Ecitb scaffs tkt

I agree Redviking totally out of hand. My fault I think I do apologise!!

Take out the ECITB bit & just look at how many experienced scaffolders are in the country who do not have a CISRS ticket.

I agree with a central qualification!

But if you have a scaffolder who is experienced then they should be assessed at the level they are experienced at!

The quality of scaffolders coming out of the CISRS is poor, some centres may be better than others. Look back at the questionnaire how many people stated they were not happy with training!

We are asking to have consultation for the membership on issues regarding training. Timescales & what is covered by each course & looking for a longer period of on site assessments.

This goes for any scaffolder. As I said to Dave Abs the other day good debate & I will be making contact with you Dave to discuss meeting up to progress the above.

I was rubbed up the wrong way with the Tony guy, still don't know what angle that was coming from but completely playground stuff & not the way forward.

Again I apologise to the people on the thread & the ECITB guys this was not the way I wanted things to go.

On the other hand if anyone else does not agree with things it might be as good to just say that instead of insults. Me included.


I get all that, no need apologise pal it's Ian's comment that left a sour taste and the fact he had the neck to post the forum code of conduct under it !!
Seem's he is using certain things to feather a nest (I maybe wrong ,I hope I am ) .
your a decent fellow ragscaff. in ragscaffs defence certain people rubbing wronge people
up the wronge way.we all no whats right and wronge.and iam with ragscaff and rigger all the way.were all intitled to our comments.the same as ian x we had none of this untill
certain people came on here its a free country every bodys intitled to there opinions
ECITB,CISRS Scaffolders and Training providers.

As you are all aware this is the most topical thread contained within

I am a T&F Advanced Scaffolder NVQ3 ASRE (Not ARSE however thats open to debate).

Why oh why is it allways Scaffolders getting the muddy end of the Stick? Who else needs to go to such lengths regarding Training and ££££££ at their own cost, to be able to go to work and provide for their families.

We Adhere to and familiarise ourselves, to one set of Regs, and lo and behold another set appears.

We are led to believe, 'If you have this Card , its for life' never mind that CISRS thing, it will never take off, heard that also on the Introduction of Hard hats and Safety Harness:eek:

SG4:05, TG20:08 and Appendix A to SG4:05 had us all falling on our Swords.

The Issue with the ECITB cards is wrong in my opinion, and i will debate too the 'Cows come home' that these lads in possession of the cards, should be assessed of competence, rather than Trained to gain Monetary funds.

This subject has a 'Passion' the reason being, it interferes with the concerned parties 'Livliehood' the ability to supply their Families and dependents and feel a sense of pride in doing so. From December, is this, pride to be denied them.

Feelings are currently 'Running High' and in my opinion rightly so. However, in some cases in a need to express their feelings and frustrations,personnel have resorted to personal verbal attacks to posters.

I am not the pope or Mother Terrissa,however, as H&S development officer of the newly formed SCCR, 'Handbags at Dawn' is counter productive to our aims.

I have read every post on this thread several if not more times, i do believe, there are 'Insurgents' however, this is a democratic society, and freedom of speech is the main attribute to this society.

Maybe, just Maybe dave abe proposal of the free training(albeit Government funded) is the start of a Olive branch being waved by NASC/CISRS, should we not look to see how many 'Olives we can harvest before we Strip the branch.

Ragscaff has apologised on behalf of the SCCR for remarks made in the heat of the moment by Passionate People, I have no apologies to make, as i treat people the way i expect to be treated myself.

I would like to think this Dialogue/Debate could still carry on in a civilised manner. I know this will not be the case, as Tensions are Taut as piano wire, But a little retraint on the Rhetoric of named persons would be greatly appreciated.

