A few years back,there was a tool called a cripple,painters and plasterers use to use them. A very similar design to the scaffstep. You would lean ladders against a wall,same angle,10-12 ft apart and hook the cripples onto the ladder rungs. Double up the scaffold boards and you had a tempory platform,no handrails. Paint or plaster section of wall then move ladders along. (Wished I had a picture to post.) These got banned.
So now they been reincarnated as scaffsteps.
So what was the testing criteria to sanction this tool? Were these tried tested and endorsed by scaffs? ...... If so, where and when?
Were results published?....On scaffolding courses,are the tutors showing trainee's how to use these,Hemp with them,etc. So many questions!! A 3 board temp would serve better,surely!?!?