marra watson
A fekin calculator marra.:embarrest:
134 + 134 = 268, 268 plus 268 = 536 536+268 = 804
simples but i know for a fact that will twist your tash :laugh:
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A fekin calculator marra.:embarrest:
i think me and edwood will get on pritty well ahahahahahah
the jumps r dyslexia an if yuo use captal letters wrongly.
not fore me no evryone is diffrenti dopnt use them at all lol got another question for ya marra when ya reading a book does the white of the page got a sort of transparant hi viz yello colour
phill stop goose necking lol
aye smack after 10 mins reading i feel like am on a come own the head akes i get lol
ahahaha goose necking mean stop feking looking at aom answers ahahah
Aint it past your bedtime Edwood ?