Scaff89 let me explain it for you ., its a 10mm rope ,and you stick a butt on a standard with 2 clips ( as you do with a wheel ) then hang the light line over the butt , it is the fastest way of striking a high job and you dont kill your labourer. I have let 2 X 21s down manys a time with no problems , also great fro beam work , or putting long ladders in a job , 100 foot light line fits in your bag and you can carry it with you as part of your tool kit. Got me out of a lot of situations over the years , i struck a temporary roof years ago for DR and light lined down 3 unit beams bolted together to the ground , we had 14 rows of 3 on the ground from about 70 foot by lunch time with all the roof tubes struck as well , fast as fu ck ,when you get used to it the labourer cant untie the gear quick enough