


*Start Rant*

Hi guys.

Now, there have been alot of jobs advertised lately that offer wages in the region of between - £10 and £12 an hour.
This is a poor rate by alot of peoples standards, especially ours.
These aint Blue Book rates, where you get a poor basic pay, but can make it up with bonuses, overtime, lodge/travel, this and that... this is FLAT RATE - £12 an hour - no bells or whistles.

My argument is this:
(This is intended to be to the Employer)

If your an employer and you cannot afford to offer decent wages, due to a lack of work or your having to put in prices that are so low you make nearly no profit, why are you putting YOUR problems onto the workers? the Scaffolders?

Say: If i cant afford to buy an Audi A3 because im struggling financially, then i buy a cheaper car; ie: a Nissan Micra, or i find other means to get to work.

I certainly dont go out and find someone who is about to loose their house and offer to buy his car for peanuts so he can pay his mortgage... That would make me a f.ucking opportunistic low-life - IN MINE AND MANY OTHERS EYES.

The way i see it, if you cannot offer decent wages, dont offer them at all and give your existing blokes a chance to earn more, by giving overtime and weekends/night work.

Dont sit there all smug and offer shiit money and expect us 'mugs' to jump up and down, with joy.

Unless ofcourse your (the employer) just using the excuse of recession to take the royal piss out of desperate people, who will do anything and work for anything just to put some food on the table??? :suspicious:

As an Employer, would YOU work for f.uck all?
No, i didnt think so, either.

A warning to ALL EMPLOYERS out there:
Scaffolders are NOT stupid. We are not morons and this is a very small world, as regards to people being friends of friends of friends in this trade. And most importantly - WE REMEMBER if companies take the piss out of us and treat us like shiit and we talk alot to each other about good firms to work for and bad ones.

We're tradesmen, very important ones at that, that keep this entire industry ticking over and if you treat us like such, we might just give you in return: trust, loyalty and f.ucking good days graft. :idea:

*End Rant*
Jay we employ over 30 lads in the north and they are on £120.00 a day, 3 of the bigger firms in the area have just recently cut their lads wages to £80.00 a day, if we are to compete and stay in business its either go in for little or no profit, reduce the lads pay, lay people off [before xmas i think not] or get the men to do more in the day, im fxxked if i know what to do.
well capes only paye 13.56 for a advanced scaffolder sounds poor but when you add all the extras time half double time bit of bonus it comes out respectable!! not great but respectable be interesting to see what scaffolders would want to earn for 7 days on a 8 hour shift all days job and knock weekends dinner time. i have nothing to hide i draw £832 after tax is this what you would want or more or would you say what a gezzer said on a certain firm which i wont mention that he wouldnt get out of bed for that!! i know scaffolders wages are personell but iam interested to no what the going rate is out there for 7 days 8 hours job and knock with van!!! just be interested to no wether in todays climate its good poor or okay
You have started something now Dico, the "I won't get out of bed for less than £1500 a week" brigade will be along soon to tell us all how much they are earning.
well jason started it lol!!! it would just be interesting to see what were all working for atleast we can all get a round figure for a 7 day week no price just the basic 7 days a week 8 hours net only scaffy not included 3,000 a day dont count lol!!!
Dico, your doing fine at over 1K a week, there are still plenty earning a lot less and yes there will be plenty earning more depending on the sacrifices they are willing to make. 5 days should do you though, 7 days for a bit are ok if you need a bit extra but 7 days long term make Dico a very dull boy.:(
Dico, your doing fine at over 1K a week, there are still plenty earning a lot less and yes there will be plenty earning more depending on the sacrifices they are willing to make. 5 days should do you though, 7 days for a bit are ok if you need a bit extra but 7 days long term make Dico a very dull boy.:(

dull thats nice thats what she said in bed last night:laugh: i asked the question just to see what the going rate was out there and yes 7 days does make you misrable and a grumpy olde man but you have to take it when its there you could be on the rock and roll when work goes quite thats with a cisrs ticket let a lone a ecitb :laugh:
Most scaffolders you speak to are on " £1000 " a week, funny how these same people live in a crap house and drive a sh.it car ;) hows that work then ??
All very true Dico, you are quite right to stash it away, between this time of year and all the doom and gloom surrounding our economy you never no what's around the corner. Also, I'm not entirely sure there is a going rate in our trade or if there is it starts at around 6 quid and goes up to rock star levels depending on how many cans you have had. :bigsmile:

---------- Post added at 08:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:27 PM ----------

Most scaffolders you speak to are on " £1000 " a week, funny how these same people live in a crap house and drive a sh.it car ;) hows that work then ??

