Scaffolding Association Roadshows


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
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Hmmm... I suspect I will be treading on very thin ice here - I have been around long enough to know what you all are like.


Roger and I will be popping along to the Worcester Scaffolding Association Roadshow on 24th September. We have things to talk about to the "man" and also, this could be a very interesting development to the stranglehold the NASC have on your industry - one that should at least be investigated.

I don't want to tread on toes or anything and sadly Ragscaff is not on forum anymore, but, correct me if I am wrong any SCCR members, this could be a good thing for all concerned, right?

So, hope to catch a few of you there! Never been to Worcester - is it nice for a day out?
yep, they should... blimey I'd kinda love to meet both of them... and you! ;)
hahaha! C'mon - you're all gents here... aintcha?
Would definately be a good thing to have a body representing all scaffolding and not the chosen few. ld love to meet you as well Rosie. Ive met Phil,its a mystery where he tucks all that drink.
Anything that is inclusive rather than exclusive is welcome.

My problem with the NASC is that it doesn't seem to work with contractors to help them meet requirements, instead they just cast them aside but not after taking their money whilst continuing to have a memberlist that makes me laugh out loud when reading some of the names.

The industry needs an independent body that welcomes all and promotes improvement - the NASC simply casts a company it doesn't see as good enough aside - how can anyone ever improve when they are ignored?
yep, they should... blimey I'd kinda love to meet both of them... and you! ;)

Hey, you're welcome to come meet me when I'm at an event near you :idea:

Time will tell, though I've learned that the only thing scaffolders like to do more than moan and groan about how things are, is do nothing about it.

Seeing as the SCCR is closing now you may see ex SCCR members take up roles in the SA. Maybe.
Hmmm... I suspect I will be treading on very thin ice here - I have been around long enough to know what you all are like.


Roger and I will be popping along to the Worcester Scaffolding Association Roadshow on 24th September. We have things to talk about to the "man" and also, this could be a very interesting development to the stranglehold the NASC have on your industry - one that should at least be investigated.

I don't want to tread on toes or anything and sadly Ragscaff is not on forum anymore, but, correct me if I am wrong any SCCR members, this could be a good thing for all concerned, right?

So, hope to catch a few of you there! Never been to Worcester - is it nice for a day out?

Are you going with Roger Nutkins aka The Guru?
If the scaffolding association can get a legend like him on board then I predict the days of the NASC will be numbered.
No, the Roger I am going with is not Nutkins, although he is a guru and legend (to himself at any rate! shhh! I didn't say that!!).

Flinty! You're in Oxfordshire - you should pop along and say hi - I am in Buckingham usually Wednesday and Thursday... :blink1:

I think your comment is quite right too - moan, groan and do buggar all about it :confused:
Just bumping this up as tomorrow is the Worcester Road Show.

If you see me, say Hi!! :blink1:
Maybe the scaffolding association will actually do something, rather than moaning about everyone else, contributing nothing and acting with a general air of entitlement.

I'll be at the Dartford gig.
Maybe the scaffolding association will actually do something, rather than moaning about everyone else, contributing nothing and acting with a general air of entitlement.

I'll be at the Dartford gig.

See you in Dartford.

You couldnt laise ragscaffs boots,And what have you contributed?
Hi all,

Well, I think it was an interesting meeting - what did you think, swifty? (we had the pleasure of meeting ;)).

Not a bad turn out, mostly "bosses" but not all. It was very clear that an alternative trade body is being sought by many but, like phil181 there is sceptisim as to whether the Scaffolding Association will not only deliver the difference but be able to significantly make a difference.

The more of you that go along and listen to what is being said and offered, the more likely real change can come about.

The ethos of the association is that it is open for any companies to join, at this stage. So whether you are a start up or established or even, like us - a service provider - membership is available and you would be surprised at how few members are needed to start really getting it going. I think I said before, NASC only hold 250 members so not at all representative of the scaffolding industry.

Whilst individual membership is not available at this point (as far as I know) the intention is for it to be. I actually think it should be available now...

I do think it important you try to go along to a roadshow - they have plans for more in other parts of the UK - and hear for yourself, ask questions that you need answers to and make an informed descision.

Apart from that, they laid on a great spread! :bigsmile:

As an aside, wish I was going to dartford now!! :p
There's not a lot to add to that Rosie, we're signing up and I think everyone else that was in the room already has or is going to.
If you can't make Wakefield or Dartford they are planning more venues in Scotland, Wales, Manchester, Newcastle and a few other places so I've been told.

Nice motor Rosie!!

I wish I was going to Dartford too.
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