That was a bit of me years ago, times have changed and the HSE are no longer funded by the taxpayer. They are now self sufficient in the way of funding. They are also on the ball and seeking out small works such as the type you mention. A friend of mine who manages a very small outfit developing properties was fined £52,000.00 in court in his absence last week for breaching H&S law last week. The HSE will issue fines all over at present, if you own a house or assets, they will take it from you for non payment of fines. Even if you have nothing, they will take a percentage of any future earnings and work with HMRC to achieve this. You only have to read the papers or listen to the news, from now on in, its the people who earn a wage that are going to be paying of the country s debts. If you ignore this I promise you, 6 - 9 months from now I will be saying "I told you so". Besides, surely its worth wearing PPE to ensure should any accident occur, our families dont starve with no Insurance payout. Any excuse to avoid paying they would grab, flip flops would be a good starting point i think ???