who actually put the CISRS Inspection course together.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2011
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Who will put there name forward and hold there hands up to developing the cisrs inspection course basic and advanced. You got paid for this total rubbish powerpoint show and its wrong.

so come on who put this together?
CITB did it as far as we know.
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it wouldnt be so bad if it was for scaffolders only, when i did me advanced in 2009 out of 8 on the coarse only 2 of us were scaffs
managers and a safety Better Tax, the safety guy had the scaff tag book and he was if it wasnt with the book then it was no good, and the likes of these tell scaffs with many years in that they work isnt up to scratch, basic scaffold inspection should be min of basic card and advanced you should be an advanced scaff
Totally Agree Gary,I Did My Inspection In 2008 And Out Of Ten Students Only Two Of Us Were On The Spanners Scaffolders,The Rest Were Trainee Site Managers Etc.
now its carded aswel so cost more money to get a card, had to do me touch screen as me survival didnt cover for me advanced card so price of coarse touch screen then card, money money money so one is maken it all
But who was the person who put this course together. What's the gezzer called?
But who was the person who put this course together. What's the gezzer called?

Pud: I did the course last month and I would say (only my opinion) that each training centre does there own course power point presentation, left to the centres own discretion (or the power point would have been CISRS branded), I can honestly say I never learnt anything significant or any new legistlation requirements regarding scaffolding or scaff materials on the advanced inspection course. The SITS course will go down as one of the "Construction Industry's Scaffolder's Robbery Schemes" biggest scams ever, especially with all the site managers and engineers shillings there for the taking... the CISRS will be laughing all the way to the Leeds:mad:
From what I understand about the Adult Education sector, CISRS training should be subject to ALI inspections (the adult part of OFSTED) to ensure quality of training and that course content is covering the required curriculum and up to standard.

I would have thought the trainers would be trained and qualified to deliver adult education, and qualified in the profession they are teaching.

Here is a document from the CISRS site:

Details of CISRS Scaffold Inspection Courses

and this paragraph is of particular interest:

"CISRS will review the courses on a regular basis and aim to develop an S/NVQ qualification to accompany the CISRS practical training courses which will bring ‘Scaffold Inspection’ into line with existing operative training. This will provide the industry with a scheme that has the both the quality and rigour to produce competent scaffold inspectors."

I am trying to find out IF CISRS is regulated and inspected by ALI or if perhaps it is inspected and regulated by itself (NASC), a bit like for those applying to be NASC members :unsure:

I'll let you know what I find out.
I Know the name of the man who put it together, in fact I know the person who put it together........I also know that the SIS was not put together with scaffolders in mind, They are more than welcome to attend the course in order to gain evidence of achiving the industry's standard for carrying out an inspection of a basic scaffold.
The inspection course was designed to give those people that are legaly responcible for the safe condition of the structure enough information to be able to identify when the scaffold does not meet industies requirments( minimum british standards.
Unfortunatly we have been going through a long period of time where standards are being up dated to remain in line with Europe and to be usable, this is causing a lot of confusion and yes some of the people that are delivering the CISRS inspection course and not making the candidates aweare of the new chenges, but unfortunatly in most cases it is the scaffolders that are mis-informed and because both they and the piers are continuing to work outside on the minimum requirments on a daily basis when they attend these courses they resist accepting that they may be wrong.
The HSE has a free information line where the most upto date information can be obtained, I wonder how many scaffolders call it.....?
Out of interest what was the information that was given out that was wrong..?
All of these courses should have " any questions" at the end of each topic where any of the candidates are welcomed to challenge any of the information.
Most if not all the people I know that deliver these courses will have a copy of TG20:08 on their desk along with the british standards for fittings, Boards, Ladders and do not quote facts that they can not show the correct answer to in writing.
" but unfortunatly in most cases it is the scaffolders that are mis-informed and because both they and the piers are continuing to work outside on the minimum requirments on a daily basis when they attend these courses they resist accepting that they may be wrong."

never a truer sentence passed anyones lips my friend!
I Know the name of the man who put it together, in fact I know the person who put it together........I also know that the SIS was not put together with scaffolders in mind, They are more than welcome to attend the course in order to gain evidence of achiving the industry's standard for carrying out an inspection of a basic scaffold.
The inspection course was designed to give those people that are legaly responcible for the safe condition of the structure enough information to be able to identify when the scaffold does not meet industies requirments( minimum british standards.
Unfortunatly we have been going through a long period of time where standards are being up dated to remain in line with Europe and to be usable, this is causing a lot of confusion and yes some of the people that are delivering the CISRS inspection course and not making the candidates aweare of the new chenges, but unfortunatly in most cases it is the scaffolders that are mis-informed and because both they and the piers are continuing to work outside on the minimum requirments on a daily basis when they attend these courses they resist accepting that they may be wrong.
The HSE has a free information line where the most upto date information can be obtained, I wonder how many scaffolders call it.....?
Out of interest what was the information that was given out that was wrong..?
All of these courses should have " any questions" at the end of each topic where any of the candidates are welcomed to challenge any of the information.
Most if not all the people I know that deliver these courses will have a copy of TG20:08 on their desk along with the british standards for fittings, Boards, Ladders and do not quote facts that they can not show the correct answer to in writing.

So are you going to name the gezzer or not?
Did the USA really put a man on the moon and if so why have they never been back ?

More chance of answering that one mate than anyone holding there hands up to putting the course together !!!!

Or and just a quick one what came first the chicken or the egg ?????
So are you going to name the gezzer or not?

Well to be honest Pud ( I doubt that is your real name)
I Dont even know if the person that put the inspection course together has a user name.... and if they do then I dont know that

I only know this person by their real name......so on the grounds that nobody on this Forum uses their real name, I feel that would be unfair...

You still havent said what it is that is incorrect in the inspection course or what part of the powerpoint it so bad.
Yes..the amount of times it repetes itself is ,un-nessessary and I agree there is to many slides with just text text, and few pictures but that does not make it wrong.
Maybe someone would like to quote some of the facts that are incorrect and tell us what the correct answers are....as I said there is a free phone number for the HSE.

One fact I do know about some of the statements written in this thread, is that this person does not work for the CITB......No one does as it no longer exists
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