Has the forum been hacked or something (weird pop ups)

Winston Churchill was a master at appearing slow , but was in fact a highly intelligent man , bit like Columbo :laugh::laugh:
Quite like that tact myself marra, can deliver the odd shock when required though.;)

---------- Post added at 09:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 PM ----------

Think he is in the pub having a bevy.
yes pls haha

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kU1ewEdB1dc]Lee Evans - Lost - YouTube[/ame]
Have not got the second one yet Ed, maybe get your mum to do it.

---------- Post added at 10:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 PM ----------

Winston Churchill was a master at appearing slow , but was in fact a highly intelligent man , bit like Columbo :laugh::laugh:

Marra columbo.:laugh:
im not slow

---------- Post added at 10:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM ----------

i sent loades aom
That is his new name ,

Marra from this day forth you shall be known as " Marra Columbo " :laugh::laugh:
its crazey and its funny.

---------- Post added at 10:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:05 PM ----------

aom googel big wobbly bum gif haha and find her
phill workshy ya pair of c@nts lol jam sandwiches ahahahahah other day we were working out side a house in workington she came in and out building next door had been demolished and her gable was getting done and could smell tea on so asked her what we were having her reply was jam sanries i said well that a feking suprise ya feking jam eater ahahahah
busting me sides thinking of this yan :laugh: theres a fella at work when he gets jam in his sandwich he know his in for the leg over but not before he put a flake and a cratch card under her pillow :laugh::laugh: he said she dosent half make a noise ..... to which ym reply was aye when she scratches if off behind ya heed and its a winner winner chicken dinner ahahahahha
never been to doc about it or out but struggled with reading (words jumped up and down ) at school and if i were reading a say a book by time i get to 3 pages down the line i still have no idea what the books about i read the words but it dont sink in? spelling as you can see its bad lol, but give me a problem to solve and its solved. give me a figures allday long, but not only this but they way i do things really twists people tashes but for me its the simplest way i can imagine.

just a larl game here show me how you would work out 134 x 6
thees ar the symtoms from the websiet, i use for practise and reading

A history of dyslexia or undiagnosed problems of a dyslexic nature in the family.(About one in four children of a dyslexic parent is himself or herself dyslexic.)

Slow speech development

Difficulty following instructions - particularly more than one at a time

Confusion of left and right

Difficulty dressing - buttons and laces

Slow progress with reading - hesitant - particularly when reading aloud and may lose place, read the same line twice or miss out a line

Problems blending letters e.g. s-t-r = str

Difficulty remembering sequential information e.g. a telephone number, multiplication tables, the alphabet, the days of the week or the months of the year

Difficulty naming objects

Confusion with similar letters or words - m/w, n/u, p/q, b/d, off/of, bread/beard - or fails to recognise familiar words

Uses capital letters indiscriminately especially B

Problems with longer words - unable to break down into syllables or syllables missed out

Poor comprehension skills

Poor handwriting - letter reversal - persistent b-d reversal etc.

Fails to recognise punctuation when reading

Significant discrepancy between oral and writing skills

Poor auditory skills - fails to discriminate between similar sounds

Untidy work - lots of crossing out with repeated attempts to correct wrong spellings.

Writing is poorly set out - fails to keep to lines or margins

Different spellings of the same word in a single piece of work

Dyslexics use so much concentration and effort that they are often over-tired

Seems to be able to do a task one day but not the next
thees ar the symtoms from the websiet, i use for practise and reading

A history of dyslexia or undiagnosed problems of a dyslexic nature in the family.(About one in four children of a dyslexic parent is himself or herself dyslexic.)

Slow speech development

Difficulty following instructions - particularly more than one at a time

Confusion of left and right

Difficulty dressing - buttons and laces

Slow progress with reading - hesitant - particularly when reading aloud and may lose place, read the same line twice or miss out a line

Problems blending letters e.g. s-t-r = str

Difficulty remembering sequential information e.g. a telephone number, multiplication tables, the alphabet, the days of the week or the months of the year

Difficulty naming objects

Confusion with similar letters or words - m/w, n/u, p/q, b/d, off/of, bread/beard - or fails to recognise familiar words

Uses capital letters indiscriminately especially B

Problems with longer words - unable to break down into syllables or syllables missed out

Poor comprehension skills

Poor handwriting - letter reversal - persistent b-d reversal etc.

Fails to recognise punctuation when reading

Significant discrepancy between oral and writing skills

Poor auditory skills - fails to discriminate between similar sounds

Untidy work - lots of crossing out with repeated attempts to correct wrong spellings.

Writing is poorly set out - fails to keep to lines or margins

Different spellings of the same word in a single piece of work

Dyslexics use so much concentration and effort that they are often over-tired

Seems to be able to do a task one day but not the next

marra watson aint dislexic he just thick lol... thats y he become a scaffolder like the rest of us....
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