British jobs for british workers

British jobs for British workers

I have worked on a few government funded projects and a couple of new build power stations (run by the French paid for by the British taxpayers) all of these have had a very high percentage of foreign workers doing jobs that could easily be filled by British workers.

All these jobs have boasted about their stringent safety regime but allowed non English speaking labour through their induction process.
How can an interpreter be with them throughout their shift?
How do they get their CSCS and CCNSG cards?

Apart from making the agencies a few pounds a hour what are they putting into this country?

My own experience of foreign workers is generally they are a danger to themselves and anyone in their working area and should a British worker act in the same manner they would be removed immediately from site.

On the other hand should you complain it either lands on deaf ears or they play the "We won't tolerate racism here" card.

We have all seen the Indian/Bangladeshi concrete gangs how many are using fake identification?
How many East Europeans claim to be a steel fixer or chippie but don't know a pan shutter from a chip pan?
How many have tickets for plant but don't have a clue how to drive them?
Who gets them their tickets?

I won't even mention the Romanian scaffolders I've met as you will think I'm making it up.

The fact is it doesn't matter which government we have the outcome is the same they don't give a flying f.uck about the working man or who the tradesmen will be or where they're from in 20yrs time.

And as mentioned in an earlier post they are already strangling the NHS which they haven't contributed to.
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The mannie hugenoet and swifty have all stepped up to the plate,and put forward a very good argument.
Not as the pc brigade would call a racist rant.
British jobs for british workers!!;)
I'm not blaming the migrants, I blame the w.ankers in Westminster that made it happen.
british jobs kfc we all hate a leg but!! a thigh will do secret recipe ******** were have a leg lol!!!!
Howlong before the leg or the thigh is halal!!
If tis not already,because we cant go offending even though it goes against the humane slaughter of animals.
When in rome and all that.;)
Saw the headlines on the daily mail this morning, " 3 out of 4 jobs go to foreigners" ffs no wonder were in a state. Wonder where these journo's get their info. but not surprised!!
Even steven seagal(actor)knows the score.
When asked if he would be a cop here he replies in wednesdays express" can the police do their job?how can we carry what we need to match the bad guys?your poor police officers run around with nothing.i have never seen such a dramatic change.its to do with the world economies faltering.but you have very lax immigration laws,you have more terrorists than afghanistan.they come because its a haven for them.gangsters and the illegal will flourish.

Yes I understand your frustration, but you'd better get use to it with economies such as India coming online with massive cheap labour forces, my background was manufacturing (production engineer HNC) many years ago, whereas I worked on high batch low commodity value products that were simply cheaper to produce abroad due to the obvious low skill massive quantities produced, that is simple economics my friend. The end user such as all of here simply would not want to pay maybe 10x the cost for what would be considered a throw away item that was made in Britain.

British jobs for British workers does not work on the world markets, just look at Red Robbo, British Leyland and the dark days of heavily unionised industry, its all gone....and for the best in my opinion with cars leaving production lines not working or indeed unsafe to drive whilst the whole workforce would be out on strike over the price of a bacon buttie in the canteen, it was that bad at times, The UK's abiltiy to compete in low/medium manufacturing has been on the wane for over 100 years.

As for the recent contracts for train building....tough the Germans offered a better product at a better price and will having worked with German companies in the past deliver ontime and on budget, its simple really. No doubt knowing a little about Bombadier they'd be late and over budget, I feel for the workforce as those on the floor are probably not in the best position, but I'm sure some of their skill sets will be transferable, into other heavy industries.

The bottom line is every 50 years or so those so called jobs for life change as the economy needs to adapt to the demands of the world, today in the UK we are world leaders in high tech industries such as semiconductor design/composite materials/high end high tolerance engineering whereas these skills are highly sought worldwide, the bashing a piece of metal on a 75 year old brake press at 10.000 pieces per hour belongs to china/India.

In another 50 years no doubt the above mentioned technologies will be knocked out by low rent economies whilst were building and designing hyperdrives or some other far out tech.......

As for all the racist BNP style comments on this thread, get use to it the world is a small place these days, either adapt or end up extinct like the dinosaurs....
Yes I understand your frustration, but you'd better get use to it with economies such as India coming online with massive cheap labour forces, my background was manufacturing (production engineer HNC) many years ago, whereas I worked on high batch low commodity value products that were simply cheaper to produce abroad due to the obvious low skill massive quantities produced, that is simple economics my friend. The end user such as all of here simply would not want to pay maybe 10x the cost for what would be considered a throw away item that was made in Britain.

British jobs for British workers does not work on the world markets, just look at Red Robbo, British Leyland and the dark days of heavily unionised industry, its all gone....and for the best in my opinion with cars leaving production lines not working or indeed unsafe to drive whilst the whole workforce would be out on strike over the price of a bacon buttie in the canteen, it was that bad at times, The UK's abiltiy to compete in low/medium manufacturing has been on the wane for over 100 years.

