HSE to close offices


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Dec 6, 2010
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Budget pressures prompt HSE to close offices
05 January 2011

Faced with a 35-per-cent government-funding squeeze, the HSE has decided to close two of its offices in the North West of England.

The Executive’s plans to close its Preston and Manchester sites, which are approaching their lease-break periods in the next year or so, will affect 58 and 100 staff, respectively. In both offices there is a mix of visiting staff, inspectors and visiting officers, and office-based administrative personnel. The posts will transfer to the HSE’s headquarters in Bootle, Merseyside.

According to an HSE spokesperson, the office closures, which are not expected before June, are seen as the best way to protect its existing headcount and should not adversely affect its front-line contact with business. It also expects to save around £5.3m over 10 years by consolidating its estate in the region.

The spokesperson explained: “Like every part of government, HSE is looking for ways of improving the efficiency of our organisation and delivering value for money to the taxpayer without undermining front-line services. This decision will allow us to reduce the amount of buildings we use without cutting jobs, or reducing the service we provide to the North West.”

However, the PCS union claims that 20 per cent of staff will opt against a move and look to leave the organisation.

Paula Brown, PCS national executive member and chair of the union’s HSE branch, said: “HSE’s own study showed that at least one in five staff will seek to leave following the move to Bootle, with the figure rising to more than half of lower-paid staff. The loss of skills and local knowledge will take years to replace.”

The union also believes that any savings the move yields will be wiped out by a rise in days lost to injury and illness in the wider regional economy. It plans to meet HSE management early this month to argue against the closures.

PCS negotiations officer Jayson Sloss said: “An alternative proposal to retain downsized offices in Preston and Manchester is far more preferable. It would maintain quality health and safety provision while still offering savings to HSE, and it is disappointing that HSE rejected this possibility.”
According to an HSE spokesperson, the office closures, which are not expected before June, are seen as the best way to protect its existing headcount and should not adversely affect its front-line contact with business. It also expects to save around £5.3m over 10 years by consolidating its estate in the region.

Make no mistake boy's, this isn't good news for anyone trying to do things in the correct manner but an open invitation for the rise of the cowboy to rule supreme once more.
As discussed in prior Posts: The SCCR have a series of Meetings with the HSE in the pipe line---one of the Topics for discussion will be Policing of our Industry---With the current Government Policy of devolving power from Central Government , are we moving towards Self Regulation ??? and if so will the Regulators be given the Statutory Powers to do the job correctly???
Hi Garry, good to see you back on the forum. I think the good firms are already self regulating and the bad ones will have a good year. As for the rest of it we are going back to the discussion we had a few months back regarding to grass or not to grass.
Grass, make it a level playing field.

0845 300 99 23

No pun intended!
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Good to see you back too :D---ye, its a difficult one, however, in the interest of heading off anarchy and a total free for all due to HSE cut backs and Government default---some things got to be done and it looks like we in the Industry got to do it...what is the way forward ?...

I would far rather see every man doing what he is good at, that means me turning a spanner and Mr hse finding the cowboys. The timing of this could not be worse not only should there be no cut backs for the hse but major investment is needed to put more of these guy's on the ground. A bit idealistic I know but that is the way forward.

More of these Guys on the ground, I concur, however, do they need to be employed by a Government Body as the HSE---why not delegate the job to Scaffolding Orientated Organisations ???

A private governing body will always be open to the possibility or accusations of corruption.
I wouldn't like my competitor inspecting my jobs and I'm sure he wouldn't enjoy me being on his sites either, the danger would be brown envelopes to stay quiet or a tit for tat hate campaign, don't deny it you know it's true.:D You couldn't privatise the hse some things are just best left to certain people.

---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------

A private governing body will always be open to the possibility or accusations of corruption.


I agree, however, corruption is every where---a M.P. just got 18 month rammed up him today for corruption---the Government if full of corruption the House of Lords is full of corruption---our Industry is run on corruption and protection money---
Very true Gary and he deserved every day of it if not more.

I agree, however, corruption is every where---a M.P. just got 18 month rammed up him today for corruption---the Government if full of corruption the House of Lords is full of corruption---our Industry is run on corruption and protection money---

Totally agree, but why even consider a plan wide open for abuse?

If everything was as it should be there would be no need for the H.S.E. but as we all know it isn't.

Why has the word association thread died ?
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I agree, but what about the 3rd Party Scaffolding Inspectors and Auditors, they are supposed to be Auditing and Monitoring Statutory requirements, they too are open to corruption, yet they are Operating under Trained and Ticketed...In point of fact these are the ones who should be working closely with the HSE Inspectors and reporting Observations and Breaches...
Yes they should and generally do, but should still be answerable to government bodies and be liable for prosecution as they are.
As discussed in prior Posts: The SCCR have a series of Meetings with the HSE in the pipe line---one of the Topics for discussion will be Policing of our Industry---With the current Government Policy of devolving power from Central Government , are we moving towards Self Regulation ??? and if so will the Regulators be given the Statutory Powers to do the job correctly???

That will never happen garry. everybody should be allowed to police our industry.We are all responsible for our and everybody else's health and safety. The HSE should give everybody the backing and resourses that is needed. Yet again this goverment has cut,cut,cut,(dont get me started on this when the bankers are being paid billions in bonuses when they got us into this mess) Does that make the goverment responsible for the dangerous occurences that will no doubt happen with people cutting corners.
dose it make previouse goverments caupable for previous deaths that have occured??as we can all say there never have been enough HSE operatives to police the rouges,dont think you can apply blame when the season of austerity has arrived.i dont think there is anybody on the forum who has NOT cut corners so in a way we are all guilty.so at some stage we have all created dangerouse circumstances.
Bottom Line is: Can the HSE be an effective and efficient force without sufficient resources to do the job ?---if the answer is no, then what is to be done ?...
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