Ecitb scaffs tkt

In order to move on swiftly I need all ECITB card holders to PM me their details, get all the guys you know together as well. I am led to believe there are 15,000 scaff affected by this, some may have got CISRS cards now but at what cost.

I am preparing a report on where we are over the weekend & will try & contact those who have already sent me details on what has happened to them!

My next port of call is Government, I have several contacts to get the ball rolling, this will go ahead what ever happens but the more that come forward the better!!


Hi Ragscaff.
What sort of details do you need the lads to send to you m8;)
Tickets held , how long scaffolding, what info they were given by the ECITB, UNIONS, CISRS. What their feelings are & has it affected their ability to earn!!

That sort of thing. I will need them to agree for me to use any info or become an SCCR member.

Regards Ragscaff
Up date on ECITB situation.

To date have contacted the following in regards the ECITB issue.

Mr Mosley CISRS / NASC
Mr Mortimer CITB ? CSskills
Mr Edwards CEO ECITB
Mr Spencer Director & Development & Quality ECITB
Damian Collins MP

Most of the e-mails were posted on this thread or the SCCR sticky. Mr Mosley has stuck to his guns & refuses any movement on non CISRS scaffolders having an assessment. I am due to have a sit down meeting with him in November!

Mr Mortimer states that the CITB do not have control on this issue. I thought they were in charge of the training in the first place!

Mr Edwards as yet has not replied to me. Have tried via e-mail & letter. If you look at his video on the ECITB web site they are promoting training & excellence. So why throw skilled labour away!

Mr Spencer again passes the buck I have asked him to let me know the contacts at the Joint Council as he says they made the deal & know what happened!

We believe a deal was done in 97 but do not have the details. By the looks of it the ECITB got CCNSG & the NASC got CISRS. There has been reference to a deal being made in which ECITB scaffolders should have had a quick route set in place if they had 5 or 15 years experience. Have not been given these details as yet.

I do have lots of correspondence from ECITB scaffolders in regards their skill levels & who they have contacted in regards this awful situation & am gaining more every day.

I still need all ECITB scaffolders to contact me with more info.

The next step is to contact the CITB (new contact) , The Joint Council, The Unions & Government.

Thanks to all the forum who have been proactive in this matter & we are still moving forward.

Regards Stewart Quinney ( Ragscaff )
thankyou for all the free time and effort that you are putting in ragscaff and thanks to the sccr and all the people for there support and input its most apreciated.
thankyou for all the free time and effort that you are putting in ragscaff and thanks to the sccr and all the people for there support and input its most apreciated.

second that dico, just would like to know how many ecitb scaffs are supporting this, know some lads have done there part 1 now and are in the system, but how many are out there that need the sccr help, cause on your own you dont stand a chance, those employed and being put thru there tickets now, you still have a say, it wasnt right what happened to us. or is it f*ck u jack im alright now, im sorted, :evil:
Invite to NASC and CISRS, do this job after a 2 week course and i will pay for yous all for a week in Majorca.

Experience and competence, cant be added on a card in a 2 week trg program. pictures and job done by dr3916
No I am from Liverpool !!!!!!!!!

Getting back to the point from a CSCS point of view i have spoken to mates in other trades they all say that once they got their NVQ they where able to get a card. It seems that sacffollders are being ripped off by being asked to pay not only inmoney but time to be told how to suck eggs before we can geta card to allow us to work.

I was told NVQ is about being competent at your job so why they should I have to undretake training?

Its like taking your driving test passing it and then being told before you get your licence you must pay your instructor for another 20 lessons.
well your right there mate , worse thing the citb done was to get rid of the assesed route of entry
yeah nice one paddy and il paint the rig for free and supply the paint lol.
Hi all

I have been reading again with intrest this subject.

I gained my NVQ's vis a process called on site assessment. An assessor came to site and carried out some obsevations onme working on diffrent jobs over a period of time. We built up a file of evidence and I was signed off as COMPETENT!!!!!!!

I also went and sat the CSCS touch screen test which again I passed.

This NVQ route did not cost anything as I think it was funded through Train to Gain.

