Deb very surprised at this comment , you are a supervisor/inspector would you let this guy loose with a set of spanners !!! Events last week have had serious impact on the site where I work at the minute raising issues on training and competence , there are even whispers of impending arrests within the management structure, its people like you and me who are putting our signatures to documentation which could have serious ramifications in the event of a serious accident .
Jb78 bit of bromance going on ? Totally disagree Wass1985 didn't come on to this forum looking for advice he came on here to announce to the scaffold community that he had arrived and was that he was paying for himself , had the CITB stuck rigidly to pre course criteria which states a minimum of six months industry experience he would not have been accepted as course candidate. In the early part of this thread the majority of the posts advised Wass1985 to get some experience as a labourer before going down the part 1 route and now by his own admission considers himself one step above a labourer ! A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, he now has ticket to say he is competent to work at height and erect/dismantle scaffolds well not in my opinion !
Wass1985, I may be a fat old tosser but I don't have justify myself to you , the position
I have within this industry is founded on a proven track record having worked my way up the hierarchy of the scaffold squad , labourer , improver , fixer .leading hand . Climbing the ladder because I had earned the respect of my peers and not because I'd bought myself a few tickets .