scotland would manage fine on its own. no sustainable income are use having a laugh.
the amount wee scots pay into the british economy each year does not even come close to wha use give uss back. here is a few things wee have which will keep use aflot if and a say if wee decided to go it alone.

1 oil
2 whiskey
3 salmon
4 beef
5 christmas trees
6 still water
7 snow season
8 gas
9 shipbuilding
10 shortbread
11 strawberries and raspberries

this is just a few of our many resources
dont forget iron brew!!!!

the proclaimers!!!!!

and as youve said above the haggis jesus they can hide under ground for months!!! lol!!!
Buckfast is made in england so thats your resource no ours!!! And when did hair and tv programmes become sustainable resources, you doughnut!!!
If they want to go, let them f off.
No more money from the rest of Uk and they can take their share of the debt with them as prime minister has already said.
In or out. No half way house
Also, absolutely no Scottish representatives in our parliament if they are out
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well if you do fook off your not getting any of our buckfast you ginger skirt wearing ****.i see you didnt include heroin in that statement . you a junkie ?

---------- Post added at 06:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:21 PM ----------

television programes dont make money ? attract tourists

---------- Post added at 07:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:24 PM ----------

footballs ours as well , not that you play the fooker but you stop imitating the game now .curls anyone
heroin , buckfast , rab c , oor wullie , ginger hair , mens skirts , bagpipes ,whats the story ballamory= all good resources to keep you AFLOT

hahahahah bonkers mate you are fcking bonkers lol.we scots will take the vote and the vote will be overwhelmingly for the union so am sorry jason a think you will be stuck with us mate,id just like to see the act of succession abolished we are now a modern day country lets remove this bigoted outdated law and continue as we were as british citizens,so am voting to stay in the union.
hahahahah bonkers mate you are fcking bonkers lol.we scots will take the vote and the vote will be overwhelmingly for the union so am sorry jason a think you will be stuck with us mate,id just like to see the act of succession abolished we are now a modern day country lets remove this bigoted outdated law and continue as we were as british citizens,so am voting to stay in the union.
mate i havent got any interest at all in political bullsh1t and iv got nothing against scotland . i got some good mates who are jocks . i would sooner move north than south if it came down to it .but im sorry george brown140 is a massive bellend
scotland would manage fine on its own. no sustainable income are use having a laugh.
the amount wee scots pay into the british economy each year does not even come close to wha use give uss back. here is a few things wee have which will keep use aflot if and a say if wee decided to go it alone.

1 oil - Is England dependent on it? No
2 whiskey-Its not a great secret how to make, the Japs even make Johnny Walker
3 salmon- We have Fish
4 beef- Have we no Cows like ?
5 christmas trees-Imitation ready decorated or Kielder Forest.
6 still water-as above Kielder
7 snow season- Feck me. I forgot we live in the Tropics
8 gas- Gt Yarmouth
9 shipbuilding-Where? the English gave you the Carrier Contract.
10 shortbread-Want the recipe?
11 strawberries and raspberries-Tesco all year round

this is just a few of our many resources

George is that a wind up mate or what? P.S i am looking for a potential partner for a Haggis farm i am setting up, in case the worse happens.

Long live Scotland, part of the UK. My and a many more kins roots will lie in that land of the Midge.:D
heroin , buckfast , rab c , oor wullie , ginger hair , mens skirts , bagpipes ,whats the story ballamory= all good resources to keep you AFLOT

small minded and ignorant

i was putting my point across because someone said that we had no sustainable income.

at least i took the time to check that all the statements that i made were factual it pisses me off when people assume scotland survives off england

and as for allan666 you say that you have lots of jocks as mates yet your quick to call us all ginger skirt wearing junkies.

I on the other hand don't have a problem with any english people as i currently work in england on heysham 1. And can safely say that they are all really good lads and are not small minded, sterotypical and ignorant as you.
I said earlier Scotland has way too few people to possibly survive on their own ?? I think it would be a major mistake for the country... Salmong just wants the initial glory for himself... personally could'nt give 2 fuks if they do or don't.... but don't think its a good idea as I'm sure do most Scot's.
Id just like to add that I have nothing against the Scottish either. I have some good scottish friends, over half my gang at college were also. Some great lads I'm still intouch with.
My point is that I think we should stick together, instead of being divided.
In the long run it's better for both countries, I think there is more for Scotland to lose than gain by leaving
not us you ,prick

---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 PM ----------

your still a massive bellend and them comments are directed only at you.

---------- Post added at 10:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 PM ----------

---------- Post added at 10:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 PM ----------

george brown ginger smackhead
getting a bit heated over a bit of banter........ but i would rather they stopped with us as i know for a FACT that it the cut the ties when it goes tits up which it will (europe is like a big britian and look at spain italy greece and ireland iceland) and then well spend billions bailing you and taking us years to get you back to were we both are now stable and only just it would be political suiside for you to become inderpendant.
allan666;137249]not us you, prick

Obviously intelligence isn't your strong point, this post is for people to discuss views on the pros and cons of a scottish divide.

Which personally i think would be a stupid idea at this point in time as we are on a world wide recession and we are stronger together.

So allan666 why don't you be a good little girl and leave this conversation which is above your wave length to the men!!!
At the end of the Day who gives a monkeys feck---we are all raised form the same stock and death is a great leveler...We are all Brothers are we not :love: ???.

As Robert Burns said " A Mans a Mans for all that ":cool:

Universal Scaffolders that range under one Banner and if any body got a prob with that come a head :nuts:...

La la la Iv worked to the skin with Darkies, Fins, Russians, French and Poles and had many a gaffers fist across mi ears and wo ti he that should look for Tea with McAlpines Fusiliers La la la...
Ah more division. Exactly what we don't need.

I don't trust the guy, I think he just wants his name to go down in history rather than make Scotland a better place. It's unbelievable that these people claim that Scotland should take no debt despite the fact the Royal Bank of SCOTLAND went under and had to be bailed out, big time.

I do like Scotland, I like what is possibly the greatest alliance in history between the English, Scots and Welsh. Shame if it comes to and end.
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