If I am honest at first I was a bit nerous at starting the qualification but over all it was a good experience and also it did not interfear with the work I was doing.

After all that to gain a card I will have to go on a part 1 and part 2

Tell m thats not a money making racquet!!!!!
i no where your comeing from mad dog and we all no it boils down to money.powerstations.gas are completely different to the cisrs
course that is on offer now we all no these jobs boil down to years of exsperience. if
this is the case with the cisrs.are they going to introduce these courses on there trainning.answer no.this is what anoyes me with this ecitb card how much exsperience
does a person need.they dont need 2 weeks when they have done 20 years or more
if this was the case why bring the ecitb card can you go a bed wake up and
your not a scaffolder.crazy crazy crazy.
Invite to NASC and CISRS, do this job after a 2 week course and i will pay for yous all for a week in Majorca.

Experience and competence, cant be added on a card in a 2 week trg program. pictures and job done by dr3916

I've always wondered what the offshore lads got up to...

That is a fine piece of scaffolding, 100% respect to the lads who built that!
Hi on the face of things it looks to me that CSCS and for that matter CIRSRS are in their own right limited companies making a lot of dosh so therefore will fight tooth and nail against scaffollders getting the recognition they are due (is that a conflict of intrest maybe?). Also the term new entrant seems to actually mean new entrant to their card scheme and NOT inexperienced apprentice

what do you think?
There all as bad as one another there not interested in the worker just the money they can keep estracting.
Hi on the face of things it looks to me that CSCS and for that matter CIRSRS are in their own right limited companies making a lot of dosh so therefore will fight tooth and nail against scaffollders getting the recognition they are due (is that a conflict of intrest maybe?). Also the term new entrant seems to actually mean new entrant to their card scheme and NOT inexperienced apprentice

what do you think?

I think NASC/CISRS are prepared to fight tooth and nail to hang on to their "Golden Goose". Using their propaganda machine to discredit scaffolders with NVQs awarded by bodies other than their own. If your NVQ was awarded via any route other than CITB training (Cskils) then it is useless as you can not join CISRS at a level appropriate to NVQ qualifications.

The following was taken from a Union web site as a result of a NASC press release it shows how their propaganda machine operates .

"Check your scaffolder training is CISRS recognised

We have been alerted to a number of cases where, in pursuit of CISRS qualifications, scaffolder training procured by companies in good faith has not been recognised by CITB-ConstructionSkills as qualifying for issue of a CISRS (Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme) card.

These particular cases occurred in Scotland. A training provider provided on site training and issued trainees with an SVQ level 3 certificate, without completing the full training package. In this case the training provider had secured Scottish Enterprise funding to support the training. The trainer has now gone abroad.

Hopefully, this type of misconduct should be rare. Nonetheless, we strongly recommend that when your companies select scaffolder training providers and courses, they check with CISRS on 0870 417 72 23 or;

1. whether they recognise training from the provider concerned (a full list can be found here), and

2. if so, whether successful completion of the proposed course will qualify for issue of a CISRS card.

A simple check could avoid much wasted time, trouble and uncertainty for both Amicus members, your workmates and your employers.

This CISRS leaflet (pdf, 156KB) provides further information on the nature of their scheme.

We hope this is useful

Rob Miguel
Amicus Health and Safety Officer"

I would erge all Scaffolders in possession of NVQs and have been refused CISRS cards at a level appropriate to their NVQ qualifications ie: blue scaffolders card for level 2 and gold (advanced) for level 3 to contact Ofqual - Home who are a government regulatory body, explaining CISRS are refusing to recognise your NVQ. The response should be interesting.
Thanks Podger for this

I think that some of the problem is that NASC and CISRS are looked on as the voice of the industry. How many lads are working on the spanner up and own the counrty for outfits that have no tie with these organisations. It seems a minority are dictating policy (and making shed loads of cash) to the majority.
Dont get me wrong I do believe that the CISRS part 1 and 2 are excellent training FOR NEW Scaffollders but is not suitable for experienced men and NVQ's should get recognition that ALL other trades do withoutbeing ripped off!!
8.500 hits someones listening about time the nasc started listening instead of makeing more unemployment the countrys in enough mess as it is without nasc contributing.
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