R.i.p sgb


Sep 24, 2010
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What a shame one of the longest serving scaffolding companies as gone. Taken over by a corporate American company 5 years ago and have officially dropped the SGB name and logo. very sad.
Harsco Dave, most of the vans and lorries have the new lettering on now.
Harsco massive worldwide outfit, turnover $5 billion. shame about dropping the SGB name, why would you change a brand name.
they changed it cos thy had major accident a few yrs ago and was going to loose there nasc membership .. so change the name is now the thing to do it seems.
yeh completeley rebranded down this end and has been for the last 6 months or so , Harsco - Harrisburg steel corporation or the like
SGB most famous name in this game , have checked and its still registered or possibly mite have had a little re brand me self
yeh completeley rebranded down this end and has been for the last 6 months or so , Harsco - Harrisburg steel corporation or the like
SGB most famous name in this game , have checked and its still registered or possibly mite have had a little re brand me self

Never one to miss a trick Scaffy, god knows why we let these yanks take everything over, them and the french.:sad2: Or in the case of football Arabs and Russians. Well we have known for a while theres no Great in Great Britain anymore:sad:
very true mate , no great in britain
if any one has a contact number for eric matcham could they pm it to me thankyou.
It may not be long until there are no scaffolders at all on sgb/harsco. The word is, Harsco want to move to just hire and sales. No man power on the books to pay for. Find out as time goes by if this is going to be the plan.
lets hope so haverspanner.he was ok our eric.
they changed there name to tie in world wide with their now parent company harsco infastructure who also have aquired hunnerburg a massive pan european access,construction comany.word is that they are buying up shot blastin,industrial paintig firms to enter the petchem,refinary power station sector in a big way.they had a boardroom clearence also ceo kevin mowatt being the biggest slaying,part in relation to him overseeing a massive pricing cockup.
they changed there name to tie in world wide with their now parent company harsco infastructure who also have aquired hunnerburg a massive pan european access,construction comany.word is that they are buying up shot blastin,industrial paintig firms to enter the petchem,refinary power station sector in a big way.they had a boardroom clearence also ceo kevin mowatt being the biggest slaying,part in relation to him overseeing a massive pricing cockup.

Well they have had their fair share of massive cock ups in the last 100 years.
A notable one was when they made their version of the frame scaffold which SGB called Sprint.
Still SGB was a part of scaffolding history and will not be forgotten by us old timers
sprint was crap lol,wernt long in punting it to hongkong.nobody and a mean nobody wanted to go demonstrate it,your quite right mate major cockup.done most things right though.
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