New year offer placed on website.
Has anybody field tried the Fastguard system yet, in a real site environment. Just interested in any feedback, and to see how they stand up to scaffolder abuse!!
It won't work well in practice.
You'd need a shed-load of it, it's expensive and there are far too many drawbacks to make it worth investing in.
This is the kind of product that is sold on QVC. Works well in the demonstration, but completely impractical in the real world - Which is where I live!
is it beter than the brickies mate on qvc phill lmfao!!!!!
well say what you like but the fast guard is the best ive seen so far for practability. 10 times better than humping that step ladder with ya..
My trainee said hes just had a play with it and said it was good. I believe there is a 15% reduction for nasc members.
personally be safe could offer this reduction to everybody.