I blame the drugs.:cool:
I was on £1000 + a week after tax on my old job - All LUL and PTS work and mainly nights.
I saved a bit, paid a good few bills and spent the rest on crap, lol.

But as usual, i had NO life what so ever... It was all - Sleep - Wake - Work - Home - Sleep.

Kinda drains you after a while.
Its nice to be working normal hours now, even though im on less then i was.
I was on £1000 + a week after tax on my old job - All LUL and PTS work and mainly nights.
I saved a bit, paid a good few bills and spent the rest on crap, lol.

But as usual, i had NO life what so ever... It was all - Sleep - Wake - Work - Home - Sleep.

Kinda drains you after a while.
Its nice to be working normal hours now, even though im on less then i was.

yes and why shouldnt you jason were scaffolders not asda workers it ante the greatest job in the world but you earn your money!!! as for sh!te houses and a sh!te car yes i have these now not through drugs but!! fooking women:laugh:
The reason jason is that different types of work in different parts of the country cost different amounts of money, therefore £10-00 per hour in one area maybe classed as crap yet in other parts of country it is classed as good.

what you should look at when looking at jobs advertised is its location and type of work not just the £ per hour this would give you better comparison
Cost of living, rent house prices and the like.
I think that we should ALL be on £1000 a week.
Thats not just stand about money, obviously you have to put the hours in, but with the work out there (there IS work, if your willing to look for it), none of us should be going without...

I mean lets be fair... you can earn £500 a week stacking shelves in ASDA's if you put the hours in and how w@nky is that compared to what we do??? Lol.

The problem with Scaffolders is - Ignorance.
Ignorance to this trade and how its evolving, from Tickets to even this Forum and the SCCR.

Its all: "Pfft, i aint doing that!" or "F.uck that, let some other c.unt do that!"

For years we have let people tell us that we are ONLY Scaffolders... basically, thick bully druggie @ssholes when we really aint. We are soooooo much more then that.

Theres no decent youngsters coming into the game, only foreigners wanna do it and even then, they are usually crap at this job.

If this whole game was sorted out and the money, training, reputation and overall vision of Scaffolding was better, we would all have a nice tidy little life. :)
Only problem with that reasoning is Asda are a big multi national concern earning billions over different continents whilst I am a tiny concern who might not get enough done to raise a thousand pound invoice in a day let alone pay it out per man, but while we are on the subject I think we should just get 2 grand a shift work 2 half shifts a week and fill up the motors with the company account.:laugh:
As a part 1 with c&d & capes at ratcliffe power station my basic was £12.12 ph. The part 2's & advanced lads were on £14 to nearly £15 ph. I'm with an agency now doing a bit for Interserve on a chemical plant in derby & my basic is £13.50 ph & £20.25 for the overtime. It's one rate only for the ot but I'm not complaining as I know the employed lads are only on £10.40 ph.
I fully appreciate that I am quite lucky compared to most with those figures, it's one of the main reasons I made the switch from roofing as I believe there is more potential to earn good money scaffolding + you don't loose out as much if the weathers a bit iffy. Lost count of the days I couldn't finish a roof because of rain etc.
Yeah, but you know as well as i do that even an average sized firm (say 40+ men) - the boss earns a nice few quid off it... and they could afford to pays their blokes even an extra £20 a day without putting too much of a dent in their pockets.

How many bosses out there, when asked by a Scaffolder for an extra £10 a day say: "I cant mate, things are hard and im skint." - Only to then drive away in their brand-spanking new Range Rover Sport?

Its happened to me on a few occasions tbh.

Dont get me wrong, they should have a few quid. Its their firm - their risk.
But dont take us for mugs, because we aint gonna stand for it anymore.

Its because we as a trade are not evolving as we should be, (after all we are the central focus of all this Health and Safety non-sense), that we are still treated like animals and not highly skilled and qualified tradesmen.
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