Paddy H&S Development Officer SCCR
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I have watched the forum grow as freedom fighters against the NASC and H.S.E. oppression with pleasure.
It seems that the forum has now become the Establishment and contrary views will not be tolerated.
While I do not like the way Simian have set themselves out as scaffold industry legislators they or there representatives are surely entitled to express their opinion on the site.
I have held both CITB and ECITB cards but it is true that many held ECITB tickets by default
ECITB,CISRS Scaffolders and Training providers.
Why oh why is it allways Scaffolders getting the muddy end of the Stick? Who else needs to go to such lengths regarding Training and ££££££ at their own cost, to be able to go to work and provide for their families.

As I mentioned in my introduction that I'm not a scaffolder but have some background as an HGV driver, there are parallels in that industry too. In order to keep my HGV license, I need to have five yearly medicals from the age of 45. My next one will be next year when I turn 50. My 45 year medical cost me £86 and the whole thing was little more than a box ticking exercise. I didn't even have to take my shirt off for the doc listening to my chest etc. More recently the EU has devised that drivers need the Driver CPC which means that a specified amount of training be attended, which means more expense for the individual. Predicably, drivers generally have taken a dim view on this as it implies that some office bound upstarts are going to be telling experienced professionals how to do their job. I haven't read all 31 pages of this thread but it seems to be broadly similar. So Paddy, scaffolding is not the only industry where this sort of thing is happening.

In my short spell here, I've learned that scaffolding is far more technical than I originally thought. I'm learning a great deal. Which is what I joined for!
Ha ! I'm over 45 with my HGV so I know what you mean.

So I am getting the worst of two worlds. No wonder I am losing my hair!! ;)

At least we don't have to do the CPC Ragscaff.
Already looked in to it. Don't take my word for it, talk to RHA or FTA they will tell you the scaffs are in the clear as long as they are not driving full-time.
Andy great post mate.

What we at the SCCR in partnership with the is not to re-invent the Wheel, but to be able to sit at the table and have a in-put.

Our original concerns were:-

Advanced Guardrails
Step-up platforms
CISRS Training
Consultation Rights

From these issues, i started a group named 'Committee for Consultation rights'.

Ragscaff attended a HSE meeting on behalf of this group. (Only member present).

When the ECITB tkt Fiasco kicked off, and a thread by Steve Gregory entitled Cap-609 coincided , there was a identifiable need for a stance, from the Amalgamation of Committee for Consultation Rights, Ragscaff having meetings regarding 'Step-up Platforms with the HSE, and Steve Gregory being totally dismayed regarding the requirements of the NASC for to be a Instructor.

The Consensus was to try and implement 'Change through the right to be consulted'.

Ragscaff, took this under his wing like a 'Dog to Broth' hence the formation of SCCR

Changes will not occur overnight, however , our voice is heard already, and mark my words we will be 'CONSULTED'

H&S Development Officer SCCR

---------- Post added at 09:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:39 PM ----------

Trevor, Firstly welcome mate.
Yeah CISRS,CSCS and CPCS are all money spinners, during its conception, this was a easy way for the Construction Skills to raise money for the Government saying we are 'Investing in the workforce'.

All Construction personnel were supposed to be fully carded by 2010, Scaffolders were the first by transferring from CITB.

The world was their 'oyster' all these Builders to have cards at £££££ However time passes and 'Fat cats want more Cream' is the well nearly dry in 2010?:worried::worried: Who or what can we do now to create more revenue.

I rest my case your honour.

All true paddy ,, its a disgrace , if you get a bank loan and pay it back they dont keep coming after you for intrest when its been paid..

All for Training and safety but enough is enough, some of these course's can really be compressed and less days , some need more assessment...

£££££££££££££££'''sssssssssssssssssss all the way and nothing given back.
il make you right david maxfield.unfortunatly weve been doing scaffolding
for that long that most of our old managers.have tickets bloody bus tickets.
its a shame people come on here up seeting the apple cart.nearly 5000 hits
and three negative people.d abe.toperoff.tony.are you neighbours.lets just
get on and enjoy this forum it beats tv.:laugh:

Negative meaning a different view?
You might want to remove that geezers CV too then mate.

There's no need for that.
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