A reminder of the category's!
Best new member
This must be someone who joined this year (2012) and has made at least 1 post! Nominate those you think has added to the forum
Outstanding contribution
This is for those members that are truly dedicated to the forum, a regular poster who is almost integral to the forum now
Best thread
Simply, what has been the best thread this forum to date. This thread can have started at any point in the forum history
Most pointless/worst thread
What to you has been the most pointless thread ever started, or the thread that really achieved nothing
Best post
Which individual post in your opinion, is worthy of a nomination. Funny, witty or just maybe pure genius.
Most pointless/worst post
And which post was been so worthless and meaningless that it's also worthy of an award
Best Avatar
Who's avatar or many avatars are a rise above the rest?
Funniest member
Which clowns would you like to nominate as the most hilarious
Most helpful member
Who here is always there greeting the new members and helping those with inquisitive questions?