Ecitb scaffs tkt

well i might be 49,but i aint no dinasour,funny when S.G.B got me the E.C.I.T.B in the first place,who were a respested company and still are.
The only reason were losing are tickets is more MONEY we should be able to take a test to show are skills at a lower cost

il make you right david maxfield.unfortunatly weve been doing scaffolding
for that long that most of our old managers.have tickets bloody bus tickets.
its a shame people come on here up seeting the apple cart.nearly 5000 hits
and three negative people.d abe.toperoff.tony.are you neighbours.lets just
get on and enjoy this forum it beats tv.:laugh:
well i might be 49,but i aint no dinasour,funny when S.G.B got me the E.C.I.T.B in the first place,who were a respested company and still are.
The only reason were losing are tickets is more MONEY we should be able to take a test to show are skills at a lower cost

How would that be fair on all the lads who've done the CISRS route?
phill i understand your point.m8 this is a lot to do with this ticket issue this is why nasc
and cisrs wont budge.on this issue.cos they no it will cost em dearly.what they should
of done is give every scaffolder the like for like ticket instead of being greedy.i hope it
costs em thosands.
I was just wondering, and forgive me if this has come up elsewhere, but does anyone/ any organisation know just how many experienced scaffolders are going to be affected by this end of year decision?

Given (from what I understand) that there was 10 years to implement the assessment route, was everyone concerned well informed of CISRS being the only acceptable qualification come december?

How would this information been distributed?
Phil and Paddy some good comments there lads...

Gents am I missing something here?

The situation is that the ECITB card is no longer accepted in the industry and whether it should be or should have been is there for all to debate.

The main thing is that those who do hold it experience or not, excellent or poor require to gain CISRS status. As it was stated in this post some scaffs been in the game for many years have followed this route as their firms or the site the worked on only recognised the CITB card scheme..

Understandable it may feel like an insult having to sit through this training and having to demonstrate that you can do it but this is no different for the a scaffolder who has do attend a SSPTS course (Scaffold System Product Training Scheme), granted this only two days.

I have been in the game for 25 or so years and I got issued a trainee card on my first day of work? The workforce I worked in or around including unions insisted on training on the sites.

Free training at this moment in time looks like the only option and this will not be here for long so don’t miss this opportunity whether you agree with the system or not.

Finally xxxIanxxx to say someone is not welcome on a forum is a poor comment as we are all welcome to have our say with regards to the postings on here.

You are also no doing any favours for the SCCR or the Forum because you are giving the impression that if you are not willing to get on board than you are not welcome to have an opinion or say on here...
I personally think some members are scared to voice what the really think!!!!!!
with your work history being in the oil and pwr industry.and working for sgb.hertel.interserve ect i thought you would of meet a lot of ecitb scaffs in your travels
i thought you of all people would of supported this thread you had no problem with
this ecitb tickets on the allington kent now you ave a new career and your
firms part of nasc i suppose your opinions changed i no your offering free trainning but
it dosent take away this issue i also see that you ave siemens and national grid on
your books both these firms accepted ecitb now they only want cisrs what happend
to the ecitb exspire date of december 2110.
Dave Abe

"Finally xxxIanxxx to say someone is not welcome on a forum is a poor comment as we are all welcome to have our say with regards to the postings on here."

I think you are persuing a hidden agenda on this forum,for the benefit of your company and your main aim is cause as much disruption as you can.You claim you came here to inform us of FREE training As big boys we know nothing is Free in this life.

The training you are quoting is GOVERNMENT FUNDED you and your company are merely turning a profit and using this Forum for advertising.

We are all now aware of the training on offer from your company and that of many other companies around the country that provide the same service.

Please do me a favour and crawl back under your slimy stone in your training centre and let the MEN that are SCAFFOLDERS get on with the work of making a difference to the mess you and your ilk have placed the scaffolding sector in for the sole pupose of making money

Quote Dave Abe "I personally think some members are scared to voice what the really think!!!!!! "

Not me you jumped up, pontificating, self serving, arrogant,EX scaffolder (personel view only,no correspondence will be entered into.)
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Dave Abe

"Finally xxxIanxxx to say someone is not welcome on a forum is a poor comment as we are all welcome to have our say with regards to the postings on here."

I think you are persuing a hidden agenda on this forum,for the benefit of your company and your main aim is cause as much disruption as you can.You claim you came here to inform us of FREE training As big boys we know nothing is Free in this life.

The training you are quoting is GOVERNMENT FUNDED you and your company are merely turning a profit and using this Forum for advertising.

We are all now aware of the training on offer from your company and that of many other companies around the country that provide the same service.

Please do me a favour and crawl back under your slimy stone in your training centre and let the MEN that are SCAFFOLDERS get on with the work of making a difference to the mess you and your ilk have placed the scaffolding sector in for the sole pupose of making money

well thank you rigger we may be scaffolders but we ante stupid.
Dico last post you done stated you wasn’t interested, was the worm to big on the hook that you couldnt resist???? Ha ha

I have worked for a No of companies as you have stated, however if you do know me that well you will also know that as a scaffolder, supervisor or manager I have never agreed with the ECITB card but that’s my prerogative, but comnpanies I worked for did.

Again I have always agreed with the CITB training scheme which is now the CISRS scheme.

