumour . i have looked back at the replies to the facebook comment and no one whatsoever had to pay back or knew any one that had . between them that probably covers the full north sea . as for the 30 % its your own decision wether to use them or not
Enlighten me on this falsehood that you speak of as I have no idea what you are inscinuating.
I'd love to.

You’ve spent quite some time and energy over the past few months slating Bettertax,our clients and our price VLLB, & we've never really understood why; you are not (and never have been) a client of ours.

Anyway During this time, you’ve been quite happy to accept our advice (go figure), yet you then set about to muddy our reputation and service in the minds and perception of our clients and the other members of this forum.

You have accused us of - ‘extortion’ and ‘exploitation’, you have called us ‘thieves’ and ‘excrement’ and despite all this, we have always responded with professional courtesy.

On the 20th Nov in order to back up your insistence that people shouldn’t use us and to create credibility to your ‘you can get this service much cheaper than bettertax’ mantra - you posted just how wonderful your accountant is, how the service is the best that you could “wish” for, how every single claimable expense is taken into account, how you know them all by name and face to face and how they’re soooo professional and yada yada yada... – you frankly could not have gushed about them anymore if you were off your face on crack.

And on the 21st of Nov you confirmed to me that you’d been with this great firm of accountants for 2years (i.e. at the very least since Nov 2009 – which would be the period that your 2007-08 return would be due).

Here's the thing VLLB...
Yet on 1st of Feb (on an unrelated thread and before you’d decided that you would take a cudgel to Bettertax’s reputation) you wrote that you’d saved all your receipts for your 2009-10 return but that when you handed them to your accountant, he basically did a ‘quickie’ return - ignored your wishes and totally dismissed your receipts, moreover that you’d had several years of tax returns to sort out and that he’d elected to dismiss all your receipts in order to rush it all through, leaving you to ask on here if somebody knew if your 09-10 could be re-visited and expenses re-claimed (we told you it could sorted out – and you thanked us... awwww).

But...therefore it means that this must be your accountant that you are saying is cr*p and obviously doesn’t care about what you want and didn’t even claim your expenses, and because you also said you had 7 years of returns to submit that means you had no previous accountant yet you confirmed that you’ve had the same accountant (this accountant) for at least two years.

Given this information, everybody can see (as surely as night follows day) that the gushy love story you wrote about how wonderful your accountant is and how you’re all on first name terms and how all the claims that you could ever “wish” for are so professionally made for you ...and all for the paltry sum of t’punce h’penny ... is a total fabrication, created by you just to big you up like as if you know what you’re talking about and only designed to discredit the good people that work here at Bettertax.

See I told you - Lies!

Now you might fashion some story to fit round it and create some almost plausable excuse, but mate... everyone that can be bothered to read through this can see what you tried to do to us.:sad:

Like I said... sad!

And don’t bother tracking back to edit those posts VLLB, all have been screen captured!

Hmm, regarding the previous years tax return, I was unsure of the amount I should have been returned, since I asked for your "Advice" I learned that you charge an ar5e raping amount of commission. That was the reason I ran an absolute mile away from your company.

I since revisited my original accountant this year (who charged me 120 quid unlike your 30%) and raised my concerns. These were ironed out with ease and my worries put to sleep. My claims I made to you were totally unfounded as they tallied up my expenses to the exact amount I said I originally had to them.

So please tell me you ever so professional company answer my original question, What are you inscinuating? Cos like I said before, my accountant pis5es all over your company and does not exploit it's customers unlike your ever so professional selves.

The thing I don't get is this, The lads on here are so quick to shoot down these agency's that are exploiting the Scaffs but some of them are so blinkered to your exploitation of them as well.
I will add further, that before the 09/10 tax return I owed the HMRC nearly 5 grand from unrerurned documents. This amount was reduced to about 1600 in fines still giving me IIRC about 3700. Purely down to my own greed and financial situation at the time did I want more.

But hey BT, good cover story I just made up eh?
Ok, ok... i think this thread has run its course, dont you all agree?

Some people chose to use BetterTax and some dont.
Unfortunately not everyone is going to agree with everything, are they?

Some people support Celtic, some support Rangers... same thing.

This thread is not going anywhere and is only going to turn into a slagging match.

dont turn this into a sectarian issue its got feck all to do with us this time.only kidding.
i am of the opinion that maybe 30% may seem too much to some,or a bargain to others some shop at lidl others waitrose its all about choice.
the forum i feel is all about info and debate so get it on I WILL HOLD THE JACKETS ;)
Let's get back to the original point!!!!

Not bullying pal, just speaking my mind. This forum has freedom of speech does it not? If I don't agree with something I will say so on here. Recent comments suggest that I am in fact a big fat liar and made my part of the story up, funny how people make assumptions and 1 + 1 does not = 3, you get meh?
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