Assault Course?

Sole boards in the sea, very droll :bigsmile:

Seriously, we build off a clay bed once
base plates nailed onto a scaff board which was strapped to a ladder beam rope both ends for retrieval, worked a treat

well except for all the lost doubles, spanners and phone:embarrest:
haha, very good. We do have some extra large sole pads we got made up a few years back when working on the local canal but that work kind of dried up if you pardon the pun as the big boys were sending men down up to their knees in mud and some times deeper ramming a paddy into the mud till they thought they had hit solid ground, I refused to do it when the mud went passed my ankles and ripped of my rigger boot.:eek:

The tide here goes out for about a mile or more but there is a small burn or river running all the time. We will be able to build a 2 lift tower no problem at low tide built from these pads.
Been in the waders a few times over the years HSWT, even went in a burn on a golf course not that long ago in the Y fronts on a cold winters morning, not my best idea.:eek:

Think the wet suit will come out for this one.:idea:
haha, who do you think I am, the master?:eek: I enjoy getting my hands dirty but as you say maybe I will do the safety watch from the ski.:idea:
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