Ecitb scaffs tkt

Can anyone let me know when the SCCR meeting is in october, know Ragscaff is busy at the moment, so didnt want to pm him, just that ive spoken with Unite and they have a meeting on the 7th october about the Ecitb ticket and are going to get clarification on it that its stays with you until you retire. just wondered if its the same meeting that everyone is going to be at. be nice to get an answer to the problem on the day and clear this matter up once and for all:blink1:
ecitb.accepted untill 2010 is liable i ask 2 jobs advertised this week not blaimming the agencys but the red tape nasc are now definatly putting scaffolders out
work. shorham powerstation worked there early 90s on the build no problem with ecitb ticket with client or only want cisrs. dungerness powerstation job 2.only want cisrs worked here with animal for over 6 years.working on all areas we even worked
inside the reactors which are called entrys worked in the ponds and pilecaps which
are specialist areas ecitb reconised got payed as advanced scaffolders now we cant
get on these jobs you are now contributing to unemployment you barskets.
Hi animal our meeting is with the HSE at the end of october mate , I would advise unite getting in touch with me...
Hi animal our meeting is with the HSE at the end of october mate , I would advise unite getting in touch with me...

Hi Steve, if i give you the guy from Unite email address do you think you could talk to him direct, introduce what the SCCR are trying to do on the Ecitb issue and when your meeting is with the HSE, maybe someone could go to there meeting on the 7th oct and maybe someone from unite will be at your meeting. I dont know how these things work, whether thats possible.
Thanks again for all that everyones doing on the committee and there valuable time that there giving up.
The guy is Malcolm Bonnett and his email is
The email has been sent today so lets see if Unite union really has the balls or is just after new members for subscriptions. I'll await there response and advise you all in due course.
Cheers Steve, just been talking to Stewart on the phone just letting me know what you guys are trying to do for us Ecitb lads, hopefully you will get a good response from Unite and someone can be at there meeting. Cheers again for all the work you guys on the committee are doing:blink1:
RAGSCAFF has offered to attend on the SCCR behalf so we can relay back to yourselves. Im not after any thanks im a scaffolder myself and ive had enough of the s h i t . NOW spread the word and lets get 10,000 members to really voice our opinions.
Hi All

Ive been away on holiday or a couple of weeks so havent been on he forum.

I think people are missing the point!! if you are a spread or a chippy and you need a CSCS card and hold no qualifications. They are ASSESSED on site not trained as it is deemed they have the EXPERIENCE to meet the standard of their qualification. As I have said in my previous rants- in most cases as I can gather this has been done at no expence to the lads- They then site a touch screen test and are awarded a CSCS card- cost to the lads £17.50 for the touch screen test ( or if your lucky firms pay).

Now lets compare it to us lads!!!

5 to 10 years experince- gain NVQ (WHICH SAYS YOU ARE COMPETENT AT SCAFFOLDING or Rigging and access to be exact!!!

Sit touch screen test and appy for card- Answere --- NO even though you have 5/10 or in some cases more you must go and attend TRAINING to do part one and part two ( which most lads say is a joke!!!)

Can any please explain if that is not a RIP OFF and an official scam what is?

I have put this point to the scaffolders help line who then have the cheek to start to call the centre where I did my NVQ. I did point out that my assessor had been in scaffolding all his working life and had worked at all levels before becoming an assessor ( in fact he was a registrar back in 1979) but no unless I parted with my cash and sat through a non sensical training session I would not be allowed to join the club!!!!

Sorry chaps but this really Pi**** me off big time!!!!!
cscs cards

Maddog I totaly agree with everything as regards the CSCS its a total discrace, I to have ECITB and NVQ of which i was assessed by a internal verifier and a external verifier over a 12 month period and still get no CSCS card and furthermore when i passed the touch screen they only issued me with a cert for 2 years instead of the five years i would get if i had a CISRS card, DISCRIMINATION rings a bell.:mad::mad::mad:
Maddog I totaly agree with everything as regards the CSCS its a total discrace, I to have ECITB and NVQ of which i was assessed by a internal verifier and a external verifier over a 12 month period and still get no CSCS card and furthermore when i passed the touch screen they only issued me with a cert for 2 years instead of the five years i would get if i had a CISRS card, DISCRIMINATION rings a bell.:mad::mad::mad:

Yes isnt it just.... but the question is who do you sue ???
thats what were trying to find out......
Sent two letters & 2 e-mails a week & a half ago to the unions no reply as yet.

Will keep trying!!

Anyone heard of Jock Simpson?

ECITB said he might be the next contact in regards this issue!!

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It seems to me Mossley holds all the aces and and is in a very powerfull position If you add the ECITB lads and the non CISRS NVQ Compentent scaffolders together across the country I would hazzard a guess that there are more of us than them.
Perhaps we need to have a voice with UCATT, CAA(the awarding body for the NVQ) and CSCS (who have the power to award the experienced lads a card) but seems Mossley spitts his dummie out and decides who can speak for the industry and more importantly who can 'nt.

From the information I have found CISRS is a private training compnay dictating the rules of the game!!!!!!
mosley dont hold the aces hes just the office punch bag i no from good source that hes
hands are tied hes just takeing orders unfortunatly scaffoldings a small world if you dont like what you here stop spying!!

It seems to me Mossley holds all the aces and and is in a very powerfull position If you add the ECITB lads and the non CISRS NVQ Compentent scaffolders together across the country I would hazzard a guess that there are more of us than them.
Perhaps we need to have a voice with UCATT, CAA(the awarding body for the NVQ) and CSCS (who have the power to award the experienced lads a card) but seems Mossley spitts his dummie out and decides who can speak for the industry and more importantly who can 'nt.

From the information I have found CISRS is a private training compnay dictating the rules of the game!!!!!!

This is what we are doing, we started with the NASC, then the CISRS, then ECITB, then the UNIONS, trade & industry, HSE, CITB & now are working on the NVQ angle.

It takes time to put this all together & we need the support of all scaffolders. The number of ECITB scaffolders were estimated at 3,000 & the number of experienced scaffolders without CISRS cards is around 15,000 +.

CISRS is not a qualification its just a record scheme. This needs improving & will be. We need members to make the change happen. At the end of the day if we get it wrong you as a member can replace us because you can choose who you want to represent you!!

Chairman SCCR
Sent two letters & 2 e-mails a week & a half ago to the unions no reply as yet.

Will keep trying!!

Anyone heard of Jock Simpson?

ECITB said he might be the next contact in regards this issue!!


Hi Ragscaff,

Jock Simpson is a representative of the National Joint Committee along with Mike Hockley ECIA and Tom Hardacre Amicus, now Unite that had a meeting with Nigel Spencer of Ecitb and agreed to withdraw the Ecitb scaffolders card in 2007

Tom Hardacre is now National Officer for Unite so should be well aware of the situation
regarding the Ecitb ticket.
Tom was one of the contacts that has not come back to me yet. It was Nigel Spencer who passed on the new contact as he dosn't want anything to do with the issue.
Have been told that Unite wrote to all Ecitb Card holders in feb 2009 to establish whether or not they currently hold Cisrs card or believed they were likely to make an application for a Cisrs card in the near future, this is what i believe when its been stated in another post there was a poor response to it by Mr Moseley.
It was Bob Blackman and Tom Hardacre who sent the letter out.
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This is exactly my frustration it mirrors the KGB during the cold war perhaps all us lads should meet under a railway station clock wearing a pink carnation with a copy of the daily paper under our arms slip abrown envelop across and then may be we will get acard that allows us to carry on working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
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