Going rate

You have to look at other trades
How much would it cost you for
A trade to do something in your house
All want 150+ a day
U are talking from ur point of view Jase , from the rate u work at , u generalise the rate u believe u are worth but sone scaffs no matter how many hours they work will never earn there £1000
Some are better than others afterall , and then we would be saying were not earning enough as were carrying whoever !
Vicious cycle
I do believe that scaffolders worth the money shouldbe recognised but also that we should be responsible for our jobs being built right and that the courses shouldn't be an automatic pass as suggested in another post on this forum
It shouldbe that if u have a ticket adv or basic u should be capable and motivated enough to earn ur money
Then this problem shouldn't arise but unfortunately some people arnt capable or motivated enough and end up dragging the rest of us down
Thats a fair point.

Ok, what about from another point of view?
Our pay, compared to other trades?

Scaffolders work harder then most other trades.
Even the laziest of us have to carry more weight and put our bodies under more strain then most other trades.

If they didnt, then Scaffolding would be overflowing with youngsters, wishing to learn the job. - Ive hardly worked with anyone under 25... and those that are usually only last a few months, before quitting.

How many people you spoke to say: 'Oh yeah, i used to do Scaffolding, but found an easier job to do'
Some of the people who have said that to me range from - Milkman to Estate Agents, lol.

Seems that everyone and his dog has 'tried' Scaffolding...
If the money we earned was in line with the work we have to do people wouldn't go looking for easier jobs - That pay similar money.
If we was earning £500 a day, then this trade would be busting over with people willing to 'try' it.

We work harder then other trades, which is pretty much acknowledged by them.
We have a much more dangerous job then other trades, which is pretty much acknowledged in every induction we attend and when you speak to every Safety Officer on site.
We regularly get other trades out the shiit, when we build things like loading bays, hop-ups, platforms and every other kind of 'extra' which are needed for other trades to work and such.

Me? - Im more then happy with what im earning atm.
Im fortunate to be on a good job, earn good money, have a good gaffer and work with a right good bunch of blokes.

But, i do strongly feel that in general, Scaffolders are considerably underpaid for what we do/have to do.

The gap between what we earn compared to what our bosses make is staggering, i know that they SHOULD earn the lions share, but we SHOULD also be paid better.
I know exactly what u mean about everyone havin tried scaffolding lol , Shame so many people think owning a level an spanner makes em
A Scaff though eh , when in reality they probably pushed a few tubes to a builder attempting to erect sone old **** he's bought to build his pair of bungalows !
We are one of the hardest worked and ur also right that kids don't wanna know about a start as it is hard work
I laboured for my dad from 12 in reeds papermill and liked it so much ( see that he earned good money from it tbh ,)
And so left school at 14 to start 'work eperience' as my teachers called it
I never looked back I still have a second job that I also enjoy but it'll never earn me enough that even if I wanted to I could leave scaffolding for good .

My plan was always to run my own firm but I'd never get big enough to do the jobs I'd like to run so my second option is work for a larger firm with more fellas and end up a contracts manager after supervisor
We'll see what happens next week ;-)
hello grafters i was on for sgb b'ham we used to get price work (sh*t £s) but if u grafted ur testicles off and earned a decent wedge the mgr used to alter ur output pay, or how about this: we was on price but if we dun the job and finishd at early afternoon theyd say u have to stay till 4! is this price or day work? we shud all down tools n unite
lol. Most ppl who have done a bit of scaffolding mean that they chucked up a couple of bays of Kwikform once !!! Badly ! Lmao
ive come to the point fuc k scaffolding its wa nk no work on next week any one from yorkshire any cash in hand
mate wiv the gear at ur feet a good gang and a good gaffa its the best job about!
can anyone think of a better job n y?
When the gears at your feet, the yard is empty and the phone is not ringing off the hook with unrealistic demands and targets you know you will never hit in a month of Sunday's it's the best, but when it is and the grunny is staring hopelessly into space it can be the worst.
When your sitting on a beam, a few hundred feet up, legs wrapped around it, (ofcourse clipped on, :blink1:), getting ready to build some nutty job, its getting late, but your doing overtime - money is good, sun behind your shoulder, beautiful clear blue sky, little dots, that are people below you, some looking up thinking: 'Fukk that! - Look at that nutter!', then thats when its the best job in the world. :)

When its pissing down with rain, your on a crap job - Horrible gaffer and the money is shiit, your expected to perform miracles, loads of safety blokes on your case, but its all you can get for now, then its the worst. :(
I've always liked the drive home on a winter night when you have just finished that big job that has been bugging you for ages.
Easy done, suppose we all just have to roll with the punches.
The only thing is the punches these days are more than likely low blows :cry::sad:
Easy to say I know, but it's always darkest before the dawn. Things are a wee bit easier here after a very hectic time but the next disaster is usually never far away. I don't always manage it but I always try and enjoy it when the pressure is off so you are more prepared as soon as the pressure is back on.
The only thing is the punches these days are more than likely low blows :cry::sad:

---------- Post added at 10:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 PM ----------

someone should point censuscontracting to this thread,the going rate in the low countries seems to be ******* crap.
Imagine there was an actual 'Scaffolders Union'.
The power we could wield...

With one word, we'd bring the entire Construction Industry to its knees.
Then, we'd get the pay we deserve. :)
Alright chaps, an old boy i worked with once said to me that years ago you graffted ya arse off and you were paid on performance as well as quality and scaffolders made good money, now your paid on who can get there tongue up the bosses back end the furthest and unpaid over time to keep your job.
Gone are the days of ex con's and un qualified labour, were a rare breed as there ain't many who wanna bust a gut to do this game every day for a livvin.
We're skilled tradesman who without us the civil, industrial and public sectors would grind to a halt!
Give us the recognition we deserve and the pay structure.

(You dont become a scaffolder, Your Born One)
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