If the pamphlet being referred to is the recent RMT one about claiming/not claiming tax back, I can tell you that we are in full agreement with them. We've read it and it is specifically in relation to sea-farers tax.
This is in no way related to what we do, what our clients have claimed for. Our clients claim for expenses incurred on products & services exclusively used as part of their job.
Not sure if we've spoken to anyone on here about it but if we have, they'll be well aware that we're clear about the rules regarding this.
Here are the rules for claiming sea-farers tax. If you don’t tick ALL of these boxes, you DO NOT qualify.
1. You must be located a minimum of 12 miles from the British coastline (i.e. on the Continental shelf)
2. You must be directly involved with a) the exploration or the transportation of a mineral or oil (basically, working directly with the drill head).
3. You must be offshore for a minimum of 183 days ‘consecutively’ (Unite are currently disputing this in European Court but as yet NO decision has been made.
We have 100's of offshore clients and not a single one qualifies.
Hope this helps, cheers.