N.A.S.C. Audit

Good luck P.W, although you won't need it, it's a breeze. Stressful day I know but just keep doing what you do best and it will be all good. All the best.
Well...not going as well as thought...Pulled a pack off boards apart and managed to find 2 that had a couple of score marks in them and one that had 3 knots close together....Marked down for that me thinks...also mention racks need a design...WTF!!

They are going onto Job Inspections now...so we'll see.....
Well...not going as well as thought...Pulled a pack off boards apart and managed to find 2 that had a couple of score marks in them and one that had 3 knots close together....Marked down for that me thinks...also mention racks need a design...WTF!!

They are going onto Job Inspections now...so we'll see.....

Always better to have a pre audit by professionals who will give you an action plan to work to prior to audits
Hope it goes well mate, I have an idea who it might be in which case I will say better luck next time :D
im just getting involved for the first time re a fail at first hurdle with desk top audit

i was told it was because the labourers wernt cisrs registered but where cscs

£500 down the drain ....ive been tasked to try again seems like a closed shop a little ?
Join the up & coming new boys, we can offer cheap insurance & nice t'shirts :eek:
im just getting involved for the first time re a fail at first hurdle with desk top audit

i was told it was because the labourers wernt cisrs registered but where cscs

£500 down the drain ....ive been tasked to try again seems like a closed shop a little ?

The way they carry out their audits really needs a overhaul. But as simian have said your best to get someone in to audit you before your competitors turn up to do the audit.
The tensions getting to me now. Are they still on an on site visit!!
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