Whats wrong with this country


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2011
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a young student pissed on a saturday afternoon posted on twitter/facebook wahatever about the black bolton player Muamba some racist **** and his heart attack,and he was given a sentence however stupid this wee winker was the sentence didnt to me seem right.
this week a "asian" man got community service for making offensive remarks(which we werent allowed to know what they were,yet in the muamba case everyone knew)about dead british soldiers.
poltically correct and incorrect is a common phrase used quite a lot, as an appropriate term to justify the dispensation of the law of the land.. Men and women fought and died, so that liberalism and (democracy) can thrive. But with the foundations of a nanny state being laid, and examples being made by using wee students as guinea pigs in test cases.... I fear there will be a lot more to come... Even though I do not live in the Uk, although I work there from time to time... My society and british society is very much alike, and the exact same thing happens here. Free speech has a price tag namely slander... Free text has a price tag, namely Libel... (Welcome to the united states of europe..... :(
poltically correct and incorrect is a common phrase used quite a lot, as an appropriate term to justify the dispensation of the law of the land.. Men and women fought and died, so that liberalism and (democracy) can thrive. But with the foundations of a nanny state being laid, and examples being made by using wee students as guinea pigs in test cases.... I fear there will be a lot more to come... Even though I do not live in the Uk, although I work there from time to time... My society and british society is very much alike, and the exact same thing happens here. Free speech has a price tag namely slander... Free text has a price tag, namely Libel... (Welcome to the united states of europe..... :(

yeah the diffrence between uk and ireland is most of it is slander but some of its reall war proper gander, was over in northen ireland and our lasses uncle give the family a tour of were here dad grew up (we whent over for his wake) and everything her uncle talked about was proper gander and that can be dangerous
Q: What's wrong with this Country?
A: It's not ours.
yeah the diffrence between uk and ireland is most of it is slander but some of its reall war proper gander, was over in northen ireland and our lasses uncle give the family a tour of were here dad grew up (we whent over for his wake) and everything her uncle talked about was proper gander and that can be dangerous

i don't believe i made any reference to Northern Ireland as a singular.... and nor was I referring to propaganda. but you are entitled to your opinion.:)
i don't believe i made any reference to Northern Ireland as a singular.... and nor was I referring to propaganda. but you are entitled to your opinion.:)

opinions count for sh1t lol the point i was making was freedom of speech is fine untill it affects the masses and when it affects the masses there only 1 thing happends form there the likes of edl n other groups they abuse the freedom of spech if that makes sence lol
Haha Ide like to have a propa ganda at harness




---------- Post added at 11:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 PM ----------

Sorry Happy deviated off the thread a bit. I actually see a lot more right in our country than wrong. Thats why every one wants to live here.
PC brigade have created an inbalance by pandering to the minority. Influx and uncontrolled entry of all and sundry is the main bugbear of locals struggling to make ends meet.
Like a lot out there,ive been bobbing around since the reccession started. In times of doubt and uncertainty,who wants to see hordes arriving on these shores for cut price labour. Having said that,Ive survived,not starved,made a few adjustments to budget.(Chelsea had to go):cry: Still run 2 motors, still have a jar,still have meals out,still have a holiday or 2. And time on the forum to catch up with current affairs,Thanks Teeside. I try to concentrate on the positives,the negatives will make you suicidal. Corrupt banks,politicians,sportsmen,policemen ripoff agencies,fuel prices,gas ,electricity, crawling with traffic wardens,litter wardens,rising rates,less service,less courtesy.....stop now,hand me a rope.

Fuk me,I do love our country:noworry:
whats wrong with this country , **** whats wrong with this thread , proper gander was fuckin funny , but theres always one lookin to kick off and get it goin

if we could use that rope on the people u mention Frederik , that would be a fuckin great start

britain is a fuckin mess , thats gettin worse
Its our leaders who are fukd stleger. so bad, we cant even agree to vote one party in.Off they go to negotiate their cosy alliances. Bit like the nasc.
Its our leaders who are fukd stleger. so bad, we cant even agree to vote one party in.Off they go to negotiate their cosy alliances. Bit like the nasc.

The Fxxxing lot of them could'nt run a bath let alone this ONCE great country.:D
Enlighten me then kind sir, WTF is Proper gander ???? :embarrest::embarrest:

I haven't got a scooby doo what proper gander is.... I assumed scaff1989's spell check was not working properly, and I understood it to be propaganda.

   [prop-uh-gan-duh] Show IPA

information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.

But the title of the thread, is a question that all people will ask themselves. As do I. I bust my nuts, in a labour intensive job as a scaff. It dont get easier, as you get older. It can be a good earner...But when you see the duductions of taxes... and you see where that money is being improperly spent by dictacts on issues of PC and poor government, be it in Great Britain or my own fair Isle...It leads to anger, frustration and division.
Maybe I'm talking pure malarky. (feck it anyway) lets get back to talking about scaffing::)
Its our leaders who are fukd stleger. so bad, we cant even agree to vote one party in.Off they go to negotiate their cosy alliances. Bit like the nasc.

Its the sheeple who are f..ked, the politicians know they are untouchable whilst they still get voted in.

We have a chance every 5 years to vote for a radical change, and every 5 years we vote NO!
I still think that most people would vote BNP given half a chance but the BBC scuppered their chances of getting anywhere by staging Question time which was totally aimed at humiliating them with a hand picked audience, the white English male is at the bottom of the league when it comes to his rights:sad:
It was Griffins fault himself for falling for the five card trick.
Anyone with an ounce of brain would have foreseen the BBC would select a hand-picked audience for that 'inquisition'.

From what I saw, the BBC shot themselves in the foot with that one as a lot of people knew it was a set up and the stunt made them look pathetic in my eyes.

But as I said, Griffin should have turned down the offer but he blew it.

---------- Post added at 07:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:54 PM ----------

If the media is backing you, you've got the country.
If not, you havent a chance.
The thing that everyone forgets is that the party s come and go the real powerful people of are country are faceless nameless and all work in whitehall and are educated at cambridge or oxford
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