Ecitb scaffs tkt

ive been talking to my mother about this ticket issue she replied well youve had a good run. i laughed and said why should i retirefrom scaffolding cos some knob in a suit says so how hasent got a clue about scaffolding my self and other shouldnt have to rely on people given us a start it should be reconised as the cisrs ticket is if i was 25 i would bite my lip and do the cisrs bloody scheme but iam nearly 46 ive done my time as a scaffolder like a lot of other ecitb lads how are older i know blokes 50 on there part ones
come on surley this ante on we should be looking forward to retirement not trainees lol.
ive been talking to my mother about this ticket issue she replied well youve had a good run

have you been reading another thread by any
ive been talking to my mother about this ticket issue she replied well youve had a good run

have you been reading another thread by any

hahahahahaha!!! it jogged my memorie funny cant find the thread now!!!
I was talking to my mother about this ticket issue she replied "WTF are you talking about"
This is the content posted on the SCCR thread. Below you will see an answer to the questions T.Animal sent. Then below is the last e-mail I sent the bold & underlined is my comments but to Mr Hardacre on his answers. As yet no reply.

Latest e-mail to Union.

Dear Mr Tom Hardacre,

Please find some of the following information in referance to contact made to you over the past few months.

E-mail 12/9/10

"Dear Mr Hardacre,

I am contacting you in regards the ECITB scaffolders who are members of the SCCR.

First I wish to introduce myself, my name is Stewart Quinney, I am the founding member for the SCCR (Scaffolders, Confederation for Consultation Rights).

We were set up with the following as main issues, the ECITB, Health & Safety restrictions & poor training in the industry.

I have been passed a copy of a letter you sent to Ian Harris amongst other documents in regards the ECITB issue. There have been quite a few references to a deal that was supposed to be done to protect the earnings of the ECITB scaffolders in respect of a training card. I have contacted the ECITB, NASC, CISRS, CITB & a couple of MPs. So far they all seem to be happy that these guys with years of experience have been cast aside. They are all happy with the CISRS doing their own thing without consultation in any way.

Have you heard anything back in regards this matter. I have tried contacting David Edwards with no reply & Nigel Spencer has washed his hands of the situation & said we need to go to the Joint Council as the Unions made a deal!

I look forward to any comments on the above.

Regards Stewart Quinney
E-mail sent 6/12/10

"Dear Mr Hardacre,

I have tried on several occasions to contact you in regards the ECITB scaffolders card.

Mr Jock Simpson of the National Joint Council suggested I contacted you in relation to the meeting held at his office on the 7th October. He said you would be able to send me a copy of the minutes of this meeting.

One of our members who is also a member of the Union has informed me today that he has had a letter stating his ticket is now valid till next year 2011 can you please comment on this & let me know what the plan is with regards this ticket. I have also contacted the ECITB in regards these issues.

Regards Stewart Quinney

Correspondence is available to the membership of the SCCR"

I have been asked some of our members to contact you direct & ask these questions, and see if i can get a reply to the problem,

1/ Why did the union not agree a deal for the ECITB membership to gain assessed route of access into the CISRS scheme?

2/ Why is a union representative named as a scheme owner of the CISRS scheme?

3/ What is the point of an extra year with a ticket that has been made useless by this action & no funding available to transfer to the CISRS scheme from trainee stage?

4/ Why won't you talk with the SCCR?

I know you have replyed to one member as follows.

, 02 Jan

The question seems to imply a "deal" at some time was offered to the union, to my knowledge no "deal" was ever offered. ( I need some clarity) Please also note CISRS well not accept the assessment route for competency, has I have explained to you in previously. What was the role of the Union in relation to workers losing their livelihood by this action. Why was there not a deal in place when the decision was made to remove the ECITB scaffolders card. You have members that have 20 years experience how can they be put back to trainee? The Industry needs skills to stay in its ranks not be pushed out!! I have been informed by a source at the ECITB that an offer was made around the time the ASRE was extended. If CISRS are not accepting the ASRE as competency then about another 8-10,000 scaffolders will be affected by this!!

The latest CISRS pamphlet on the website names both Alan Ritchie and Bob Blackman as "scheme owners". This is merely a term used to imply an endorsement of the scheme rather than literal ownership, as CISRS is part of the CSCS scheme. Why would the Union endorse a scheme that is not helping all its members & is a record scheme?

This is merely an attempt to help scaffolders get onto the CISRS scheme by giving additional time to enrol. Now this is two years late in sorting how will your members get funding to spend 2-4 years training to get the ticket they had under the ECITB?

I need to know what you believe SCCR is and are/will be able to achieve?. I am also not sure who SCCR are and I have not been able to locate them on line. Info is contained in all the e-mails sent to you & Jenny Parker & left messages with your office when I phoned & contained in the two letters I sent in relation to wanting to attend the October 7th meeting.

Look forward to talking with you.

Regards Stewart Quinney


Correspondence is available to the membership of the SCCR

-- Welcome to The SCCR
Join the S.C.C.R. go to Welcome to The SCCR
to any and all forum and sccr members reading this i would urge you all to P.M RAGSCAFF requesting the email address of one tom hardacre of unite the union,and send him an email asking why he is diving the eictb ticket issue that is and will consequently put thousands of fellow scaffs out of work,the job they have done for years the job they love but most importantly THE JOB THAT FEEDS THEIR FAMILIES.its fellow scaffs who are facing the gallows who knows soon it maybe you thank you lads.
none has backbones to stand up and talk. arsewipes is what we call em up here
I'll be posting the 4 questions ASAP...

As with Celticbhoy---I urge YOU to knock on the door...there are nearly 5 thousand of us---kick that door clean aff it's hinges...
I'll be posting the 4 questions ASAP...

As with Celticbhoy---I urge YOU to knock on the door...there are nearly 5 thousand of us---kick that door clean aff it's hinges...

youll find him hidden under the cubbyhole
I'll be posting the 4 questions ASAP...

As with Celticbhoy---I urge YOU to knock on the door...there are nearly 5 thousand of us---kick that door clean aff it's hinges...

I sent mine last night, no reply yet.
I'll send them again tomorrow if I don't get a reply.
myself and animal were layed off by our olde employer last year.the company that layed
us off uses the matrix system not last in last out as with most works on what you can offer the company and is scored on points so when work went quiet last
year my self and animal got layed off. due to haveing a ecitb ticket which has been fine for the last 24 years and no problems with our work and normally haveing a working party
working under us as we have competent tickets.even though we had more service and qualifications.we got layed off due to this ecitb ticket as it was being fased out 2010 and
lads with less service and qualifications got kept on due to haveing a cisrs ticket some only part 1s and trainees now ecitb have given us another year with this ticket untill would you say was in the wrong again. ecitb i would say are we gana have this problem again at the end of 2011 someone must be made responsable for there actions!!!!
At the time of notification of the removal of the card they should have put in place a way of getting the equivalent card in CISRS before the card was removed. If you cannot complete the training to gain, say your advanced then they are at fault. Funding should have made this possible.

They have given you another year so that must mean its a legal document / qualification & sites should accept it if you have a CSCS card!!

Or am I just plain stupid
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