North or south??

It's all flat caps and whippets up North, so I'd say South.

That said, I never fail to be impressed by the vast and unhealthy array of takeaway food outlets in the North.

So to summarise, North is better for post-pub/club takeaway food - and the South is better at everything else.....
north is pants, south is pants and the bit in the middle is you guessed it fcukin pants, this whole country does my knappa in .

south full of smoke smog and asylum seekers

north full of nowt really havnt even got a proper motorway, but we do have fresh air ( mboro not included ) countryside which is good for whippet exercising :laugh:
Well I'm originally from Nigeria, so I can be neuteral.

But the Northern countryside IS fine whippet exercising territory, I'll give you that....
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the north.none of us have ever fraternised with notorious gangster twins unlike every southern scaff ive met.
The far North and even further Northern Offshore Operations is the place to be to earn some serious money---many a Southerner will testify to making the journey North in search of work to feed their Family.
Hang on a minute, best bands eh, well go further south and we gave you the Wurzels;)
And I'll give you the key (if you can handle a combine)!!!!!!!!!!
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