Assault Course?

Yeah, fair point Woodsie, whilst the finer points have still to be discussed they do have liability as do most of these things nowadays.

---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 PM ----------

Nightmare when you think about it marra it really is. Some times you just have to say feck em and do it anyway. We earn our money local and I don't mind doing something for a charity.

get it knocked up few signs on it :cool: but make sure there a big dut-ty pit for them to come off in
Yeah now your talking, plenty of that cheap foam padding and maybe even a slurry pit from one of the farms local that would sort them out.:eek:
Its staring you in the face:

A 21ft pole for the ladies bury it 4ft in the ground and see who can climb the other 17ft the quickest---------- but they must wear a mini skirt:bigsmile:
haha, the mini skirt challenge, knowing my luck alls I will get is a tour bus full of hairy ersed greeks.:sick:
Probably would drifta but was really looking to keep it simple stupid if you know what I mean. Light hearted bit of fun, not too overly complicated that some smert erse with a clip board asks to see the drawing or anyone is going to risk any kind of injury. Any ideas are still welcome but I think I have enough to build a small course good enough for a country charity gig.
Don't want to sound like my dad but I'd Defo check insurance before go head coz if anyone gets hurt n it is an assault course after all, with the whiplash culture today I'd personally make sure all bases are covered before goahead even if it's local event. Even if it's charity n ur helping them out, not many of them would help u if the shet hits the fan which it could with a load of kids on an assault course. I'd give it a wide birth personally.
Just trying to help a grafter n prevent the wasters of today from getting the claims.
Fook I'm a miserable **** or had life made me this way ;-)
How about some sort of a pole climb? Grab a ribbon sort of thing.
I think the rope climb would be ok if the contestants had to screech monkey noises at each other,lol doubt if anyone would get more than the second hand over.,through laughing so much
We are all the same Woodsie so I will say life will have made you aware of the potential dangers. I get what you are saying and I am aware, part of me doesn't want to be bothered if I am honest as I just got clear of 10 years of doing a bike rack for an iron man thing. They always wanted me to build a wee stage for the presentation but didn't fancy it as they had no insurance and couldn't pay for a design so stuck with the rack and start finish line. The other thing was it was always held over a holiday weekend in September and all the boy's were on the skite and had to do the fekin thing myself so don't want to get snared like that again. I will see what they say on Sunday and decide then, thanks for your concern and words of warning.

---------- Post added at 11:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ----------

How about some sort of a pole climb? Grab a ribbon sort of thing.
I think the rope climb would be ok if the contestants had to screech monkey noises at each other,lol doubt if anyone would get more than the second hand over.,through laughing so much

Sounds a possibility, only thing is as a scaff I would be looking to catch it at least every 6 feet which would make it a piece of cake to do. Might have a wee think about that one.
What about who can get swallow the most of a tube but with a little twist they got to use there arse holes not there mouths
Must be a h/s headache. Do you need crash cushions below climbs,protection around tubes?

---------- Post added at 11:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 PM ----------

Must be a h/s headache. Do you need crash cushions below climbs,protection around tubes?

Keep going jonny lippy,expect the moderaters will sort you out soon.
Doubt youll need protection on the tube doubt its gonna have any stds as long as its not the 1 ypur mrs uses y u at work
Would love to have a slurry pit or something similar but the reality is there will be some sort of padding and soft landing system. Depends what the charity want as well, haven't went into detail about their expectations yet but have a meeting on Sunday with them so all should be a wee bit clearer then.
Doubt youll need protection on the tube doubt its gonna have any stds as long as its not the 1 ypur mrs uses y u at work

Jonny, if that is your attempt at humour, it's pathetic. What is it with you did a big bad scaff rape you or something or is it just your fantasy? If you pop on a Margaret Thatcher mask I could come round and ram one right up yer cooncil gritter if you fancy it.
haha, if you knew who I was you would be able to spell my name and you would also know dwarfism is one of the few afflictions I don't suffer from but thanks for your input, invaluable.
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