Going rate

Some firm, round the corner and up the road. ;)

On topic:
Has anyone from the 'other side' of the fence got an opinion about the going rate for Scaffolders?

Other side = Management.
They will stay quite I imagine Jason
There opinion might cause some unrest lol
I cant see why though.

They take work on, at a competitive rate dont they?
Even when/if they take jobs on at a loss, its not for no reason... Usually either argeements are made that if they take a dip in profits on one job, it'll lead to extra contracts being awarded later down the line, or they can make it up in extra works, like V.O's and stuff on that job.

Every company in the entire world is there to make money and a profit.
Even charities have to earn something to pay for their representatives 'expenses'.

Scaffolding companies are also there to earn money.
Just like we are.

They put a job up for x-amount of cash, they expect to be paid it.
So do we... We expect to be paid a fair wage to break our backs, destroy our bodies and risk our lives EVERYDAY.

I cant see what reasonable person wouldn't agree its a fair trade. - Boss or otherwise.
They are in it to make money I agree it just seems they wanna make the same money
No matter what price or extras are made meaning it's always the blokes who take it in the pocket
I was on for a firm big one in Essex not mentioning any names
But we all had to take a tenner a day cut till things picked up
A week later the guvners bought the box at west ham and a new bentley
I have no qualms with bosses making the lions share of the money.
After-all its their gear and they take 99% of the risk.

And its a very big BUT.

Dont take the average hard-working and working class (not well off middle class) Scaffolder as a mug.

Pay us fair.
Get a fair days work.

A relationship, whether it be a working relationship or a personal one, you have with a woman is a 2 way street.
Both sides need to put in 50%.
Its not take, take, take...

By the sweat off our backs and the blood on our hands, we - yes WE (Scaffolders) keep these companies going, by putting the work up and busting our arse to keep our bosses in the lavish life style's alot of them have become accustomed to.

They need to acknowledge this and accept it.
They also need to pay us, what we deserve.

Pay us fair. - For risking our lives, and destroying our bodies.

No Scaffolders = No Scaffolding companies.
No Scaffolding companies = No VERY well off bosses...
Simple as that.
how can they pay us what we r worth ive worked for the same company for 12 years and every year he dosent make anything what a f ucking joke:suspicious:
they all think your daft but what gos on the wagon dos not always make it to the job :laugh:
Relationship with a woman? 2 way street? hope thats beaver and knotted balloon,and as for 50 per cent..fcuk that im going up 2 the bumpers..lol
perks of the job they want to take the piss so can we power to the scaffolders of this great country :laugh:
Thing I've found with most companies on price is that if you do more than your 30-40 m (60-80 if your 2 handed) they don't pay you any more than what would be your flat hourly rate. So there's no point busting your balls unless your fortunate enough to work somewhere that will pay you fairly if your prepared to graft for it

this is where we give our lads a bonus if they do a good days work we are makeing money so it has got to be a bit of give and take and every one should be happy,you get some who just come to work and all they want to do is a days work and go home, and some who want to graft well if you do not give them something in return they will all just plod a long doing less work and makeing you less money, i am a company boss and i still like to get out on the tools a couple of days a week with the lads like i have said before our lads may be able to get a pound or two more else where but look after them and they will look after you.
100% spot on Zotsey, mate.
No one and i mean - NO ONE in this world busts their arse anymore.

You see any other trade... Who kills themselves? - No one.
And why the fukk should we?

Our bosses earn enough out of us. Millions and millions of pounds.
Why should we kill ourselves to make some other c.unt rich?

Im not lazy. far from it, but im not a mug either and in this day and age with all our 'Health and Safety' crap, there should be no need to break our backs anymore.

Jason, agree 100% dead right in what you are saying.
I think we all do oldscaff but in reality we all still do bust our balls everyday
Because the alternative is the sack unfortunately
anyone who doesnt want to work their balls off shouldnt hang around in scaffolding.scaffolding by nature is a very hard on the body and the mind although some would like top differ.
i generally work in the oil and gas sectors and although you can rip the piss on these jobs your name will be mud so a good days graft is still required.
i have worked offshore done a 15 hour shift and went to my bed still buzzing because of the graft i had done.
as posted in another thread safety is about lip service and playing the game,use it as an excuse to skive in scaffolding and your binned:eek::eek:
Unfortunately if all the firms are fighting against each other on costs then the rates will
Never go up ,
I think some scaffs are under the impression that 30 m a day is enough to make them
Worth 150 a day this is where the problem
Is , they don't get 150 chuck the toys out the pram , sulk , do less want more , get laid off , get pissed off , whine about it
I had to earn my money not long after I started on price , be it only housing estates but I raked it in for 3 years till the contract ended .
Whatever happened to proving your worth

I agree ash, too many lads had it too good in the last few years when all the firms were earning good money and could pay decent.too little work now with all firms competing to get a bit to survive,and as you say 30m a day is crap and not making the firms enough to survive,had a couple of lads on a month ago based out 60 ft in an 8 hr shift and thought they'd done a good days work, hasn't anyone noticed the amount of street firms going bust at the moment,they can't make money cos they are paying more to the lads than what they can get paid from the builder after overheads. It's crap, and all these bloody EU rules that we have to abide to don't help.
scaffolding is a hard job ive been doing it 20 years and my bodys fcuked backs gone knees have gone but still get on with it i can not stand the toss off c unts because i have to do more
daffy enlighten me what are these eu rules that we all must abide,im half canned now and may be missing the point.
everything else i get and agree with
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