Aom's tuppence worth, well it wouldn't be a thread without it.:embarrest:
I think there is very little left that is either truly English or Scottish, you would find it tough to call something business wise truly British nowadays. Most big business has interested parties from all over the world and that is the way it should be.
For me, all this talk about independence especially at this time is a disgrace. The last thing any country needs is another layer of red tape soaking up more tax payers cash without producing anything, how they think that will help us is beyond me. Even devolution is a poisoned chalice, as far as I can tell is the real old boy's club soaking up our cash and coming up with ever increasing regulation on our daily lives. It was borne out of sheer frustration from being ruled from Westminster during the Thatcher years but what did surprise me was most of England felt the same way at that time as well so it was less anti Scottish or English and more anti Westminster.
Scotland could run on it's own no problem, just like England or Wales but we would definitely be stronger together. Marginalised further in Europe and even our armed forces, maybe not the envy of the world they once were but certainly a force still to be reckoned with that defies belief.
I am a proud skirt wearing, pipe blawin, spanner twirlin, porridge munchin card carrying Jock, but whilst not flying the union Jack I was definitely born under it and will vote to keep it.