As for the recent contracts for train building....tough the Germans offered a better product at a better price and will having worked with German companies in the past deliver ontime and on budget, its simple really. No doubt knowing a little about Bombadier they'd be late and over budget, I feel for the workforce as those on the floor are probably not in the best position, but I'm sure some of their skill sets will be transferable, into other heavy industries.

The bottom line is every 50 years or so those so called jobs for life change as the economy needs to adapt to the demands of the world, today in the UK we are world leaders in high tech industries such as semiconductor design/composite materials/high end high tolerance engineering whereas these skills are highly sought worldwide, the bashing a piece of metal on a 75 year old brake press at 10.000 pieces per hour belongs to china/India.

In another 50 years no doubt the above mentioned technologies will be knocked out by low rent economies whilst were building and designing hyperdrives or some other far out tech.......

As for all the racist BNP style comments on this thread, get use to it the world is a small place these days, either adapt or end up extinct like the dinosaurs....

Wise words.
I have worked on a few government funded projects and a couple of new build power stations (run by the French paid for by the British taxpayers) all of these have had a very high percentage of foreign workers doing jobs that could easily be filled by British workers.

All these jobs have boasted about their stringent safety regime but allowed non English speaking labour through their induction process.
How can an interpreter be with them throughout their shift?
How do they get their CSCS and CCNSG cards?

Apart from making the agencies a few pounds a hour what are they putting into this country?

My own experience of foreign workers is generally they are a danger to themselves and anyone in their working area and should a British worker act in the same manner they would be removed immediately from site.

On the other hand should you complain it either lands on deaf ears or they play the "We won't tolerate racism here" card.

We have all seen the Indian/Bangladeshi concrete gangs how many are using fake identification?
How many East Europeans claim to be a steel fixer or chippie but don't know a pan shutter from a chip pan?
How many have tickets for plant but don't have a clue how to drive them?
Who gets them their tickets?

I won't even mention the Romanian scaffolders I've met as you will think I'm making it up.

The fact is it doesn't matter which government we have the outcome is the same they don't give a flying f.uck about the working man or who the tradesmen will be or where they're from in 20yrs time.

And as mentioned in an earlier post they are already strangling the NHS which they haven't contributed to.

Totally agree with that 100% Swifty.A very true and factual comment.
Yes I understand your frustration, but you'd better get use to it with economies such as India coming online with massive cheap labour forces, my background was manufacturing (production engineer HNC) many years ago, whereas I worked on high batch low commodity value products that were simply cheaper to produce abroad due to the obvious low skill massive quantities produced, that is simple economics my friend. The end user such as all of here simply would not want to pay maybe 10x the cost for what would be considered a throw away item that was made in Britain.

British jobs for British workers does not work on the world markets, just look at Red Robbo, British Leyland and the dark days of heavily unionised industry, its all gone....and for the best in my opinion with cars leaving production lines not working or indeed unsafe to drive whilst the whole workforce would be out on strike over the price of a bacon buttie in the canteen, it was that bad at times, The UK's abiltiy to compete in low/medium manufacturing has been on the wane for over 100 years.

As for the recent contracts for train building....tough the Germans offered a better product at a better price and will having worked with German companies in the past deliver ontime and on budget, its simple really. No doubt knowing a little about Bombadier they'd be late and over budget, I feel for the workforce as those on the floor are probably not in the best position, but I'm sure some of their skill sets will be transferable, into other heavy industries.

The bottom line is every 50 years or so those so called jobs for life change as the economy needs to adapt to the demands of the world, today in the UK we are world leaders in high tech industries such as semiconductor design/composite materials/high end high tolerance engineering whereas these skills are highly sought worldwide, the bashing a piece of metal on a 75 year old brake press at 10.000 pieces per hour belongs to china/India.

In another 50 years no doubt the above mentioned technologies will be knocked out by low rent economies whilst were building and designing hyperdrives or some other far out tech.......

As for all the racist BNP style comments on this thread, get use to it the world is a small place these days, either adapt or end up extinct like the dinosaurs....

as phil says wise words and your right about manufacturing jobs moving abroad, But what the fcuk has it got to do with this particular thread i dont know as it is about construction jobs which means the foriegn labour came here not the construction site went abroad.

Unfortunately any 'Tomas, Dickov or Al Harriaf' can get a British Passport or a working visa as easy as collecting Kellogs Cornflakes coupons...

That statement: "BRITISH JOBS FOR BRITISH WORKERS" is typical political ********. - Its so grey and expansive its unbelievable.

The pricks that run this so-called democracy are only interested in covering up the scandals that half of them are either corrupt, paedophiles, sex-fiends, homosexuals and ofcourse lining their own pocket with as much dirty money as they can get, that they allow foreigners to flow into this once great country and rape the ass out of the system and undercut every hardworking, decent and qualified tradesman out there.
AND the knobs who run our companies - our bosses (apparent ex-Scaffolders, even though most couldn't put up a scaffold round a bus stop) are so blinded by greed that they are willing to overlook health and safety, quality of work and looking after your own to employ these cheap foreign workers, just to earn a few more quid, when most have more money in the bank then they could ever spend. :mad:

Pisses me off just thinking about it, tbh.
as phil says wise words and your right about manufacturing jobs moving abroad, But what the fcuk has it got to do with this particular thread i dont know as it is about construction jobs which means the foriegn labour came here not the construction site went abroad.

