Ecitb scaffs tkt

I use my real name no nick name or short as a user name so people who do know me either through football or scaffolding know me as Dave Abe (Dave Abraham).

You must be in sorry place of life if you need others to comment on me Ian?

I came on here to try and prevent lads paying for courses themselves whatever our beliefs / opinions are, end of the day free training will go sooner or later with this new government..

I was really impressed with this forum when I stumbled on it but after what I have seen this week this is fading away.

It appears that certain people can blatantly slag people or certain systems / procedures off but if a person defends or has a different opinion it turns out to be some sort of witch hunt......

SCCR / Forum as stated number of times stumbled across the both of you when looking for a scaffold supplier website and it was the first time I had heard of you both, I am sure that like are industry there is good and bad everywhere however, if you wish to put yourself on the front line for scaffolders then please stay open minded as not all will agree and organisations require a person on the fence to keep order.

Phil cheers for your post.

Obviously others think I came on here as a personal gain for the company which I work for this was not the case, no hidden agenda tried to help a fellow person out like I have with a number of NVQ / ECITB and some non card scafolders with reduction courses (as not there fault they have been led down the garden path by a cheaper option by their company).
First I have heard about an email and secondly I did not know this site was ran by the SCCR..

Yes seen mistakes
Its a link to the simian website open to the internet


Click on the name and the cv is there for you to see click on the link

Do you think this is good for prospective forum sponsors ??
If you have beef send it via a PM rather than sly underhand tactics it's very childish and making ragscaff finding the bottom of a bottle of gin very fast .....
If your upset buy a stressball you are showing true colors and as I said before it's all a laughing stock ......
This thread was for the ECITB issue!!

Please lets not get all hot & bothered again!!

I have sent you an e-mail Dave & will be happy to talk through this & other subjects & appreciate the offer, but you must be aware that some of the guys are very uptight about this issue.


Sorry Ian. This site is not run by the SCCR & I am not happy for that suggestion. Ian is not yet a member or on the main committee. He is a member of the forum & is expressing his views. The forum has helped the SCCR form which is less than a week old & not off to a good start. We are for consultation not dictation !!
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Ragscaff lets leave it there, as they are getting uptight with someone is trying to help them...And you cannot expect me not to reply to some of the comments made??

Look forward to are chat.. Enjoy France
Lads , I'm back , sounds like I should have brought the dueling pistols back with me not the duty free's.Whats going on its Time to stick with it not fight amongst ourselves. Every member has the right to speak, and Ian I hope this isn't your last post I have learned a lot from you, your a valuable assest.
i will c you back on here ian x in a couple of days mate.otherwise iam gana call it a day
too. every ones to blame not just ian x every ones entitled to there opinon. c you in a couple of days m8.
Welcome back Dangeruss
Hope you enjoyed your hols mate.

Yeah Feelings and frustrations have been a tad on the overactive side of things.

However, such is life. Henry Kissingers we are not, Scaffolders is our name, and, Scaffolding is our game. Ian may have been a little over zealous with the use of the keyboard, but he is a good lad, and myself for one would hate to lose him from the Forum.

As Dico says (another assett) a couple of days 'Cooling off period' may do the trick.

Stick together guys, this is our Forum.

Best regards to all
Yes this is the scaffoldersforum not the SCCR.

We have an agreement with Admin to promote the SCCR.

This is not the SCCR web site, we are all scaffolders trying to get consultation, this idea was born from the forum & I don't want it to take over the forum. That is one reason I have not placed the membership forms on this site & that is why I did not want to place the price list here either.

This thread is for the ECITB guys so we can help them not cause them to leave the site.

Stewart ( Ragscaff )
Welcome back Dangeruss
Hope you enjoyed your hols mate.

Yeah Feelings and frustrations have been a tad on the overactive side of things.

However, such is life. Henry Kissingers we are not, Scaffolders is our name, and, Scaffolding is our game. Ian may have been a little over zealous with the use of the keyboard, but he is a good lad, and myself for one would hate to lose him from the Forum.

As Dico says (another assett) a couple of days 'Cooling off period' may do the trick.

Stick together guys, this is our Forum.

Best regards to all
Had a great time Paddy,the old Manyana Merchants could teach us a thing or two about shortcuts,I saw one guy operating a crane with his pants on and a pair of flip flops and nothing else, he was lowering a big pile of acrows down onto a several boards placed between 2 piles of beer crates (san miguel) no one died though. Didn't seem to see any scaffolding anywhere ,lots of beer crates though.
Ok guys we all have veiws but these views have to be done in the correct manner under the correct circumstances.. this is the ecitb page and the agenda on this tread is ecitb scaffolders and how they are being sold down down the river...

The sccr will be going live soon via its own website in conjunction with the scaffolders forum , lets make love not war please...

yes even i blew the other day and appologised .. dave abs is not nasc/ cisrs . just an instructor. who is trying to send work via simain risk.

just to clarify that situation.

you can show how much you feel by joining the sccr and we will press these issues via meetings with nasc and the hse..
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force is in numbers

got my support.all young scaffs shouldnt underestimate vast knowledge of experienced ones.please be more aproachable and keep passing your else would u gain very important support.lets do online petition and send it to right awarding body and any other institution that would have to look at it.force is in numbers.
The thing with a petition is anyone can sign it .. By joining the SCCR you are committing to consultation on these matter, and rest assured they will be tackled.
The SCCR NOW has consultation on HSE. We have a meeting agreed with CISRS & a meeting with Simion Training services. Not bad for a few weeks work. The next thing would be half price beer for the first 100 members!!

Disclaimer included Ha HA:p

Hbi to everyone. Not been long on the forum only come across it when i was laid off in march. i have a ecitb tkt for the last 15 years for scaffolding, which you r all aware runs out in december. but it hasnt been reconised for a while. im now told by the union that its stays with you for life. but if a company r wanting cissrs tkts where do i stand. i know nothing these days stands for experience. but in the 15 years of scaffolding ive worked for interserve, capes and hertels not small outfits. but cause there run by lagging bosses, and im paid as a advanced scaff there not going to send me on tkt they take trainees on for that. im not willing to pay near on 3 grand and 18 months later 2 do something that im ive been doing all this time. at the end of the day it takes 10 mins to c a blagger. all you get is the trainning schools making the money, assessed route come out on site watch for 2 days hangers, boiler work, not hop ups. dont take my livelehood away from me:(
Hey T.Animal, bet you never thought you would get 336 replies to this post did you ?
Your not wrong there dangeruss, want to thank everyone for there comments and for all the help of the SCCR committee in taking it a step futher and trying to address the situation. Just hope everyone will fill out an application and support the SCCR in helping all scaffolders in being heard not just ECITB. They need all our support if they are going to succeed.:noworry:

Do i get a prize for this being the top thread:nuts: Maybe a job offer:eek:
Your not wrong there dangeruss, want to thank everyone for there comments and for all the help of the SCCR committee in taking it a step futher and trying to address the situation. Just hope everyone will fill out an application and support the SCCR in helping all scaffolders in being heard not just ECITB. They need all our support if they are going to succeed.:noworry:

Do i get a prize for this being the top thread:nuts: Maybe a job offer:eek:
You might get a ticket out of it mate ! 338
Have u joined yet tho ????
If you do il get you half price dvd from matt the dog
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