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just wondering marra did you let robret see your sheriff badge
because if you did i bet he would have rode you like a bucking bronco
and you would have been helpless as you work 14 hours without a proper break,and as such you are too tired to resist:eek:
just wondering marra did you let robret see your sheriff badge
because if you did i bet he would have rode you like a bucking bronco
and you would have been helpless as you work 14 hours without a proper break,and as such you are too tired to resist:eek:

you got me there was thinking the same so thats why i sent bf on this mission i did tell him he could take a trainee deputy i dont know weathe this role would suit you marra ;)
[QUOTE=marra watson;228864
you got me there was thinking the same so thats why i sent bf on this mission i did tell him he could take a trainee deputy i dont know weathe this role would suit you marra

Sheriff marra,you're right,this is a mission for a real man,a man whose head wont be turned,a man all scaff's can trust,a man you can be sure will return,step forward aom your forum need's you:D:laugh:
if your badge has blood dripping from it and looks as if its been stretched tomorrow night i will know youve had a visit from robert ;)
Mmm,i think i've got a cunning plan,and sheriff marra's the man for the job,this involves a little bit of getting our own back,hehe,firstly the forum buy's a proper stetson from texas,we'll need your hat size marra,in shocking pink,then he can infiltrate the gay forum's posing as a gay sheriff(they wont twig that he's really agent marra,undercover scaffolder on a secret mission to save the scaffolders forum)he could use several alias's and report back any information he gleans to a team of dedicated moderaters,who would be on standby with their fingers hovering only millimetres away from the delete button,in this way we could collectively head off any future threat from unwanted invaders of our forum,of course this mission is not without danger,the chief danger being,that agent marra never returns and is lost to the other side forever:D

This was funny as.:laugh:
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