If you do know me you would know this, as I always have the banter with ECITB holders....

What the ECITB lads are going through now is no different to what the CITB / CISRS lads have had to go through watching lads going to the school before them who was not as experience or good as them but had been in the company longer.
Dave Abe

"Finally xxxIanxxx to say someone is not welcome on a forum is a poor comment as we are all welcome to have our say with regards to the postings on here."

I think you are persuing a hidden agenda on this forum,for the benefit of your company and your main aim is cause as much disruption as you can.You claim you came here to inform us of FREE training As big boys we know nothing is Free in this life.

The training you are quoting is GOVERNMENT FUNDED you and your company are merely turning a profit and using this Forum for advertising.

We are all now aware of the training on offer from your company and that of many other companies around the country that provide the same service.

Please do me a favour and crawl back under your slimy stone in your training centre and let the MEN that are SCAFFOLDERS get on with the work of making a difference to the mess you and your ilk have placed the scaffolding sector in for the sole pupose of making money

Quote Dave Abe "I personally think some members are scared to voice what the really think!!!!!! "

Not me you jumped up, pontificating, self serving, arrogant,EX scaffolder (personel view only,no correspondence will be entered into.)
One word NOBHEAD!
Rigger yet another very bitter, narrowed minded person who has to get personal...

Does the truth hurt that much?

No hidden agenda by me just replying to others and you have a choice read or not read??
yeah i looked along with many others dosent mean iam interested.

---------- Post added at 11:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:43 AM ----------

Dico last post you done stated you wasn’t interested, was the worm to big on the hook that you couldnt resist???? Ha ha

I have worked for a No of companies as you have stated, however if you do know me that well you will also know that as a scaffolder, supervisor or manager I have never agreed with the ECITB card but that’s my prerogative, but comnpanies I worked for did.

Again I have always agreed with the CITB training scheme which is now the CISRS scheme.

If you do know me you would know this, as I always have the banter with ECITB holders....

What the ECITB lads are going through now is no different to what the CITB / CISRS lads have had to go through watching lads going to the school before them who was not as experience or good as them but had been in the company longer.

yeah. but they wernt scaffolding 2 bloody decades.
Dave Abe

Not me you jumped up, pontificating, self serving, arrogant,EX scaffolder (personel view only,no correspondence will be entered into.)
Dico may more than 2 decades

Rigger best thing you can do: is say nothing and let everyone thing your a fool rather than open your mouth and let them all know you are one....Now be a good big lad and grow up......

Come on ladies put your handbags away.
Quote Dave Abe "I personally think some members are scared to voice what the really think!!!!!! "

Not me you jumped up, pontificating, self serving, arrogant,EX scaffolder (personel view only,no correspondence will be entered into.)

Quote Dave Abe "Rigger best thing you can do: is say nothing and let everyone thing your a fool rather than open your mouth and let them all know you are one....Now be a good big lad and grow up...... "

my input to this Scaffolders Forum is there for all to see, As is yours :love:
I really don't want this to turn into a slanging match , but I have respect for the SCCR team and their way forward towards the industry. Obviously we have a few new comers to the site intent on disruption. I haven't been here long but have tried to give the best input to my own knoledge, I wasn't the best scaff when on the tools and corners were cut . That said I believe I will give an open opinion to the best of my knoledge. I was trained by a number of ECITB scaffolders and they were the best. I work for a training centre with trainers that have no power station oil refinery or oil rig experience,I personally have no oil rig experience and would not contemplate telling you your job. I don't know what these new posters agenda's are, but I have an idea about who they work for.

Simon your not welcome here ( you know who you and your cronies are ) you were asked to come on board, but obviously at the moment the monopoly favours you

sorry for the rant

---------- Post added at 10:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 PM ----------

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---------- Post added at 11:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 PM ----------

your obviously mis-informed , where did you get 2 weeks from???? and who is going to pay, you obviously have nothing constructive to say and very limited knoledge

That last bit Ian ...Telling people they are not wanted ?? your involved with the SCCR ?? dictating who is wanted and not wanted ?? Then well done poacher turned gamekeeper your sounding like the NASC very cloak and dagger so well done I won't be filling my form in for SCCR membership if this is how we be represented , this thread has become a laughing stock ..all very ''us & them'' .........
I agree Redviking totally out of hand. My fault I think I do apologise!!

Take out the ECITB bit & just look at how many experienced scaffolders are in the country who do not have a CISRS ticket.

I agree with a central qualification!

But if you have a scaffolder who is experienced then they should be assessed at the level they are experienced at!

The quality of scaffolders coming out of the CISRS is poor, some centres may be better than others. Look back at the questionnaire how many people stated they were not happy with training!

We are asking to have consultation for the membership on issues regarding training. Timescales & what is covered by each course & looking for a longer period of on site assessments.

This goes for any scaffolder. As I said to Dave Abs the other day good debate & I will be making contact with you Dave to discuss meeting up to progress the above.

I was rubbed up the wrong way with the Tony guy, still don't know what angle that was coming from but completely playground stuff & not the way forward.

Again I apologise to the people on the thread & the ECITB guys this was not the way I wanted things to go.

On the other hand if anyone else does not agree with things it might be as good to just say that instead of insults. Me included.

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