Kick a dog too many times and it'll Bite ya...


Well-known member
May 29, 2010
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Is it just me or is it fair to say that most people in our industry have had enough of being told that what they are doing is wrong and the way they are doing it is wrong? I have come across a few lads lately and they are all of the same opinion that they don't get paid enough to put up with all the ******** that the Tossers in suits keep throwing up.One of the things that I do know is that our game is a hard game and the people who come out to play are usually Hard Bastards who only know one language.I predict that if "Clip Board Cliff" and his annoying mates keep on with their aggressive manorism towards these easy going hard working boys someone is gonna snap and then God help us all...

Personally I say sooner the better...But thats just me...
Sweeping staement moanalot, thats like me saying all brickies are cnuts, oh hang on :D
Never thought about it mate... sure every trade is the same.. were hardly rocket scientists are we ?? " the poor downtrodden scaff " ;) would'nt write about it on a forum though...
Who's been telling you you've been doing wrong and was you.
20 years ago they were laughed out the cabin them ones probley at the top of there profession now and no there stuff and want a easy life and if they find a fault then they let you know in a profesional manner ie do that gezzer and were let that go not all iam afraid some want stripes and there go out there way to get it this isnt a dig at ian x as i think he has contributed greatly to this forum and has come from a scaffolding background and nos hes stuff. unlike some that have a hse bible next to there computor
i had one make a report about milk going off in the fridge if that ante stripes what is!!
I only advise people on what the guidelines say, I never tell anyone their doing it wrong. Like you say dico I was a scaffolder once and I don't think any of us can say we've never cut corners. The one thing I do do is photograph everything though just to back up what i'm saying.
I for one wouldnt fancy telling allan666 that his milk in the fridge was off.;)
[ame=]YouTube - This is why you dont show off ( in a fight )[/ame]
Come on Moanlot expand on your thred? who is clip board Cliff? (HSE, Safety man, Local authority, Insurance man, Auditor, Company owner, General public with suit on?. What do you and your fellow Hard Bast*** Scaffs wana knock F*u* out of clip board Cliff for? (you not like his tie?, or just for the hell off it?)

Theres loads of good threds and industry info on this forum, but theres always one village idiot who in my opinion brings very little to the party.
hahahahaha were do you get them from!!!

---------- Post added at 07:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:13 PM ----------

Come on Moanlot expand on your thred? who is clip board Cliff? (HSE, Safety man, Local authority, Insurance man, Auditor, Company owner, General public with suit on?. What do you and your fellow Hard Bast*** Scaffs wana knock F*u* out of clip board Cliff for? (you not like his tie?, or just for the hell off it?)

Theres loads of good threds and industry info on this forum, but theres always one village idiot who in my opinion brings very little to the party.

does moanalot owe you money cos you give this guy a lot of stick dave like we said before its a forum and you wont change peoples opinions so lets have a nice saturday evening without the handbags and its not very profesional from a safety bloke either that or leave the brandy alone!!
I'm starting to think he's your boyfriend dico, cos everytime he posts a I hate authority thred, you have to come to his rescue like the good girlfriend you are.

and like you said dico we are all entiteled to our opinions!

3rd can of cider going down well pa,l not keen on spirits, wish the take away would hurry up me old china.
I'm starting to think he's your boyfriend dico, cos everytime he posts a I hate authority thred, you have to come to his rescue like the good girlfriend you are.

and like you said dico we are all entiteled to our opinions!

3rd can of cider going down well pa,l not keen on spirits, wish the take away would hurry up me old china.

grow up david your makeing yourself come a cross a right prick as for drinking
just as well i ante cos i would tell you how it is its a small circuit so button it!!
i think i can touch on what moanalot means dave think theres just a lot of guys at the end of their teather mate,weather it ends in violence who knows.there is a hell of a lot of over enthusiastic people in the trade what you getting to eat anyway??
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