Manufacturing, serivce industries or construction, the same thing applies, this an economy driven by price...always has been and always will be, if the germans/French ".....please insert nation..." can offer a better service or product at a competitive rate that domestic businesses cannot then so be it.

Historically its nothing new and cyclonic in nature, people migrate where the work is, look at the mass exodus out of Ireland to the new world 150 years ago, no jobs at home, fcuk it off to the states.

lets not forget we now have a underclass of non achievers, 2nd/ third generation benefit bums that cannnot help themselves, somebodies going to do the ***** jobs and if that comes from eastern europe or africa then thats good for our economy on the whole, they mostly pay their taxes, unless of course you read the Daily mail.

Mark my words if this country was to follow a "British jobs for British workers" mandate, within a generation this country would be bankrupt way beyond the current economic crisis, think along the lines of third world shitehole bananna republic and you'll be there.......
Australia has this policy...seems to work for them....Britsh innovation and technology is right up there...I think the issue is foreign workers taking jobs for less money than locals need to live on..should we all give up and sign on
What really balls me of is when the gaffers all seem to think they are the best thing since sliced bread,primarily because they will work long hours for relative peanuts.Well lets be honest,them peanuts are probably three times as much as they would get in there own f--king country.Now you tell me ,would`nt you go to another country if you was gonna get paid three times the money you was getting in england.It aint rocket science,loads of dosh working away send the missus enough to keep her happy and bobs your uncle.Proud hardworking migrants, BO--OCKS.
Regfenster: Your arguments are sound and you seem to be able to back up your own personal theories with alot of well written information, i cant deny it but...

As for all the racist BNP style comments on this thread, get use to it the world is a small place these days, either adapt or end up extinct like the dinosaurs....
This comment undoes all that...

Any worker in their own country, whether they be American, Australian, German, Nigerian or whatever that has been forced out of work by a CHEAPER foreign alternative is going to feel betrayed and disgruntled and entitled to complain.

Im not talking about British Scaffolders working in Dubai or Africa on an oil/gas refinery - Who ARE there for their knowledge and high standards in Health and Safety. (most of the time the nationals of that country have little to no health and safety experience and the Briitish/Dutch/American company employing them needs to work to standards that they employ in their home country and not that of the country they are working in.)

The foreign workers in this country are employed mostly (id say 95%) because they are CHEAP.
Not because they are more qualified then their British counterparts.

Fred - (good, qualified Scaffolder from Barnsley, 25 years experiience, Advanced gold card holder, various other tickets.)
Yuri - (new, registered Scaffolder from Poland, 8 months experience, Part 1 ticket, average english speaking abilities.)

Fred: Ill work for £130 a day, with that you'll get a decent quality of work, but i wont break my back or work unsafe... Ill work Saturdays, but Sundays i take my Grandson to watch our local football team.

Yuri: Ill work for £70 a day, with that you'll get a below average quality of work, ill break my back and work as unsafe as i need to to keep my job... Ill work all days of the week, all hours of the day for nearly no extra money - Just to keep my job.

Who is going to get that job?
Yeah, thats right... Yuri. :mad:

And for being pissed off with that, we're called 'BNP style' comment posters?
Basically racists...

Lets not forget we now have a underclass of non achievers, 2nd/ third generation benefit bums that cannnot help themselves, somebodies going to do the ***** jobs and if that comes from eastern europe or africa then thats good for our economy on the whole, they mostly pay their taxes, unless of course you read the Daily mail.

Mark my words if this country was to follow a "British jobs for British workers" mandate, within a generation this country would be bankrupt way beyond the current economic crisis, think along the lines of third world shitehole bananna republic and you'll be there.......

Somebody has to do the ***** jobs, ofcourse.

But we're all tradesmen here.

I know as long as i have a hole in my ass that no foreign worker thats ever gonna pick up a spanner is gonna tell me my job or put me out of a job because of their quality - It'll be becuase they undercut me and work for next to nothing.
Tube and Fitting Scaffolding: A British job.

What really balls me of is when the gaffers all seem to think they are the best thing since sliced bread,primarily because they will work long hours for relative peanuts.Well lets be honest,them peanuts are probably three times as much as they would get in there own f--king country.Now you tell me ,would`nt you go to another country if you was gonna get paid three times the money you was getting in england.It aint rocket science,loads of dosh working away send the missus enough to keep her happy and bobs your uncle.Proud hardworking migrants, BO--OCKS.

Our bosses KNOW that foreign workers are NOT as good as us.

Most cases ive seen they employ them because they are cheap and they can be bullied into working as fast and as unsafe as possible, so our boss can earn as much money as they can.

Its ******* disgusting, if you ask me and needs to be addressed at the highest level... but it wont, because our politicians are as corrupt as they come and only care about lining their own pockets, instead of doing whats right for the British worker. :mad:
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