Another Collective methos SG4-10

Looks a cracking idea,any idea of the costs?

Not sure, if you are passing warrington pop in to our centre and see it in action.

08456022418 and ask for Dave and arrange a time.
very impressive can see it working well on a large street job , does anyone have any idea about unit prices ?
steve product looks good mate - what other surprises is there
Looks nice but it won't be as easy as that to use as Redviking has already pointed out. The other reason I'm not a big fan is who in their right mind advertises something for sale but won't include the price, in my limited experience someone who isn't sure of his product and will wait to see demand and then try and screw the individual for as much as he can get. Wait and see, the same product will appear all over the country sold at wildly different prices. I think I'll wait till Scaffy get's his then go in for the same price.:D
You wouldn't want to be using the Boulton stickies on the return tubes though.:eek:
Still got a couple of bins here Steve, the boy's actually quite like them. We certainly don't do drop forged up here. When raising and lowering the inside hand rail like they did on the video you would need to loosen the top fitting holding the stop end tube on, and in my experience that ain't going to be a pretty sight with stickies.:eek:
:love::love::love:On the Video, however, as Red viking and Aom i think (Unless hes golfing) stated, let me see it work on a 'Real job' and also 6 mths down the line, with the same bit of kit.:eek:
It's under trial paddy.I have contacted them. I fully agree let's get it out on the day to day work and not in simulation in the training centres, let's see it's durability.
My wifes cousin has been involved in the development, it looks good.It costs £1100 for enough bits to erect 100ft. Good points are it looks quick and easy, bad points, too many bits for the lads to loose and your gonna need a big frog to put the wands in . Wish I'd thought of it though and from what I have heard the guys who developed it are decent blokes who have invested an awfull lot of time and money in it. Good luck to them.

Oh yea , not great if your tube is covered in ***** as it work on friction -rubber on steel .


Each Fast Guard FSG8 system is able to provide up to 30 ln.m. (100 ft) of
handrail and costs £ 1160 plus carriage and v.a.t.


For Inland Revenue purposes Fast Guard is classified as safety equipment and
so does benefit from 100% tax write down in addition to your normal company
annual allowances. (Source Section 73.110 Tolley’s Income Tax Guide
2010-2011 ISBN 978-0-7545-3903-2.)


The speed, weight and size of Fast Guard together with its ability to pre
level guard rails from ledger positions means that there are virtually no
ongoing labour, transport or overhead costs in use.

As mentioned, in conjunction with several large scaffolding companies, B
Safe are supporting Fast Guard trials for many main contractors, such as
Kier, Balfour Beatty, Skanska, BAM, Canary Wharf Group, Crossrail, Network
Rail, Murphys, National Grid, E-On, Willmot Dixon etc.). To date trials have
been received well.

and customers who have purchased the system are very pleased.

Similar trials in the South West area are currently being arranged, again
requested by main contractors and their preferred scaffolding contractors.

Fast Guard has also be reviewed by some regional HSE offices – again with
positive feedback.

As promised I attach a quote from Doug Shearer (Chairman Alltasks) and refer
you to the following link that has also been brought to our attention today

If we can be of any further help please call, meanwhile thank you again for
your interest.


Mike Cox

07836 740319

There you have it lads, contact Mike if you need to know more.
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thats gotta be the dearest double and sleeve in the world bet the bag was £200.. they really need to bring costs down to make it pay.. still better priced than the advanced guard rail though.
Yea you would think that if our health and safety was sooooooo important the HSE or NASC would perhaps partly fund the initial out lay and make it a legal requirement instead of Safety guidance. I seem to remember them doing a ladder amnesty recently whereby you took old damaged ladders to them and they replaced them with new ones. Your right Steve a great looking product but probably too expensive at the moment, we will wait for the cheap copies to come out ! and they will
ive emailed them but not heard anything as yet i'd like to trial it on behalf of the SCCR. we only do new housebuilding scaffolds so will they with stand the regular mortar and silican that get wiped all over the tubes. if they knock it back then I will take it as a NO.

But within the 3 weeks i will be posting more new products that are coming on the market and VERY cost effective.
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ive emailed them but not heard anything as yet i'd like to trial it on behalf of the SCCR. we only do new housebuilding scaffolds so will they with stand the regular mortar and silican that get wiped all over the tubes. if they knock it back then I will take it as a NO.

But within the 3 weeks i will be posting more new products that are coming on the market and VERY cost effective.
Its a pity we couldn't do an online test with our members trialing the products and giving them marks for , ease of use, does it work , is it worth the money etc and having a table showing the results like an online review.At least that way we could get a balanced view from people who's lives may actually be saved by one of these devices. Also there is nothing worse than buying an expensive bit of kit one week only to find a better ,cheaper bit of kit a week after. I await your details of new products eagerly Steve
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