Is it true (1 Viewer)

Regardless of that fact that the yard manager has 35 years experience in the scaffolding industry, and has worked 7 days a week for the last 18 months "we sorted the yard out for that fat c**t".
Yea ,he's always a fat c*nt even if he's thin as a pole

---------- Post added at 12:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:35 PM ----------

139, Will accept and enjoy copious amounts of the contract managers premium grade cocaine at the Xmas piss-up, but then revert to referring to him as "that tight c**t" on Monday January 3.
140, If a rival gang do a large or prestigious job then the phrase "we were supposed to go over and do that, but were busy on item 121" will be used whenever anyone else mentions what a good job they did.
141, Has had a fight (and won) with his girlfriends ex fella (who works on Trad) at least once.
142, A folded up, out of date William Hill football coupon will be kept in the side pocket of his tool bag.
143, Thinks that electricity is piped into scaffolding yards and offices, free of charge.
144, Regardless of that fact that the yard manager has 35 years experience in the scaffolding industry, and has worked 7 days a week for the last 18 months "we sorted the yard out for that fat c**t".
145, Has gone down the yard, at least once 'to beat up the supervisor'.
146, Has never, ever, beaten up the supervisor.
147, Does not have any idea, whatsoever, what tredda plates are actually designed for.
148, Thinks an 'SK' is an acronym for 'steel klamp'.
149,Will happily go on his scaffold course rinsing you for every expense going, come back with a great big Portfolio,dump it on your desk,beg you to fill it in "cus I don't do paperwork" then the minute ,no second,its complete ask for another £20 a day "cus now I'm qualified"
150,Is guarenteed to ask if they can borrow a tiny bit of gear to do a private job on "me old grans house", then completley clean out the yard of every stick of scaffold, then promptly leave thinking you've forgotten all about it.
151,Will storm into the office when they see their wages are short claiming all the direct debits have bounced,and they can't pay their mortgage or rent and you owe them big style, and then realise they were actualy on holiday the previous week but had used up all of their holiday days not coming in on the 30 or so Mondays because on of their various grandparents had died (see item 4 )or because they were on the p*ss drrrrrrrrrr

---------- Post added at 12:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 PM ----------

152,Will think nothing of actualy using the expletive as a heading for his post in a forum,where sensible people would change a vital letter to abide by the rules......snigger snigger
154-When handed a drawing from an engineer with 100's of years experience and a great reputation,will merrily state "thats wrong,it should be 5 boards not 6" build the said structure to his own spec,and argue like fu*k with the site manager,safety officer and contracts manager that their fully erected version of the drawing is more accurate than the engineers,who incidentaly is a tw*t who couldn't spell scaffold let alone put it up.

155-Will voulenteer to go in on saturday at time and a half to put the above job right for you , to "Save you arse mate"

here we go again

---------- Post added at 09:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 PM ----------

154-When handed a drawing from an engineer with 100's of years experience and a great reputation,will merrily state "thats wrong,it should be 5 boards not 6" build the said structure to his own spec,and argue like fu*k with the site manager,safety officer and contracts manager that their fully erected version of the drawing is more accurate than the engineers,who incidentaly is a tw*t who couldn't spell scaffold let alone put it up.

155-Will voulenteer to go in on saturday at time and a half to put the above job right for you , to "Save you arse mate"

here we go again
156, Will stand in front of you whilst you hold up the photo from the Cambridge county council bus lane camera and say "Na wasn't me driving" even though it clearly shows them rolling a fag whilst sitting in the traffick.

157, Will happily notch 10 brand new boards at £8.30 each like a modern day Jesus of Nazereth because there tape measure is so rusty and rubbish they couldn't read it properly and based out wrong ...............derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

158, Will stick a durex over the exhaust of your best clients brand new Merc so it doesn't start ,"cus he's a right flash wan*er"
Yep its true...lost my last mrs through drink and working away...goes with the job.....girlfriends come and go...mates last forever...its def true bro!
It's true alright.

Happily married, got into scaffolding, met a great scaffolder, we were making fortunes.

We started going out together as couples, Champagne and wild parties at the weekend.

I found out a few months later my mate was getting me 'ratarsed then shagging my wife, when i was asleep'.

I was devastated, my life was in ruins, so Paul if you are reading this post, drop that slag, i have a belter job starting on Monday, back in the money mate.:eek::eek:
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