If they want to go, let them f off.

Also, absolutely no Scottish representatives in our parliament if they are out

Why the fuck1ng hell didnt this happen a few years ago then we would not have been lumbered with GORDON BROWN
I am english and my wife is scottish and we have lived north and south of the border over the years and i think it would be devastating to britains economy and forces if scotland chose to go it alone. But on the other hand its scotlands choice so who are we to argue against it, give them a choice and i think the scots wouldn't agree to it anyway, we are after all called the United Kingdom.

I have to say i am slightly disappointed in some of the comments from people on this thread, people have a right to express and air their views without being called names. Obviously people are gonna be offended if you say things like scotland is famous for heroin, men wearing skirts, ginger etc etc etc..... Scotland is a beautiful country, full of beautiful people and traditions and they have made me feel welcome whenever i visit, i think some people should keep their rude and offending comments to themselves.
Aom's tuppence worth, well it wouldn't be a thread without it.:embarrest:

I think there is very little left that is either truly English or Scottish, you would find it tough to call something business wise truly British nowadays. Most big business has interested parties from all over the world and that is the way it should be.

For me, all this talk about independence especially at this time is a disgrace. The last thing any country needs is another layer of red tape soaking up more tax payers cash without producing anything, how they think that will help us is beyond me. Even devolution is a poisoned chalice, as far as I can tell is the real old boy's club soaking up our cash and coming up with ever increasing regulation on our daily lives. It was borne out of sheer frustration from being ruled from Westminster during the Thatcher years but what did surprise me was most of England felt the same way at that time as well so it was less anti Scottish or English and more anti Westminster.

Scotland could run on it's own no problem, just like England or Wales but we would definitely be stronger together. Marginalised further in Europe and even our armed forces, maybe not the envy of the world they once were but certainly a force still to be reckoned with that defies belief.

I am a proud skirt wearing, pipe blawin, spanner twirlin, porridge munchin card carrying Jock, but whilst not flying the union Jack I was definitely born under it and will vote to keep it.
Like your style GM
We could have done without Moron Brown either way :)
As always AOM, a fair, honest and completely accurate post.

Britain was GREAT with 4 countries.
Its not as great as it was with 3½, but its still a well respected country with traditions and history.

With 2½ (if Scotland leave) - We'll be totally f.ucked.

Great Britain will be finished. Can any of your honestly bare to see such a thing?
Its bad enough that it had this 'Cancer' called - Human Rights eating away at it, but with Scotland leaving will be the final nail in the coffin.

Also, Scotland will be riuned too, as thay simply CANNOT survive on their own - Just like England cant.
Technically Britain is already 2 countries,England and Scotland, Wales is a principallity like Monaco is to France and Northern Ireland is part of the UK not Britain,just look at your passports.Personally if they want out give them the vote and end all this in out arguing.I lived and worked in Scotland and I dont see how they could survive economically on just the tax from north sea oil and Scotch exports.
Digsie, just because the media concentrate on contentious issues like the oil does not mean that is all that is up here. Even the so called clever economists can not agree on how and if we can survive on our own but one thing I can assure you we are not a one trick pony and there is a lot more to Scotlands economy than oil.

Just as a point of interest, why do you consider Wales a principality and why do you consider our Northern Irish cousins any less British than us, they more than most had to fight harder and give up the most to be part of our nation.

Jason, I don't really agree that Britain would be finished, it would just be different. The thing that bothers me a bit is the way Salmond is trying to get the youngsters to vote. Whilst I don't believe that is a bad thing, but to change it simply for this one issue because he feels they are young dumb and full of cum and easily swayed to his way of thinking is a bit suspicious to say the least. Another thing I feel Mr Cameron should remember is the more he interferes, the more likely salmond is to garner support even although to be perfectly honest I do agree with what he is saying. Rightly or wrongly I also believe independence is not the real goal, I feel he is really after "Devo Max" which is another way of feathering his and his cohorts nest cementing their own position to dictate to us. All independence would really achieve is swapping one dictator for another.
We are definitely stronger together.
If Scotland left, Scott students would have to pay to go to an English Uni. Westminster could impose an import tax. Their share of the debt would be around 80 billion + english tax payers would want all the money back for bailing Royal Bank of Scotland, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Scotland couldn't afford it, they would be crippled.
Also that Salmond bloke was talking about putting Scotland in the Euro currency !!! That's just nuts !
My mistake Wales was classed officialy as a country by the UN last year and finally lost its Pricipality status.Im not saying at all that Northern Ireland is not British Im just saying that officialy its a part of the United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.Its just a play on words.I think any country that wants independance from another should be allowed to hold a legal vote on it.I think its up to Scotland, Westminster should not be allowed to dictate terms or should the rest of the UK have a say in it.I would be glad to be proven wrong and shown that Scotland could stand on its own two feet.But if it does happen stay independent,dont look to the EU,may as well stay put.
I wasn't having a dig digsie (if you pardon the pun) just wondering as every single person I have ever met have been fiercely patriotic and without doubt consider themselves very much part of Britain.
We must move in different circles AOM:cheesy:,most of my mates in London are English first and British second if at all.Personally Im Irish and have lived in London on and off since I was a kid.Ive seen the pros and cons of independence to union,I by no means consider myself an expert on the subject but I do believe that there should be a vote and put this to bed once and for all.My other halfs family are Belfast Unionists Im personally a Nationalist so as you can Imagine this subject comes up alot in my house,especially now they live in Scotland.Always ends in a mutual disagreement.:blink:
FFS, I can imagine. Fair enough Digsie, I see you obviously have some experience on the subject but to be honest I don't think a vote would put it to bed we have had one already and it was a resounding NO. What I don't like is Westminster dictating terms which can be confusing as I do agree with what they are saying.:embarrest: Salmond is every bit as guilty, he is trying to manoeuvre himself into a position of strength and he really must think we are all buttoned up the back. If we were to have a vote, come out and tell us how you see the country benefiting then get on with the vote, instead of all this 2 years time crap to give me time to change the way we vote so I can get the answer I want. Also, forget this 3rd question crap, a simple yes or no will do.:idea:
Yeah has its moments alright.:laugh: Totally agree with your points,in or out simple vote,I dont see why a date 6 or 8 months from now wouldnt be possible.Set out your stalls on both sides and go for it.Not a big fan of Salmond myself personally I think hes trying to write himself in to history,reckon he cares more about himself than he does about Scotland.
Without a shadow of a doubt. I would think that most would agree, hence the reason for the delay.
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