Use of forum

nice of you to enter the fray old bean.
We had a good wee thread about scaffolding a sphere with some good input but it was basically the same old dogs.
I have asked the guy for some photos for the forum but no reply,maybe hes on holiday
Mmm, nice one Gary especially the boulder crack.:D

Not sure the answer to that one Gary, I suppose I just come on and shoot the sh it with like minded people until a problem arises in my working world and then I would ask individuals on the forum for help in finding a solution. It might not be enough for some but for me that's just fine. I suppose the other danger is maybe all this shooting the sh it might be the exact thing that puts a lot of people off, I am thinking of Paddy's time on the IOSH forum's where a lack of knowledge was met with derision where on here it's almost a pre requisite. Now I'm thinking of my answer to a "First Principle" Question.:embarrest:

You also have to remember the sheer amount of people inextricably linked to certain business's and would struggle to find a voice without being shot down in flames. However, as other's have proved if you know your business and let the facts speak for themselves you won't go far wrong.

Another thing to bear in mind which I have posted before, is don't underestimate the power of the forum. The more astute amongst us will take more note of the traffic passing through the site as opposed to the content of what the likes of me type.:idea:

---------- Post added at 10:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 PM ----------

nice of you to enter the fray old bean.
We had a good wee thread about scaffolding a sphere with some good input but it was basically the same old dogs.
I have asked the guy for some photos for the forum but no reply,maybe hes on holiday

I hope not daftscaff as I was looking forward to seeing the pics myself.
nae si daftscaff---aye on holiday eh old bean :wondering:

I just had to comment old Chap, somewhat similar to one of your threads old bean :amuse:
it probably looks like a hedgehog thats why he never posted the photos

maybe that wee bit of slander will awake him from his slumber ;)

aye, I can shoot the sh!t with the best of them and perhaps that's what one of the best attributes of a Scaffolder together with being a problems solver adapt and over come on the hoof without to much collaboration---rapid response that's oor business eh...

and Id like to see the pics ana ???

I remember I erected a sphere in the SAI Plant in Aberdeen albeit was on the inside of the Nitro Sphere---I suppose if your base was substantial enough it would be no probs eh ???
To be honest I didn't think it would be so hard until tubular started on about it but after a couple of his posts I became quite interested even if it was just to see if I had done the internals wrong in the past.

What about the original question Gary, where do you see the forum heading?
When i was younger i used to love listening to the older scaffs in the hut or the boozer,and to learn from them.
There is a wealth of knowledge on this site with scaffolders working in all sorts of farflung places any young gun would be a fool not to participate and to educate.
You will never learn if you dont ask and on the forum you cant hear them shouting at you and any banter is generally good and light hearted
Young uns wont be interested till theyre older Dafty. Wonder what the average age of current posters would be? Wild Guess...40!!!
Exactly daftscaff, something I really wasn't privy to in the early days and never really got to hear the stories till fairly late in the day, maybe why I still quite enjoying them today. Another thing is maybe it's a bit of an off shore thing when you had nothing but time on your hands and you had to fill it even if it was just with inane conversation. I don't mean that to be rude it was just the way it was and what you had to do to get through the trip.

---------- Post added at 11:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 PM ----------

Young uns wont be interested till theyre older Dafty. Wonder what the average age of current posters would be? Wild Guess...40!!!


With no meaningful input and discussion on New Technologies, Scaffolding Procedures and Auditing thereof I fear that the Forum will drift along in the doldrums. Light hearten banter will prov-ale---but, what happens when the talking stops ?.

When all is said and done we are a Mercenary lot...our band of Brothers :love:
Well if that's the case I would suggest the haranguing stops on the jobs thread would be a descent place to start. Questions are inevitable but shooting them down in flames for having the audacity to offer less than 50k a year basic can be quite off putting.
Mmmmmmmm very good feedbacks, But the STELLA 24 packs for £12 are alot better read at tesco's. Pmsl.
I think that's illegal up here now Steve. We cant be trusted with cheap drink offers.:mad:
Do ya want some fetching mate as im passing...
So what should we do to improve the forum?

Do we generally accept that most members are happy to read the information that can be found on forum but only post when they want something? Or do new users feel embarrassed to put points across in fear of getting hammered by somebody with 1000's of posts?

How can we encourage new members to post more?
Whilst there is a general need for comradely between the members the threads frequently get hijacked and as a result lose momentum. Perhaps a chat room for general banter is required for those who are just filling time or having a chat.
Taking the p1ss and having a laugh is great fun and entertaining but it can detract from some of the input and deter the less forward amongst us. There are indeed a few on here that will be negative about almost everything or anything and there are a few will piggy back on others comments; however, it takes all sorts to make the world go round.
On a personal note I enjoy reading questions and if I can help I will post what I hope will be a positive or productive response.
I am sure that some of the non-posting fraternity may well benefit from just reading and picking knowledge up as they go along, there will also be the element of not wishing to look like you don’t know the answers. It will take time for people to get past this stage.
I am not sure that it is easy to encourage these people, but how not to discourage them may be worth considering?
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Stop threads with " well done 24.000000000000 posts.". what a waste of time.. apart from that its good.
You've nearly got 3,000 mate.. I'll go and knock one out for ya..:D
I'm also a member of a few cycling forums & recently they are suffering the same kind of problems. 1000's of members but only a minor percentage who actually contribute & so you reach a saturation point & the posts dry up until something new comes along & breathes life back into it for a while.
Although I have only been scaffolding for a short while & on this forum for even less I have found the scaffolding brotherhood to in general a friendly & helpful bunch. Much the same can be said of the forum, I don't believe I know any other members in person as yet I have found it to be a wealth of information & any questions I have posted have been answered fully also any snippets of information & help I have been able to offer has been received with thanks.
It is a shame that some threads turn into a slanging match but that's life & forums in general & for the moderators to deal with.
I guess the majority of the usual posters are experienced scaffolders with very little need to regularly post question so unless some new developments come along it leaves us with little to discuss.
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