What has happened to this place?

SF Admin

Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
I used to be proud to say I started this forum. From scratch, the forum developed into a place where over 14,000 members of the Scaffolding community could share information and help to collectively further the industry.

Unfortunately this place has descended into chaos. Grown men threatening each other’s families, livelihoods, and reputations on a website that thousands of people visit each month.

It is ridiculous that every time I log onto the forum, I wonder what legal threats, personal insults and general nonsense I will be greeted with.

I am considering whether it is worth the hassle any more. In the past the good always clearly outweighed the bad, but now I am not so convinced. All the nonsense starts to wear you down after a while.

I feel that I have been quite lenient in the past compared to most other forums online, maybe that was a mistake?

This is the final straw. Certain individuals (You know who) and their behaviour are putting the forum at risk. Either it stops, or the forum closes.

It’s a real shame, as the majority of members use the site as it was intended. Many wonderful members have put many hours into making the forum a better place.

I would not post this information if I didn't feel so strongly about the situation. Closing the forum puts my job at risk, but I really don’t have the energy to deal with this any longer.

I will give the forum until the end of the year, if things improve, I will reconsider.


Can't say I am surprised by your finding's admin, here is to a brighter new year.
Thing is its a shame but true that all scaffolders would like to think of the industry as a brotherhood but the reality is that most scaffolders hate the people that own the firms that they work for and most company owners are hellbent on putting the so called competition out of business even though not 1 firm can do it all ( as we know). In the scaffolding game there will never be any unity to help build a stronger tighter industry, all we do is under cut each other,pinch each others good trained men and each others kit given the chance so why admin would you even think for a minute that this forum would be a place where like minded people that share the same job would be able to share good info and even perhaps try and help each other get on for even a second...
I wish you well in the future Ad-min,Whatever course you decide to take,

It will be a sad day if the Forum is taken down.
I used to be proud to say I started this forum. From scratch, the forum developed into a place where over 14,000 members of the Scaffolding community could share information and help to collectively further the industry.

Unfortunately this place has descended into chaos. Grown men threatening each other’s families, livelihoods, and reputations on a website that thousands of people visit each month.

It is ridiculous that every time I log onto the forum, I wonder what legal threats, personal insults and general nonsense I will be greeted with.

I am considering whether it is worth the hassle any more. In the past the good always clearly outweighed the bad, but now I am not so convinced. All the nonsense starts to wear you down after a while.

I feel that I have been quite lenient in the past compared to most other forums online, maybe that was a mistake?

This is the final straw. Certain individuals (You know who) and their behaviour are putting the forum at risk. Either it stops, or the forum closes.

It’s a real shame, as the majority of members use the site as it was intended. Many wonderful members have put many hours into making the forum a better place.

I would not post this information if I didn't feel so strongly about the situation. Closing the forum puts my job at risk, but I really don’t have the energy to deal with this any longer.

I will give the forum until the end of the year, if things improve, I will reconsider.


I think you need a system whereby the Moderators can ban the trouble makers before the trouble escalates at the time it starts getting out of hand.

You have 14 moderators ( I was cruelley snubbed) so it shouldn't be a problem if , lets say three of them agree collectivley when its kicking off that the main agressor is banned there and then, that should nip it in the bud.

Send them a pm the next day warning them when its cooled down ,and hey presto jobs a good un.

The draw back would be that Phil and I wouldn't be able to have the crack as much but its better than getting the forum taken off line.
If it's that much of a burden running the site, and I say this respectfully, why not just give it up and pass it off to somebody else who will have a stab at taking the sh1t and criticism?

You are always gonna get bitching on here whether you like it or not, it's the nature of our game scaffolding unfortunately.

But I agree it can be like a school playground on here sometimes but I also feel it's turning into Product reviews, parenting tips and advice for parents | Mumsnet as well at times. 14 moderators is overkill in my personal opinion.
i may have bumped my gums the other night and i appologise to all concerned exspecially admin!!! but when youve got respected and profesional people in a higher place than others picking on a certain forum member wasent on. so lads will stick together to support the other member also drinking on the forum dont mix
why not have a warning system where trouble makers are taken off for the day or evening and if they come back in the next few days and carry on then they get banned. we all know when someone apears under a new name so they can be watched closely by moderators for a time.
If it's that much of a burden running the site, and I say this respectfully, why not just give it up and pass it off to somebody else who will have a stab at taking the sh1t and criticism?

You are always gonna get bitching on here whether you like it or not, it's the nature of our game scaffolding unfortunately.

But I agree it can be like a school playground on here sometimes but I also feel it's turning into Product reviews, parenting tips and advice for parents | Mumsnet as well at times. 14 moderators is overkill in my personal opinion.

It's not the moderaters,whether you have fourteen or a hundred and fourteen,the problem is members threatening legal action,if ever there was a case to answer to,unfortunately the site owner would probally be as culpable as the original offender,the moderaters have no influence on this whatsoever,it's not like a firm where directors can be appointed to deflect culpability and spread the blame:(

---------- Post added at 05:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:12 PM ----------

why not have a warning system where trouble makers are taken off for the day or evening and if they come back in the next few days and carry on then they get banned. we all know when someone apears under a new name so they can be watched closely by moderators for a time.

The moderaters dont have the power to ban anyone,only admin can do that,all we can do is pull threads or posts until admin can scrutinize them,the only real answer would be a closed forum imo.
I suppose when you are facing legal threats on a regular basis it must wear a tad thin and in light of recent events it's probably just the straw that broke the camels back.
I suppose when you are facing legal threats on a regular basis it must wear a tad thin and in light of recent events it's probably just the straw that broke the camels back.

I know nothing:laugh:
Me either Oldscaff, I'm from Barcelona.:laugh:

That been said, it must be a total fekin nightmare refereeing this lot on a Saturday night.
I can't believe people keep threatening legal action, do they know how much it costs ?

If you can't take it , don't give it , its not fair to threaten the forum in genral for the actions of its members who are having a domestic.
Me either Oldscaff, I'm from Barcelona.:laugh:

That been said, it must be a total fekin nightmare refereeing this lot on a Saturday night.
Bit like the Christmas piss up...
I can sympathise. Sorry, but I will say you guys on here do yourself no favours when it comes to perception of the level of professionalism of scaffolders.

It's a difficult job and a very very skilful one. Places like this could do a lot in enhancing the respect that others show towards your profession. Unfortunately it's used all too often to slag each other off in an undesirable, unproffesional manner.....(just about to hide under my desk!)
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I can sympathise. Sorry, but I will say you guys on here do yourself no favours when it comes to perception of the level of professionalism of scaffolders.

It's a difficult job and a very very skilful one. Places like this could do a lot in enhancing the respect that others show towards your profession. Unfortunately it's used all too often to slag each other off in an undesirable, unproffesional manner.....(just about to hide under my desk!)

I think you should hide under your desk,some of them words are to big for me to understand:laugh:
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