What do you do when your not scaffolding?

I take it that's you in the picture BF?

Yea mate,that was off maderia,and i was connected to a 750lb blue marlin,fish of a lifetime;)


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---------- Post added at 10:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 PM ----------

AOM. This is another ambition of mine. Eventually I wish to sail right round the island of Great Britain. If I ever have the dosh to do so this is my next ambition.
Owning and living on a boat was my first.
Still living the dream mate.;)

Even bigger congratulations are in order then, well done. If you ever do decide to sail round our shore give me a shout as you may need a bit of local knowledge to navigate round the Mull of Kintyre.;)

Even if I just run out on the ski to bring you a few cold one's.:)
Yea mate,that was off maderia,and i was connected to a 750lb blue marlin,fish of a lifetime;)

Looks magic. The closest I came to anything like that was off the Florida coast but before I could get what felt like a monster out the water it was eaten by a Barracuda. Looked like something from a Tom and Jerry cartoon when I finally got it in the boat.:embarrest:
Fantastic Scaffman, where exactly is that it looks braw.

Which one is you?:embarrest:
That's what I want to do. A proper hobby!!!

It turned into more than a hobby, training all weekend and spending every penny I had at the time on the latest piece of kit to fine tune my marker... It pretty much became a way of life!




If you've never played paintball, you're missing out. And if you've never been part of a proper, sports team where they're more your family than anything else, you're also missing out.
Done the paintball thing Flinty but not anything like you are doing it and I do agree about some people missing out. Looking good.:cool:
It turned into more than a hobby, training all weekend and spending every penny I had at the time on the latest piece of kit to fine tune my marker... It pretty much became a way of life!




If you've never played paintball, you're missing out. And if you've never been part of a proper, sports team where they're more your family than anything else, you're also missing out.

That looks mint!
Get a forum team together, me, Gary, happy and daftscaff will destroy you soft southern lot.:laugh:
Naw, after our famous victory we may march as far as Derby again, before getting bored and retiring to the Glen's once more.;)
Fuck1ng hell its paint balling not Braveheart, next thing you know you will be having Mel Gibson in your team, dont show your ar5es to the English lads though ive heard a paint bullet can cause serious damage to unprotected areas lol:eek::eek:
Sorry GM, I get carried away sometimes.:embarrest::laugh:
Got ma face painted blue and everything.:cool:
No ski today unfortunately. Meant to be doing reams of paper work but can never seem to get motivated for it. She who must be obeyed is here to try and keep an eye on me but it ain't working.:(
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