Who invented the scaff step


Jan 14, 2011
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Googled scaff step,but no info on this thing that no one wants. How did this get by H/S. Rumour is , inventor has help in high places.
Cant see many people putting their name to that "Great " invention fred :rolleyes:

probably the same person who invented the chocolate fire guard and motorbike ash trays both of which are better ideas than the scaff step
Curious, Phillio, been looking at scaffold ideas and inventions, going back more than a hundred years,quite interesting,fore runners to system,hasnt changed much.....but no info on scaffold step...the plot thickens..
bloody hell alan just when i thought i took over you on the thanks list lol!!! nice darts mate!!
There you go Dico,one up mate ha ha, wlecome back allan,the lads all been frettin about you
Cant see many people putting their name to that "Great " invention fred :rolleyes:

I wish I could put my name to it as it seems to be the most used AGR system , 10% on all sold then I wouldn't have to work in winter .
Can anyone tell me if they have purchased the "great" Fast Guard Benefits - fast guard benefits for scaffolders, scaffolding collective fall prevention, scaffolding collective fall protection, advanced guard rails, advanced fall protection, advanced fall prevention, scaffolding safety systems, scaffoldi system ????
As you all know I am a massive fan of the step you just have to change your system of work ,move with the times , learn to adapt not cry about "the good ol' days " , it's not law to use them so don't ,simple, but don't get upset when the HSE issue a personal prohibition or the gaffer sacks you .

*Are you the same people that didn't agree with the double guardrail & harness when they were brought in ? *

I love my 2 scaff steps ,I have named them ....hinge & bracket .....

Happy RSI going up 2 rungs ;)

RV you seem to be one of a very select few.

---------- Post added at 12:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 AM ----------

The SCCR are putting a report together on the use of scaff steps and we need your input.

1. Does your employer or their customers insist on the scaff step being the only method used on their sites?

2. What other methods of advanced guard rails do you or your company use and what is your opinion on them?

3. If you use a scaff step what type is it, does it sit on the guard rail or on the standard, does it have a ladder to the platform or not?

4. If you use a scaff step do you feel safe using it, do you hemp while standing on the step?

5. Do you think that the scaff step causes extra strain and fatigue to the body?

6. Are you happy with hemping over the guard rail, do you consider this dangerous.

7. Do you use the scaff step on base lifts, if so how do you manage with uneven ground conditions?

8. How are the scaff steps transported from site to site?

9. Do you consider them dangerous in wet or muddy conditions?

10. Have you or have you witnessed an accident or near miss due to the use of the scaff step or hemping over the guard rail?

11. Do you feel that your job is at risk if you complain about using something you consider unsafe or puts extra strain on your body?

12. Do you think the SG4:05 traversing rule was adequate?

All answers by P.M. or on this thread would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

I wish I could put my name to it as it seems to be the most used AGR system , 10% on all sold then I wouldn't have to work in winter .
Can anyone tell me if they have purchased the "great" Fast Guard Benefits - fast guard benefits for scaffolders, scaffolding collective fall prevention, scaffolding collective fall protection, advanced guard rails, advanced fall protection, advanced fall prevention, scaffolding safety systems, scaffoldi system ????
As you all know I am a massive fan of the step you just have to change your system of work ,move with the times , learn to adapt not cry about "the good ol' days " , it's not law to use them so don't ,simple, but don't get upset when the HSE issue a personal prohibition or the gaffer sacks you .

*Are you the same people that didn't agree with the double guardrail & harness when they were brought in ? *

I love my 2 scaff steps ,I have named them ....hinge & bracket .....

Happy RSI going up 2 rungs ;)


Viking iam a scaffolder i dont need a step to put up a lift ,
yes i hate harnesses if i was scared of falling of i wouldnt have become a scaffolder or stuck with it for almost 32 years ,and i hate the step even more and will never use one and the HSE can go **** themselves if they dont like it, double guardrails i have never had a problem with they make sense.
"HSE can go **** themselves" .........your honour !!!!!!!

"i dont need a step to put up a lift " neither do I ,I use it to put the handrail in .....;-)
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The step does not eliminate risk, it just makes the RAMS easier regardless of the problems it introduces.

Have you filled in my questionairre RV? As I need someone who uses the step to endorse it.
Be the 1st RV
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The step does not eliminate risk, it just makes the RAMS easier regardless of the problems it introduces.

Have you filled in my questionairre RV? As I need someone who uses the step to endorse it.
Be the 1st RV

Not yet will do it this evening mate
"HSE can go **** themselves" .........your honour !!!!!!!

"i dont need a step to put up a lift " neither do I ,I use it to put the handrail in .....;-)

Paul you know i value your opinion mate, however, pal, do you really use the scaffstep to instal your handrails on the 1st lift.

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