Whats wrong with this country

Labour :D yep that's the way to go , look where Blair and Brown have got us. If you haven't realised they are all the same. The conservatives look after the rich , labour look after the unemployed scroungers, ethnics and queers
Joe blogs worker pays

totally agree marra but am closer to the dole office than i am to a £1,000,000 manor so labour i am until there is another party were my vote wont be wasted on, should make it law for every 1 to vote no vote fixed penalty
I.ve read it , but remember that foreign labour was brought into the uk after ww2 to help rebuild it was hardly a prophecy on Enochs part.
I was stating the fact that he was as educated in the same way as Griffin and of course he had nothing to do with the decision to bring in mass immigration in 1948.
I was saying that he was brought down by simply stating the obvious and was branded a racist when he wasnt.

He WAS right though.
Your closer to the dole office because of Blair and brown , blinkered eyes don,t seem to realise Blair and brown have fecked this country up more than what magpie did

Try telling that to nearly all of industrial Scotland.:eek:
I would never forgive her. She could do what she wanted to us and parts of England like Liverpool as she new she didn't need our vote to gain power. There were enough wannabe's driving volvo's in the shires she duped into thinking they were middle class to keep her in there.
That Woman Should Be Burned At The Stake For What She Did To This Country, Her Policies Did Nothing For 99% Of This Country, This Shower That Are In Now Believe She Was Right Jings Have You Ever Heard The Like, Thatcher In The Right?
You may have the wrong audience for this one Gerscaff. Unless you witnessed first hand her ruthless streak you just won't get it.
Maggie's policie's were brutal,but she recognised that the biggest threat to all our industry's was unionism gone mad,she had the spine for the fight and stuck to her guns,a far cry from todays politicians who aint got a spine between them:mad:
It Would Appear You Are Correct Mate, Never Ever Thought I Would Ever Hear Scaffolders Supporting That Bitch Though, I Came Through Thatchers Britain In The 1980s And Never Thought Thirty Years Later We Would Be Having The Same Arguments About The Same Topics,Still Everyone Entitled To There Own Opinion. (Even Though Its The Wrong Opinion)
Even if she offered people like the miners an alternative, did it over time and invested in smaller communities. Brutal is a good word for her.
Do you want these running your country?

Shadow Deputy Prime Minister, Party Chair and Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport
Harriet Harman

I will NEVER vote labour while this sexist, egotistical, chip-on-shoulder, left wing rose tinted f*cking specs racist pig is still in that party.

Labour should have cleaned out their trash properly after the recession and expenses scandal.
It Would Appear You Are Correct Mate, Never Ever Thought I Would Ever Hear Scaffolders Supporting That Bitch Though, I Came Through Thatchers Britain In The 1980s And Never Thought Thirty Years Later We Would Be Having The Same Arguments About The Same Topics,Still Everyone Entitled To There Own Opinion. (Even Though Its The Wrong Opinion)

Ha,ha,me neither gerscaff,but our country is crying out for a strong leadership with this country's interest's at heart instead of pandering to every lost cause they can find,feck,to think what our country endured during the dark days of the seventy's and eightie's,only for subsequent goverment's to feck it all up to this extent is so depressing:(
in short the word kunt sums that sub-human being that was thatcher up,be a good drink when she checks out.
Actually Bigfish I Can See Where Your Coming From, But I Could Never Either Vote Or Even Countenance Voting For The Tory Party, Honestly Mate I Witnessed The Devastation Her Moneterist And Market Force Led Policies Caused, Really I Told My Four Children,Tell Me Anything You Want Tell Me Your Gay Itll Never Bother Me You Ever Say Your Voting Tory And Ill Nail Your Head To The Floor.
Mmm,at the risk of sounding like a tory,which believe me i'm not,i witness'ed overnight the dismantling of our local steelworks and with it our local economy,but with hindsight i can see that these nationalised industry's were losing millions annually and completely ruining our economy,no wonder inflation was at an alltime high,and this was happening in all our nationalised industry's,we could'nt carry on under them conditions,every buisness needs to be able to hold it's own,otherwise it's not viable,the goverment of the day recognised the need to dismantle these loss making institutions once and for all,and the iron lady did'nt hessitate to wield the hatchet.
Aside from all that, ALWAYS use your vote!
If there is no one who deserves your vote, you can 'spoil' it.
Its YOUR way of saying that no candidate in your area, or the country for that matter is worth a tripe supper.
The Thing Was Bigfish There Was No Alternative, The Men Who Had Worked In These Industries Were Just Thrown Out Of Work With Scant Or No Regard To There Future (Christ Im Talking About A Tory Govt Here They Couldnt Give A Rats Arse About The Manual Working Class) There Was No Attempt At Retraining, To The Govt They Were Just Workshy Scroungers.
Mmm,at the risk of sounding like a tory,which believe me i'm not,i witness'ed overnight the dismantling of our local steelworks and with it our local economy,but with hindsight i can see that these nationalised industry's were losing millions annually and completely ruining our economy,no wonder inflation was at an alltime high,and this was happening in all our nationalised industry's,we could'nt carry on under them conditions,every buisness needs to be able to hold it's own,otherwise it's not viable,the goverment of the day recognised the need to dismantle these loss making institutions once and for all,and the iron lady did'nt hessitate to wield the hatchet.

All true and I have to reluctantly agree with you but as Gerscaff has said, there are ways to bring in changes and hers was not the way to do it, they didn't become dead ducks over night.
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