Whilst there is a general need for comradely between the members the threads frequently get hijacked and as a result lose momentum. Perhaps a chat room for general banter is required for those who are just filling time or having a chat.
Taking the p1ss and having a laugh is great fun and entertaining but it can detract from some of the input and deter the less forward amongst us. There are indeed a few on here that will be negative about almost everything or anything and there are a few will piggy back on others comments; however, it takes all sorts to make the world go round.
On a personal note I enjoy reading questions and if I can help I will post what I hope will be a positive or productive response.
I am sure that some of the non-posting fraternity may well benefit from just reading and picking knowledge up as they go along, there will also be the element of not wishing to look like you don’t know the answers. It will take time for people to get past this stage.
I am not sure that it is easy to encourage these people, but how not to discourage them may be worth considering?