Has the job changed


Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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Bristol / New Zealand
Dont know about you guys but sometime i reminisce about the way the job was years ago and the characters we used to work with , sometimes i look around the industry and all the characters are all but gone , we used to have a laugh and get on with everyone else but in todays industry it seems full of young men who are almost definatley taking drugs or spending most of there time on there phones or bitching about others or talking about how hard they are , even down to the heirarchy as labourers thinking they should'nt have to walk gear in and pass it up and then the top hand who thinks he is gods gift to scaffolding but in actual fact without the chargehand he has not got a clue even the supervisor who expects the impossible but knows that when he was on the spanners he could not achieve half of what he is asking from you.
Sorry rant over , had a bad day !!
yep,definately changed,its had the common sence took out,and something called hse,put in.
Couldn't agree more with you.Luckily there's still a few characters left and we still have a good laugh on site,usually at the young Labradors. As for the so called new generation,not got a clue,if they got paid for what they do most would starve to death.Always on the phone getting a better job cause this one's crap,back on the phone for a start back two weeks later.As for the standard of work words fail me,they can and do on a regular basis fu-k up even the most basic scaffolds but can quote chapter and verse all the rules and regs.Always said it,a bit of plastic(card) doesn't make you a scaff.!!!!!!!!!!!
never been a truer word said,the only time anyone laughs now is when you hurt yourself.
you couldnt be so right,young lads walking about has if they are some sort of scaffdaddy skinny neck but arms out wide enough to carry bear kegs,and they always come to work on mondays and they took out seven guys out side the chippyand the only mark they have is a swollen hand probably where he punched the door because his mrs ducked and cracked him,and labarours come with the cheek of ten men,in the olden days they would have had a drop forge straight in the crows nest nowdays you would be sued and fkn allensugarfired,have a beer bud
Definately, some for the good some for the bad, safety in some sense is spot on, in others total nonsense, its a fine line. Same with all the characters they havn't gone its just times change and sense of humours differ,
Scaffolding is like a sport boxing for instance, who was the best Ali or Lewis,
football, Pele or Messi, ask different ages get different answers.
young lads taking drugs yes, cant argue. young lads coming to work p1ssed then going for a few more at eleven then coming back mortal, doesnt happen.
young lads a lot slower? yes, young lads taking fukcing stupid risks like one board runs on a birdcage with 10' spans no way.
life goes on se la vie.

cant wait for the young lads to start saying can you remember that daft c@nt about me, when i'm dead.

i wonder what they would think if they saw top banana? pr1ck or legend?

i agree daddy but i also worked with a scaff 20 year ago that said the same every monday morning and he was also as soft as sh1t

thats my opinion anyway
I agree about the younger guys never being off their phones. At times I wish there was a ban on them in the workplace as apprentices/trainees want to spend more time on Facebook and BBM than they do actually learning the trade. Sometimes wonder why we bother trying to teach them.
We still have plenty of laughs and banter at work especially on the bigger jobs when you seem to know just about everyone.
What really pisses me off is the number of college boys walking onto sites thinking they know it all when in actual fact their complete lack of experience often leaves them looking like total fuckwits
Just had one leave this week. Said I shouted at him too much. He should grow a back bone & learn to move a bit quicker then!!!

Acted like that when I started he would have had a few dents in his head from fittings & a black eye. :eek:

Times have changed you have to work systematicly these days & plan a lot more. New challenges every day. As a sub contractor I can work on several different sites a week try getting used to all the different rules & ways contractors want loading bays etc. :sad2:
Have an 18 year old with me about 15 months now, dropped out of school early and was doing nothing. The first day on the job the lads were going easy on him till I turned up and told him to take his hands out of his pockets and start carrying gear, which he did. The problem was he did'nt know what to do, nobody told him or showed him. He's a great young lad now, a good grafter. It's really all down to attitude and rearing I would say,If he had of gave me lip the first day it would of been his last, but if you see the lad is willing to work it's worth teaching him and you can let him have a bit of slack now and again because you know he'll not let you down when the going gets a bit tougher. It's all about work ethic, they either have it or they dont.
Got to agree with the views on the New Age Scaffolders, mobile phone is madatory PPE to them, Ear Protection. only conselation is, that although these wana be scaffolders are about as much use as a lost winning lottery ticket, at least there arent running around in gangs like them t*ats in London popping kids, give the young ones a chance we all been down that road, influence & guideance will hopefully be recipitated.
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the whole world has got 2 serious in my opion .u should always alow banter i say sod the jobsworth gits who have no sence of adventure lol
yeah its sh!t its get worse every year loads of young pups come stomping iin and gash supervisors who in fact have never done it or cant supervise a piss up in a brewery wot a industry were in
Just had one leave this week. Said I shouted at him too much. He should grow a back bone & learn to move a bit quicker then!!!

Acted like that when I started he would have had a few dents in his head from fittings & a black eye. :eek:

Times have changed you have to work systematicly these days & plan a lot more. New challenges every day. As a sub contractor I can work on several different sites a week try getting used to all the different rules & ways contractors want loading bays etc. :sad2:

shouted at that was the norm when you started and if you shouted back you got knocked out like i did the only thing that stopped me walking was the loads of money that you earned in them days these youngsters have it too easy these days like you say ragscaff move!!! spanner ante turning you ante earning :D:D
The new age Scaffolders will get found out in the end!!! lets not block the path or hinder the likely progession of young lads that, in esence are the future of this not so skilled proffession,all allbeit highly regulated / CISRS taxed industry. am sure the CISRS would carry on regardless wi there promotion of the CISRS Cash Cow Schemes available to any younsters regardless off ethnic origan, sexuality or race we will take your funding / grants??? enuf said.

---------- Post added 2nd April 2011 at 01:23 AM ---------- Previous post was 1st April 2011 at 11:28 PM ----------

Deb is A KNOB Jockey IDTINDT Childish crack If destroyed true if not destroyed true, grow up an challenge some imberseal *****r not the PTGK nob wrot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When the milk turns sour I aint the type of pussy to drink it!!!!!! PTG
The new age Scaffolders will get found out in the end!!! lets not block the path or hinder the likely progession of young lads that, in esence are the future of this not so skilled proffession,all allbeit highly regulated / CISRS taxed industry. am sure the CISRS would carry on regardless wi there promotion of the CISRS Cash Cow Schemes available to any younsters regardless off ethnic origan, sexuality or race we will take your funding / grants??? enuf said.

---------- Post added 2nd April 2011 at 01:23 AM ---------- Previous post was 1st April 2011 at 11:28 PM ----------

Deb is A KNOB Jockey IDTINDT Childish crack If destroyed true if not destroyed true, grow up an challenge some imberseal *****r not the PTGK nob wrot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When the milk turns sour I aint the type of pussy to drink it!!!!!! PTG
Would you like to explain your statement of scaffolding not been a skilled proffesion and how you came to that conclusion.
Would you like to explain your statement of scaffolding not been a skilled proffesion and how you came to that conclusion.

its not classed as skilled In the eyes of the authority's Brandy, meaning its not classed as a trade ie serving your time. etc
Appreciate your reply and your definition, actually it is classed as a skill, though I agree not a trade in the broad sense of the word. It was your term (this not so skilled proffession) that prompted me to reply to your post. Speaking as someone who has been doing this for a living for 40 years, it annoyed me to hear that from a safety officer, which I assume you are. There are many aspects to scaffolding which require a high degree of skill and competence and problem solving which come with experience and is recognised by others such as engineers and architects but not it seems by clip board cliffs. Rant over.
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