New Forum

Aug 5, 2010
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Consultant Scaffolding Manager AG&P Philippines
Recently the once respected Scaffolders Forum has been besieged by internet trolls, wierdos and people hellbent on causing trouble.
My suggestion is that the forum would be a closed one and new members would have to sign up and wait for a certain length of time before getting access to the main forum.
I know this would be hard for the genuine people but it would ensure that the trolls and troublemakers would keep away as they would get bored waiting for full access.
Its just a suggestion. Has anyone else got any ideas how we can deal with this problem?
Is there that many to worry about Fred. Some of the trolls only flourished because of the replies. presuming your talking about harness etc.
It's a tricky one for sure. Making them wait before they can post will suit many that do sign up because they just want to read the jobs section ;).

The ones desperate and genuine to post may wait but how do you know, if they are determined to be disruptive, that they do the wait, get approved and then just cause problems anyway?

Everyone says it and it is true - Don't feed the trolls.

As soon as someone starts behaving in a provocative, disruptive way (now now boys - you know what I mean :p) just walk away and don't reply.

The temptation is huge unfortunately and so the rubbish rumbles on (who is nathanj, and why is a newcomer sooooo concerned about what's gone on before their time here? Blimey, I could name a few threads to get really concerned about but oh wait! They didn't revolve around certain other posters :rolleyes:).

Overall I think the last week or so has had a much better feel about the place. The mods we have now are good guys :).
fu ck that i want to moderate these trolls bring them on so i can kick them of :laugh::laugh:
It's mostly the same troll,threatening members after getting members involved ring any bells,all from the same area,it's even possible to pinpoint the ip address though i publicy state that i cant do that as it's above my knowledge,but if a closed forum is what it takes then so be it:wondering:
What about a faggot sub forum for them all?

Thank they can't breed.
In a funny kind of way it's just like the scaffolding industry, you got blokes who know what they're doing along side ones that don't on the same or worse money...Trolls,useless t.ossers=the same thing...:D
Define a typical scaff forum troll , do I meet most said bullet points ?
That'd be someone who comes on here just to wind peopleup Frankie. confrontational,nasty and not a scaff...I think!!:wondering:
To be honest, it just goes to show how little it takes to bring the place down. It does beg a few questions for me though most of all what is there to be gained by one individual to troll the forum? I don't really get it although I'm sure they are sitting in their bedroom absolutely killing themselves with laughter, alone.

Not sure about the closed forum, the trolls are pretty quickly identified and called out.
There is truth in that but since the big rigs the rest have been mere pretenders.:laugh:
The easiest way to block trolls is to block there Ip address it’s that simple. The administrator needs to set this up from his end…

Only hackers can very easy change their Ip because they dedicate every minute of the day in trying to steal money from your bank account….and they are all programmers
Most of you seem to think it’s easy to change your Ip,Well trust me it is not that easy and don’t believe you can buy software to do this because you cant. (yes you can but they are no good only money making scams...Like windows registry cleaners).it’s all about scripting and writing codes. .Ip are assigned for a reason to catch all the naughty people like the jimmy Savills….

Google is your friend…

WTF are you talking about as you clearly know the square route of all!

Not true, change it here, as I have done myself (for throttling reasons only from BT)
BTGuard - Anonymous BitTorrent Services

Wanna change it then just get yourself a VPN, but then you're a big computer expert I see from that last post so you'd know how to do that......oh hang on a minute....
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Yea,but one's with an agenda i.e. looking to take legal action against members statements are unbelievable,did'nt ro3ert threaten to close the forum down and the latest tw*t wants to do a social worker number or some other bollox on us,wtf,i like having the craic with my fellow scaff's,i dont want to listen or read or see any feckin gayness on a scaffs forum(sorry russ,but at least your a scaff)maybe we could put new members in a probation section and after say 50 posts an elected bench of existing members could take a vote for the new member to become a full member or not:unsure:
They have a section on another forum I go on where you have to make 30 reasonable posts in a welcome section before you enter the main arena but in all fairness Rob3rt posted over a thousand times so he'd have been out straight away. Well he was actually, well out of the closet :laugh:
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